
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Promise of Summer

June 9, 2011

       I set the goal of writing with each sense lately, and I've come to the visual this day.  I'm finally on vacation and have been working all over the yard, weeding mostly the grass out of the beds.  It brings me to the memories of one of my grandfathers, stooping over in the evenings, pulling weeds and grass, grumbling a little about the work being never done.  As I lean over, I remember him so well, and here I am, doing what he did years ago.  I see the perennials already in bloom and thought I'd take some photos.  Since they are up so much faster than the annual seeds I plant, it seems they give the promise of summer to me, saying 'here we are again, we said we'd return!'  Many of these perennials have come from family members-my mother and mother-in-law, an aunt;  and some from friends, brought in from Missouri on visits.  I am grateful for the blooms, and what they represent from loved ones, as well as that promise of good things to come all summer.  The one pic of the squirrel and the swing is another promise, of fun observations of our little friends that live around our backyard, and the granddaughter who comes to visit.


  1. Gorgeous photos!

  2. Didn't you write a piece about going around your yard, greeting and watering the plants? And now here they are! I enjoy getting a peek into the relationship and connection you have with the living things around your home.

  3. Isn't it great when we have little moment of remembering? As teens we say I'll never be like my mother or grandmother or whoever but then we find ourselves doing/saying exactly the same. However as adults, the feeling for me is awe-inspiring or relaxing in a way. I makes me feel closer to the person.


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