
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Book Spine Poems - Exploring Our Books for Meaning - #21

     The March Slice of Life Challenge is hosted by Stacey and Ruth at their blog,

Travis Jonker, at 100 Scope Notes,  continues his quest for book spine poems which he'll share during April - poetry month.  Check out the blog and see what you can create.  Here's mine!

Beware!  If you want to do it with your class, be prepared to have books all over the place, fun but messy.

It's the first day of spring, so my poem reflects the joy that it brings!


  1. Love this! I've wanted to try with my class but have never gotten it together. Maybe I'll at least do one for myself this week. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. love this idea, I will do it with my writing club students.

  3. Well done! I just did three of my own for Slice #20. After spring break, I will definitely incorporate into English class with my seventh graders.

    Thanks for sharing your spine poem!

    Mandy Chock @ The Chockboard

  4. EXCELLENT! What a great way to begin the day ;)

  5. You and your husband have been in my thoughts and prayers - I am glad you are choosing to "Take JOy" and "Smile" - for a moment or two - today.

  6. I love this. I have been wanting to try it. Not sure I'm up for having all of my students do it though. But maybe... Thinking of you and your husband!

  7. I love to see how titles are combined. Your poem is very happy.

  8. I saw this idea for the first time a few weeks ago and have added it to my ideas for poetry month. Can't wait to see what we all create!

  9. Beautiful and fun! This is a new poem form for me. Looking forward to trying it.

  10. I love that Travis is doing this again this year. Yours is great. I have a feeling from getting to know you through this slice writing that this is possibly your normal outlook on life as well.

    I was behind in reading slice posts, so I just read your #20 slice as well. What an incredibly difficult time for both you and your husband. While your husband is getting some R&R and testing, hopefully you will have time to recharge your batteries as well before the next stages of caregiving begin. Take care.

  11. Thought about you a lot yesterday. I'm glad to see you here and see the Smile and Joy you are choosing for your words today! Take care of yourself!

  12. I love your poem Linda! You are a joyful inspiration yourself you know.

  13. I am going to carry this poem in my pocket today :)

  14. Love this. Thanks. I will try it with my students.

  15. I just tried this myself last will probably make an appearance on Friday's slice. It's sure a lot harder than I thought it would be! Great job on yours - I enjoyed it!

  16. I said I was going to try one these myself at home. You reminded me to do that--maybe tomorrow. Thanks. Glad your husband is safe right now.

  17. Thank you. I smile. Here and now.

  18. I love the joy that flows through your poem! (Especially in light of your post from yesterday.) Between you and elsie, I'm really thinking about giving these book spine poems a try!

  19. That is super and spingish. LOVE IT!!!

  20. It helps to keep your smile on when you look for the smiles around you. And the book spine poem certainly was evidence that you were searching out the smiles and joy amidst the other titles in life. I won't forget you in my prayers still!

  21. What a great spring poem. I have always loved book spine poems since I first heard about them a couple of years ago from blogging. I enjoyed seeing yours.

  22. A poem of renewal and fresh starts--perfect for spring.

  23. I agree with Christy, and am also thinking how positive you are.

  24. Lovely, hopeful poem - so like you, I think! This is one of our last week of school things to do...I love the mess we make, the happy sounds of poets crafting a just right spine poem. Thanks for sharing, Linda!

  25. I learned about spine poems on this Slice of Life Chsllenge. I had never seen one before this. I like yours very much. I know you must have a well of joy to draw from to be able to write of joy from a difficult place. Your husband and you are in a safe place. May your transitions be smooth.

  26. I do want to try this! Love that you are finding joy even though you are in the midst of a challenging situation. Prayers will continue for you and your family.

  27. This is one thing I haven't tried yet, but we're excited to also contribute a little bit. I have lots of unloved books here in my shelves just waiting to be read. I am sure that unspoken poetry (as I shall discover in book spines) is just out there.

  28. Hi Linda! Thanks for linking back again to this lovely post. So nice to revisit and see these titles. :) I hope we can post more, but I think Fats went into a book spine poem frenzy and made around ten yesterday to be posted throughout April. :)


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