
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To celebrate my son's birthday

The Slice of Life on Tuesdays can be found with Ruth and Stacey at their blog, Two WritingTeachers.  It’s a wonderful group of writers who share pieces of their lives.  Go visit!

My son Nathan, his wife Barb and son (my first grandchild Carter, almost 11) moved to another state over a year ago.  We lived close to each other and saw them at least once a week, and spoke on the phone often.  I had the privilege of picking up my grandson from school once in a while and he spent a night with us on the weekends often.  As I've said in other posts, I miss them a lot.  But one of the good things about people moving away is that it is so exciting when they come for a visit.
       My grandson arrived a week ago to spend time with me, and his parents just came for a long weekend to pick him up, visit a few days more, and see old friends, too.  This is Nathan's first time living in a different city except when he was in college and in an internship in Washington DC.  He’s had some experiences finding his way around through those years and in traveling, but when one has to make a “home” in a new place, with wife and child, and start a new job with many responsibilities, it’s quite different. He has met these challenges with enthusiasm, and I believe it’s been a good time for him.  I’m proud of my son and how he lives his life.  Today is his birthday, so I thought I would write some things about him as one of my gifts to him.
Here are some things I know about Nathan.  Some are qualities I have recognized since he was a young child.  He is such a special person.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATHAN!

six years old

1.        He is tireless in his approach to the day.  He wakes up with cheery “good mornings’ ready to tackle what’s next. 
2.         He gives support and compliments when needed, and always says thank you.
3.         He doesn’t ignore important and serious things, but comes right out to talk about them, asking questions, offering ideas, etc.
4.         Although there are times when life doesn’t go very well, Nathan continues to keep cheerful and positive.  He makes those around him feel better through his kindness.
5.         He takes care of himself by eating well and exercising.
6.         He is a thoughtful husband and keeps his wife at the top of his priority list when it comes to people.
7.         He is a wonderful father and spends time doing both the little and the grand things with his son.
8.         He is a son I am proud of, and also one I can count on.  That means a lot.

Although he is now living far away, I love the visits, and the relationship that we have.  It was great to have him here for a few days!  And of course, terrific to have my daughter-in-law and grandson too!  


  1. Your son is a reflection of his parents. You taught him well. Isn't it fun to watch the little boy become a man? Well done mom and dad!

    1. Thanks Elsie. It's a whole other thing having grown-up kids, isn't it? I like being with my children, which is very good indeed.

  2. I don't want to rush the time with my boys at all, but will be thrilled to discover the men they become. Sounds like your son is such a wonderful person. I am sure you miss him but how wonderful to have some visits now and then.

    1. Thank you Katherine. He is terrific, & I am happy he is making his place in the world, what we all want for our children, right?

  3. I wasn't prepared for the flood of emotion that this post brought out in me. Your writing is so sincere that it goes straight to my heart, Linda. I hope your son has a wonderful birthday today, and that you get to see him again soon.

    1. Thanks Mardie. He is a special person for sure!

  4. I love to see pictures of people's grown kids when they were children. Any child would be envious of the tribute you have paid him in this entry.

  5. What a nice tribute to your son. I am sure your family must treasure the writing pieces you give them. How lucky they are!

  6. What a lovely, special tribute to your son! Happy birthday to him!

  7. "I'm proud of my son, and how he lives his life." What better summary could there be for a job well-done for both parent and son? And that picture is the cutest! Happy Birthday, Nathan!

  8. So sweet! I think it sounds like you've raised a fine man - enjoy their visit!

  9. Oh that brought tears to my eyes--it's just filled with such love. And that picture of his six-year-old excitement: precious. What a great gift he has in you Mom.

    1. Thank you Lee Ann. I love the picture too, & he called asking 'where did I find that pic?' but pleased. He said he remembered that he loved the coat.

  10. I have a feeling there's a lot of his mother in him.

    What a great list...and I loved the photo.


  11. Your son sounds like he is an amazing person and I just know that you raised him to be wonderfully loving to his wife and his son. I love the part where you said how he always says thank you. That is one thing that my son does always too. I love when we are in a restaurant and he thanks people who serve him. I'm glad that you've had the time to be be with them. xo nanc

    1. Isn't it wonderful when your children are the people you want to have as friends? I appreciate him very much, as you can see. Thank you Nanc.

  12. Another connection? My grown son's birthday is Aug. 4. I was going to write a tribute to him on Saturday, but the day filled up. I hope to write tomorrow or Thursday. Loved hearing about your son. He sounds like such a blessing!

    1. Oh my, Donna, we really do have the connections, don't we? Wow! I will look for your post, too.

  13. oh my gosh, LOVE that six-year-old picture! He looks so cheerful, like he loves life -- just as you describe him! I hope you show your post to him: it would be a special present.

    1. I sent the post to him, wanted him to be both surprised and pleased, and he was! And he is cheerful, nearly 100% of the time. Thanks Jennifer.

  14. Just beautiful. I love number 6 on the list and that you know this about him.

    1. It's important, oh so much, don't you think? Thanks Dana.

  15. That photo says it all! You can see the pure excitement and energy that you describe he continues to have today. What a special way to celebrate his birthday. Thanks for sharing him with all of us.

    1. You are welcome, Betsy. He really is very much like that today.

  16. What a lovely idea. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we did this for one another? I may borrow your idea as a way to affirm my teachers at the start of the year.

    1. Acknowledging others would be wonderful, Juliann. I hope you'll tell me if you do & how it goes. Thanks for that reflection.

  17. How wonderful and inspiring. Our oldest turns 18 next month -- this is like a glimpse into a crystal ball. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. 18 is a big next step, isn't it? Every layer means another story! Thanks Irene.

  18. LOVE the picture, and LOVE your list!!

  19. Oh such a heartfelt and beautiful beautiful gift to your son - perfect birthday gift! He looks great at six! I'm sure he looks handsome now. Happy Birthday to Nathan!

    1. I think he did love it, Myra. He called me when I sent it to him. Thank you!


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