
Monday, July 9, 2012

Future Thoughts

The Tuesday Slice of Life happens each week on the Two Writing Teachers blog, hosted by Ruth Ayres and Stacey Shubitz.  Come by to see what's happening in everyone's lives!

      Sometimes poems just arrive, little slices of my life.  Some of you who read my posts regularly know that I am making some life changes, I am cleaning things out of my house, preparing for a move sometime in the future.  I want to be nearer to my daughter and family and to my school. 
      I’ve lived in my house for 34 years and although I do not save everything, my husband has saved quite a lot, some of which are good collections and some that needs throwing out.  So, I’ve started, and I have no pressure from anyone to make big changes like a move, yet this poem kind of appeared a few days ago.  I think this poem is telling me to slow down, be patient, and the right time will come.

Sometime in the past year
the word downsize was said.
I wonder why it’s talked about;
I’m planning to bury my head

when someone wishes for me
to clean out, donate and  such.
I’ll simply plug my ears and say
I don’t want to very much.

I’d rather not speak of condos
or units all on one floor.
I wish they would stop talking
about giving me a tour.

I like my house, I like my things
I like the extra space.
It isn’t like I need to give up,
forfeit like it’s a race.

It’s just this thing called living
means I’m getting older every day.
And someday soon I’ll make the call,
but for now I think I’ll stay.

      I’m excited to travel back to Missouri with my daughter and my granddaughters to visit family next week.  I’m going to take a break from blogging until August.  See you then!


  1. Your poem depicts stages of life that many of us are in where we are facing big changes. I too find myself starting to weed out with an eye to downsizing - just not yet today.

    1. Thanks Anita-it seems all of a sudden too!

  2. I loved your poem. You captured your feelings of trepidation in a sort of whimsical way -- not like you are chastising people who may be pushing you to downsize before you're ready.



    1. Thanks Stephanie, I'm glad you understood my point.

  3. Enjoy your vacation, dear friend. We'll be here when you get back!

    1. Looking forward to it, hot and sweaty we'll be in humid MO! Thanks, Deb!

  4. Good for you! And enjoy that travels, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Tara. I know it'll be a good break!

  5. Linda,
    I understand to some level what you are talking about. I have had this conversation with friends and family and it isn't about age - but just the space/time/money required to maintain a home. "Downsizing" at times sounds like heaven and at other times like an insult. With time, you will know what you want to do, on your terms. Wishing you a relaxing vacation!

    1. Thanks, I think you have a point, Dana. It is also about the time & money to maintain-as I'm learning now when I'm getting ready to have the house painted, etc.

  6. Downsizing and clearing out the clutter from our lives can be the most invigorating and inspiring thing ever - but only if we have a mindset for it. Don't do it til you are ready. Don't even think about it unless the thoughts come unbidden. When the right time comes, and it will someday, then it will be magical.
    Also, good for you for taking a break BUT I will miss "hearing" from you. Enjoy

    1. Thanks-I am looking forward to doing something 'new' & just visiting! Your advice is so right, just wait & see!

  7. Love the poem and love that you are getting the chance to spend time with family. Enjoy!

  8. I think poems that burst from our heads and hearts are the best - just the fact that you had a poem spring forth like this tells me you are ready. Enjoy your time away.

    1. Thank you Amelia. Those poems arrive every now & then, & I do listen!

  9. I agree your poem is talking to you. I think it is giving you permission to find your way down this new path in your own way and in your own time. Enjoy your visit.

    1. Thank you-our brains work in strange & mysterious ways, don't they?

  10. This is powerful stuff that bursts out of you! I love that it just came to you. I think that is the very best kind of writing; natural and easy. Enjoy your vacation and your family. I'm sure it will be a special time of filling your writing and memory tank. I'll miss your thoughts while you are gone, but I love that you can get away from everything for a while! Safe travels!

    1. Thanks, Robin. Nice to take a break once in a while!

  11. Love your poem and your thoughts on downsizing. As I get closer to retirement (a year I hope!) I know that downsizing will happen soon. Ugh! Take your time and do enjoy your holiday!

    1. Thank you Beverley. I know I'll be ready a little at a time. I'll still be working, but just moving. Good luck with your retirement.

  12. I've been cleaning and organizing this week. It always feels so good; yet, it is hard to let go of certain things. My parents have lived in the same house my whole life, so reading about how long you have lived in your house made me think of it being about the same time frame.

    I was glad to see that you are getting to go on vacation. Enjoy the time with your daughter. It seems like it will be a nice, peaceful time to reflect.

    1. I know we'll have a great time. We are good friends, so the chance to visit all week will be a gift to us. Part of the problem with living in a place so long is that you don't see why to get rid of things, because they might come in handy. And remember I'm a teacher & don't teachers keep everything? Thanks!

  13. I think it's about finding comfort. You have comfort and memories in your home. A new comfort will evolve, as you said, when you are ready. Take your time and listen, comfort will be there waiting.

    1. You are so right, Michelle, lots of memories here in this house. My daughter was three when we bought it. How time does fly! Thanks for your words!

  14. It is a wonder to me how you are able to write with such grace while you are inside the moment you are writing about. I seem to be able to write better after the fact, after I've processed and reflected. I think that probably says something about the way you live. You are ever present in the moment.

    Enjoy being present for all the upcoming vacation moments with your family!

    1. I think I am a huge process person, Christy, even in the teaching. I care much for the ride along the way & less about the ending (or being finished). Interesting how all of us are so individual in our tastes, & then I wonder how it happens. Thanks!

  15. Love your poem and how you have expressed your feelings. I look around at all the "stuff" we have and think that maybe it's time to start getting rid of it, but not yet, maybe next week, next month, next year.... Maybe we'll just wait and let the kids get rid of it!

    1. I think my kids are grateful that I'm doing some of it at least, but it did occur to me... Thanks Judy.

  16. Linda,
    I love your poem. It makes me think of my parents point in life too. They've lived in the house I spent most of my growing up life in for 36 years...and they're about to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They want to downsize but they are not ready either...honestly, I really can't imagine them living anywhere's home. I pray that you'll be blessed with signs of what to do when the time is right. Enjoy the vacation with the family! We'll miss your wisdom!

    1. Thanks Amy-your parents are just about where I am. I'm not sure I will downsize, but I do want to be closer to my daughter & my work. It will be so much better for us all. Hence, I don't want to move all this stuff!

  17. Linda,
    Can't believe the way poems just show up in your life. This one is clever, but also kind of makes me sad. I agree with everyone else, you don't need to do it until you WANT to do it. And then, when the time is right, it will feel good. Have a great trip! We will miss you! And I would still love to get together at the TC if it works out!

    1. Maybe at the beginning of August we can work something out, Carol. I may need some book shopping by then (te he). I return to work officially on the 15th, but will be in & out before then, meeting with new staff etc. Let me know how you're doing schedule wise. Surely there's a morning... thanks for the nice comment!

  18. 'Decluttering' comes to mind when I read your poem Linda. You touch on a subject we all know well. Confronting the future is often a challenge and after 34 years in the one house, I can imagine that your roots go deep. Reality comes calling and we passively resist. What an interesting subject. We all have experiences of this human condition. I perfectly understand your resistance to taking a tour though...

  19. Thanks for the thoughts, Alan. I love the idea of change, and I believe I am flexible, but when facing reality, it's not as easy as the thinking about it.

  20. Best wishes for a safe trip and quality family time.

    About the move...listen to your heart. Take your time. You'll know when YOU are ready.

    1. Thanks Mary Lee. I think I will listen well!

  21. And someday soon I’ll make the call,
    but for now I think I’ll stay.

    There will always be people in our life to give advice. Sometimes solicited, but usually unsolicited. If you want to stay, please stay. Your poem was so thoughtful.
    I have moved 4 times in the past five years, and I wonder why I have so much to pack and unpack.
    I am decluttering because I don't want my life to be about dusting my past. I want new dreams and new goals.
    Wishing you a wonderful vacation.

    1. Pamela, I love your thought, "I don't want my life to be about dusting my past". I will post & remember. Right now, that is a necessary thing, but not for forever! Thank you!

  22. I think the best poems "just come" to us.

    "I’ll simply plug my ears and say
    I don’t want to very much."

    Have a safe trip to Mizzou and enjoy your blogging break. Cheers!

    1. Thank you Mandy. I am looking forward to a wonderful road trip!

  23. Like you, my parents have lived in their house for 34 years and are quite content there. Why move to a condo or a place where the "units all on one floor" when you can be happy AT HOME?

    Have a great trip to MO!

    1. Thanks Stacey! I think I'll be able to make a better decision when I do what Alan called 'decluttering'. And I'm working through that, enjoying myself as I go, planning what I can plan. Hope your time away is grand, too!

  24. Very beautiful indeed. I'm glad I read through this post of yours, Linda, as I was getting worried about your lack of posts, and was wondering about it. I'm glad that you're with family and that you're well. I've also heard the news about the shooting incident in Colorado recently and thought about you. Keep safe. :)


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