
Thursday, March 15, 2012

For SOLSC 16 and for Poetry Friday - I'm going to the Poem Farm

    The March Slice of Life Challenge is with Ruth and Stacey at the Two Writing Teachers blog 

Poetry Friday is hosted today by Greg at Gotta Book.

Amy Ludwig Vanderwater, a poet who creates the wonderful blog The Poem Farm, read one of my blog posts about teaching memoir a few weeks ago, and invited me to write about the process a bit more if some of the students wrote memoir poems.  Three of the students did do that, so you will find a post about me and my class at Amy’s blog today.  Enjoy the poems; they are special.
If you would like a beautiful poem by Amy to inspire your writing, here is a link to one of her poems.  

photo credit: Olivander via photopin cc


  1. I am off to read about memoir poems...

  2. How you keep up with all the blogs and challenges amazes me. You are one busy lady!

  3. I'm not sure how you do all this without being retired! But I'm glad you are! Well, off to the farm...

  4. Your poem is amazing, Linda. The work you do with your students made me think that you teach so much more than genre. Genre is just a way of thinking about things. Your students poetry and memoir show that you've taught them how to remember purposefully, with wisdom.

  5. Bookmarking this post. My student teacher is teaching a memoir unit after Spring Break. Awesome!

  6. Poem Farm sounds like a lovely place to spend a Friday

  7. Loved those poems. Thanks for sharing them.

  8. Love teh idea of Poem Farm! Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)

  9. Wow, your students' poems were so impressive! They were so full of heart-felt emotions and great descriptions. Thanks for sharing and pass on congratulations to them for such hard work!

  10. I love the idea of memoir poems. Thanks so much for sharing your students' work.

  11. Linda,
    You sure are keeping busy these days. Headed to Poetry Farm for more reading.


  12. Love the memoir poems. I will share this idea with the future teachers I have in class. Inspiring!

  13. Thank you for sharing. I love The Poem Farm website. I just went over and read your memoir lesson ideas and the students' writing (WOW! The story about the family replacing the fish - HA). Such great thinking. I am bookmarking the page to reread when I teach memoir!


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