
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Endings of School

         Thanks to Katya Czaja at Write.Sketch.Repeat who is our host today for Poetry Friday.  Please visit her to find poetry to enjoy today!

            I loved the traditions built over time that teachers do to say goodbye to students at the end of the year.  They are filled with laughter, food, awards, sharing and celebrations for the beautiful learning and work accomplished.  That final day, story sharing was a large part of our morning, the memories that had knit our year together.  And every year I found a poem of goodbye to give to students.  I have shared some of this before, and I am again caught up in the excitement of endings at school, so I thought you would enjoy one of my favorites given to students of the past.   

Sometimes Goodbye
            by Mandie McDougal

Sometimes Goodbye
is the hardest thing to say
Old times a mist
Old people--ghosts therein
And sometimes goodbye
is the hardest thing to do 

The remainder of the poem can be found here.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Linda. Today is the last day of school for my closest writing/art buddy as she retires from teaching elementary school art. She's looking forward to her own creative time, but I'm sure she's feeling lots of different emotions! Here's to lots of creative time for you this summer. :0)

    1. It's been a long day, so finally back to the computer! Thanks Robyn. Sometimes I look forward to doing other things, but it is hard to let go of being at school with those students, too. Thanks for sharing about your friend!

  2. Goodbye traditions can help ease the way. Two of my kids are finishing up at their schools so these year-end goodbyes are bigger than usual. I appreciate thoughtful teachers like you who help them make the transition!

    1. It is a special time for us to say our farewells to students we've known, sometimes since their mothers were pregnant! But we want them to be ready for the next step too! I understand about your kids! Thanks Tabatha.

  3. Coming full circle, the goodbyes as meaningful as the hellos. The wrapping up, the winding down, gearing for the transition. Sad to see something go, hopeful for the new. Thank you for sharing this touching poem.

    1. I think we sometimes think something alike, Jama. I liked the poem for that reason too, the juxtaposition of both feelings as you described. Full circle, but then spinning off again. Thanks!

  4. Wow Linda, thanks for sharing that beautiful poem! I've always been very moved by endings and that captures my feelings perfectly!

    1. Maybe we are moved because most times there is something of a celebration, at least a ceremony. Thanks Jennifer.

  5. Yes, goodbye is definitely the hardest thing to say.

    1. Thanks Ruth. It's been a long day, so I'm just back to the computer. I hope to read more posts now & then tomorrow. Goodbyes/partings/moving on-all those things fascinate me. As a teacher I so much wanted to get it just right.

  6. This is a nice poem Linda. I agree that it is always a goal to get my end-of-year goodbye just right. I have a thank you poem I send to parents in the last newsletter of the year about sharing their children with me. I think it's interesting that my goodbye seems to vary depending on my group of students and my closeness with them. I'm still unsure what this year's goodbye will be.

    1. I agree, there is a quality of the community that drives my quest for the 'right' poem. Some years it's almost the last day before I find one! I like that you send a poem to the parents too. I usually just kept it to a letter. Thanks Robin!

  7. I love that beautiful photo and the poem too. Very heartwarming. Goodbyes are always painful, but always edged with hope and growth. :)

    1. You are right with both sides, Myra. Part of this with students is to teach them that there are two sides, don't you agree? They might have painful feelings, but there is much also to celebrate for the future.

  8. This is lovely, Linda. We are a few weeks away from our last day of school, and I am wrestling with how to express my goodbye to these adorable children and their families. Funny, I don't have a tradition for this - and I love teaching traditions! You have inspired me to look for (or write!) a farewell poem. Thanks!

    1. I would guess there is a lovely poem for the young ones. I hope you can find one & even better write it! Thanks Maureen.

  9. This is a gorgeous poem, Linda. My school is closing this year, and I'm going to pass it on to my colleagues. Still trying to figure out how to say goodbye to my class this year, especially given that I won't be there next year to see them.

    1. I hope you find some good ways for that final day, Carol. FYI-there is a Dr. Seuss goodbye poem that you might like, if you look for a poem. Best wishes for these last days!

  10. What a perfect good-bye poem. Thanks so much for sharing!!

    1. You are welcome, Karen. Glad you liked it!

  11. Love the graphic. Life is messy, isn't it?

    1. And seems to continue being messy, too. Sometimes I'm happy about it, sometimes I yearn for clean, but not boring! Thanks for coming by Mary Lee!


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