
Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Monday What I'm Reading-Mostly Slices of Life! - #19

Reading Wrap-Up is my 19th slice with Stacey and Ruth at the Two Writing Teachers March SOLC  

You can hook up with this kitlit meme: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA at teach mentor textsthanks to Jen and Kellee!  Please visit to find out what others are reading!

  It's Monday! What are you Reading? is another meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys, a variety of reviews to find even more books for your TBR list. 

Reading Wrap-Up is my 19th slice with Stacey and Ruth at the Two Writing Teachers March SOLC  

You can hook up with this kitlit meme: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA at teach mentor textsthanks to Jen and Kellee!  Please visit to find out what others are reading!

  It's Monday! What are you Reading? is another meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys, a variety of reviews to find even more books for your TBR list. 

What I’ve read this week:

Here is just a snippet of my reading this week, no published books, but lots of beautiful writing!  It’s a privilege to be a reader on this journey in March.  Thanks to everyone.

warm spring winds drift in
What is it within that expects the list to be checked off one by one like little tin soldiers in a line simply because it exists, has been written, decided?

One piece of evidence I have of growth as a writer is that I’ve developed some systems to sustain my writing. 
“Oh, do come right in, come into my house!/ We’ll have a great time,” Said fox to the grouse.
Just as we got around the corner the front wheel came off and started down down the road, going down the oncoming lane.  Usually this is no problem but that Saturday morning there were five cars on the street. 

“Undecor”- wish I could make it come out in those squiggly letters, it was much more eye-catching that way. It made me think of the messy house waiting for all the Saturday chores, plus countless chores ignored throughout these days of reading, commenting, slicing to get done.

I wonder if they are truly aware that their neighbors are suffering, hungry and crying out for help. Yet, no one seems to really be hearing them.
What a scary day. We don't have any details about what happened. We do know that it was a precautionary lock down requested by the sheriff and that no one was in real danger. PHEW! Never a dull moment. 
Down by the harbour area we were lured into Murphy’s Pub by strains of traditional Irish music played by a duo aptly named ‘Shenanigans’ They lured us like the legendary sirens.  
Adoro a mi papi.  Es simpático, responsable, chistoso y cariñoso (a su manera).
At this time of year where I live, the snow shovels, ice scrapers and down coats are still in use. On Easter, it is usually freezing, even snowy and little girls wear sweaters with their spring dresses at church.
the river slows
to a lazy roll
the storm passed
lays dormant

Things I’m pretty sure of today: it takes a lot of focus to concentrate on a journal article when a child is babbling in the next room; I won’t take a car dealer’s word when it comes to a vehicle’s safety so just show me the ratings
My husband loaded the car while I was at work this morning, but he complained about how heavy my suitcase was - I couldn't help wondering how we have been married for 27 years, and he still doesn't realize my suitcase would be full of books. :)
At the end of each school year I always tell my students, usually as I hold back tears, that I am not only their fourth (or now, fifth) grade teacher but their teacher for life. I love watching them grow, seeing who they become.
Every morning, we'd be driven down a stately driveway, past beautifully planted flower beds, and deposited in the portico. I can close my eyes now, all these years later, and picture myself climbing up the eighteen steps to the huge wooden front door. 
And that should have been enough for one day…
I just love it when I see Mom and Dad packing up my toys and food. I just know that something special is going to happen.
A box of cardboard pieces all jumbled up, a beautiful picture on the cover of the box, and nothing but time to create order where chaos is currently residing. This is my idea of a fun time, putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

I know about the importance of staying in a moment and observing the surrounding with all my senses. Nevertheless instead of enjoying the “now” my mind goes on a scavenger hunt for new slices.

The future SEAL had the part of the fairy godmother, and he came to school the days of the show decked out in a bright purple tutu, with pink wings on his back, and an oversized wand. He played the part to the hilt on the stage.

It feels so good to be overflowing with ideas.  I am determined to battle against the feeling of letdown that comes with returning back to the reality of my current classroom after being immersed in the possibilities.  

I was sitting in a comfy chair reading a book just for the fun of it. I kept looking up from time to time, thinking that he was making me look bad. I worried that if Husband saw it, he'd want me to put down my book and do yard work instead.

On March 14, ten days after that first phone call asking us to adopt two older children, our daughters were home.  Got'cha, Hannah and Stephanie. We're never going to let go. Never.

I am continually in the grip of word storms. They bounce around in my head. Phrases and ideas form and reform continually as I go about this critical pre-writing phase.

Let people practice, but provide support. Chef Dan gave everyone a dish they could accomplish, then he stepped away and said, "Go to work."

Of course, there's more, and more and more.  I wish I could have included so much more!


  1. Great idea to collect fabulous slice quotes.

  2. That is so interesting! I should start collecting quotes from the slices I read.

    Be well, Linda. Hope everything is okay with you.

  3. I love how you did this! I've been feeling really badly that my "book reading life" has been totally lacking this month, this makes me realize that I really have done quite a bit of reading. Hope everything is ok in your corner of the world…

  4. This was a beautiful arrangement of some beautiful words. What a wonderful idea and a way to value all of the SOL writers.

  5. Yes, reading Slices is reading! :)

  6. I love the snippets. I am praying that you will have peace in the storm.

  7. So cool! On my "It's Monday" post I lamented my lack of reading for the week. Didn't think about the fact that I am reading a lot, just slices.

  8. As I am reading this my mind is going back to the post and nodding, yup I read that too. What a rich reading life you have! I hope you are safe and all you love. Prayers for you.

  9. I like this! Thanks for reading my poem...found it hidden in there...
    The new poems are up this afternoon, so you'll have plenty to read again on TKT!

  10. This is such a great idea! It was pretty special to read my words...what a nice surprise! You made my day -thank you!

  11. First, hope all is well at home - and that you and yours are safe. Second - what a great like you to think of celbrating slicing in this warm and generous way!

  12. I love this idea. I have been collecting ideas in my notebook, but a post - creative. It was fun to recognize the posts I had read and the others made me wonder what I had missed.

  13. What a great collection--some I remembered reading and some I'm sad I missed. And it is a lot of reading, isn't it? I'm home today and want to do some of that myself!

  14. Ooh, I love the way you shared all these slice snippets! It's a great way to show what this experience is like -- to read soooo many little stories one after another! I enjoyed the wide range of topics, and like Deb, I had fun nodding to lines I recognized and wishing I had read some others! And of course, it was fun to find my own line tucked in there!

    I hope everything is ok with your family, Linda. Keep us posted!

  15. I like this idea, too. I find snippets all the time, and I should make a place for them. Hope everything works out for your family emergency

  16. I like this idea too, and I hope everything is with your family. Take care.

  17. i don't know how to express my appreciation for your writing and then my concern regarding the family emergency.
    May I give you a hug?

  18. What a beautiful way to honour this wonderful community. I want to say more, but all I can think of now is that I hope your family is ok. Hugs and prayers for you, Linda.

  19. What a great way to celebrate our writing community. There are some amazing posts in there that I missed completely. Hope to find their beautiful writing soon!

    Thanks for including so many snippets of wonder!

  20. What a wonderful idea to gather quotes from the slices you've been reading. I hope everything is OK with your family. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.

  21. Thank you for sharing what you have read from fellow slicers. I hope all is well with you and yours!

  22. I am glad you are taking time away from commenting to take care of your family. I hope all is well. What a lovely tribute and fun way to share some amazing craft. What a community of writers! And how luck we are to have you to keep us going.

  23. What a great slicing celebration!

  24. I too hope that all is working out well and am thinking of you.
    Thank you too for collecting all these bits and pieces. It makes me wish I could read every slice, every day.
    Take care!

  25. Very fun! You have been really busy with all the Slices! They are fun to read. It's interesting to see what people come up with when they have to write everyday! I'm glad we are past the half-way mark!

  26. So beautiful to be part of such an affirming and warm community. This is truly a gift, Linda. What a lovely tribute to all those who joined Slice of Life. :)


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