
Monday, April 30, 2012

All Things Reading!


It’s been quite a month.  I am connecting in several places today as I say goodbye to April, poetry month. 

       You can find me over at the Nerdy Book Club talking about all the bookshelves I have in my house (somewhat embarrassing), which really only means I own a lot of books .

       I am connecting to Betsy’s blog, Teaching Young Writers in order to share the chalk poem that I wrote and chalked last week, of much interest to all the young skateboarders who practice at the end of my street, a cul de sac. Here is my poem:

       And I will link this post to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading, to Kellee and Jen’s blog, Teach Mentor Texts which I try to do every Monday. 

       I am currently reading The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivey, the first adult book I’ve read in a while.  It’s poignant and sweet and real, but full of magic all at the same time.  I’m enjoying it very much.

       I have read and will review tomorrow Laura Purdie Salas’ Bookspeak, a beautiful book of poetry from books’ point of view.  It’s well worth having on your own bookshelf.  I’ve read lots of other picture books, but will save those for next week.

       It’s the last day of the Progressive Poetry group where I added a line earlier.  The poem was completed this am by Irene Latham at Live Your Poem who began this whole adventure.  Click on the link to read the whole poem.

       Thanks to all who have been so thoughtful and supportive these past weeks.  Life is moving along; my husband is in a good and caring place and things are being worked out, bit by bit by bit.  Happiest of Mays to all of you!


  1. I don't know how you do it all. I feel like I've fallen off the cyberworld lately, just trying to keep things together at the end of the year, and here you are, doing more than what seems humanly possible.

    I'll bet your chalk poem made more than a few skateboarders stop and take a's lovely. Love the last line.

    I used Bookspeak as a contest piece this year. My choral reading group took it to state competition. We performed our favorite pieces from it, starting with "Calling All Readers" and of course, ending with "The End". My kids' favorite was "The Middle's Lament"

    Read and commented on your post at nerdybookclub. Glad they asked you. You are truly the queen of commenting!

    Happy to hear that your husband is adjusting and in a good place. I think of you often and wonder how you are. Glad for the update. Take care of yourself in the coming weeks


    1. I have missed you, Deb, but understand about that end-of-the-year stuff. It's so challenging! It's neat to hear about Bookspeak. What a terrific idea for the students. I bet they were wonderful. And, thanks for that about my husband. I am trying to take care-not always easy, but I'm okay.

  2. You are an inspiration to me, Linda, in the way you support and encourage so many bloggers. Wow. I"m glad to hear your husband is adjusting and there seems to be hope as I read between your lines. Thank you for giving so much of yourself.

    1. Thank you Ruth. I believe I am at least a bit more settled now after all these past weeks of challenge. It's nice to hear your support, too, & that of so many others.

  3. You are a busy lady, my friend! Bookspeak is just enchanting - we use it often in our Thursday Poetry days, and my kids love it! Actually, I haave a copy all my own at home - just to savor whenever I feel like it.

    1. It is a terrific book, isn't it? I'm glad to hear your students love it too! Thanks Tara.

  4. The past two months have been challenge filled and I have felt connected to you through your wonderful poetry all this month! Thank you for all your support, I have felt it, and I am sending it back your way! Happy May to you too.

    1. Thanks Betsy-and for all your comments too! It's been nice to get to know you! Maybe we can slow down a little bit in May now!

  5. Loved the Sidewalk Chalk Poem!! You've really inspired me with that one. I wonder what the children in my neighborhood would think of a poem written on my sidewalk? I might just have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing your love of poetry and books.

    1. You are welcome! I hope you do try it, & let me know what all the kids think. It was such fun.

  6. Loved your Nerdy post this morning, as well as your sidewalk poem. My sidewalk is covered with ABCs, 123s, and shapes, but nothing quite as inspiring ;) Happy May!

    1. Thank you Maria. I hope you shared pics of those ABCs, etc. with Betsy. Sidewalk chalk seems so freeing in the art & now Betsy has invited the words. Great stuff!

  7. I've loved following your thoughts and reflections on Poetry Month. I'm glad you get to share your love with so many! I also loved your post at Nerdy Book Club today. At our house, every flat surface becomes a bookcase, as all the real bookcases are full. Book love! :)

    1. Thank you-I'm so happy that there are so many out there like me-lots of book love!

  8. That sidewalk poem would be fun to do, if only we had sidewalks! None even at Gull Haven. It's been quite a month, hasn't it? It doesn't sound like you'll be taking any May break!

    1. Not tomorrow, maybe, but yes, I think I'll slow down a little now. It's high time I clean my house! I will keep looking to see if I can find more about that book-making! And, maybe you can do a chalkboard poem for your new grandson?

  9. Every time I put chalk to driveway I wonder what my neighbors must think. My children are off playing, and here I am spending 20-30 minutes applying words to pavement. Do they ever wander over and read what I wrote? They must think it peculiar when I get the ladder out to capture the moment in its entirety.

    Great poem and thanks for sharing! Words are priceless.

    1. You mean they haven't said anything? Oh my, I bet they're dying to know what you're doing! Tell them you're a photographer! Thanks for coming by, Shawn!

  10. "As summer dreamin' fills us up." Mmmmm... Oh, thank you for taking the time to write, write, write. :)

    1. You are welcome, Marika. I can't seem to stop! But I am waiting for summer, that's for sure. Thank you!

  11. Linda, I am so impressed with everything you do. You are an inspiration!

    Happy reading this week!

    1. Thanks Kellee. I am looking forward to lots of reading this week! I'm glad to get your wishes too! Maybe it'll come true?

  12. Happy May, Linda. Time to breathe! I've enjoyed getting to know you better through your poetry and your comments (you are SUCH a faithful commenter!!). I hope we'll get to meet in June when I'm back home for just a plain ol' visit!

    1. I hope so too. April was a fun month, wasn't it, many beautiful words! I am also "hoping" to go back to Missouri to visit some of my family. Do you know when you'll be here?

  13. Loads of books!! I have also been looking forward to reading more adult literature in the coming weeks or so. I have just finished Patrick Ness' The Ask and the Answer and now deeply into Monsters of Men. At the same time, I am also trying to prepare for our next bimonthly theme (festival of asian lit and immigrant experience) while hoping that I would still be able to read and review a few YA books on girl power before we end our current theme - it's CRAAAZY!

    The chalk poem is trez lovely. I could just imagine how the skaters feel each time they pass through that charming cul-de-sac. May promises so many beautiful things, I feel that sense of anticipation in the air. I feel sad though that April is over, but poetry is everywhere. And there's still Poetry Fridays. Happiest of Mays to you too, dearest Linda.


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