
Monday, December 31, 2012

Saying Goodbye

           On Tuesdays, the Slices of Life are shared through the Two Writing Teachers blog.  Thanks to Ruth Ayres and Stacey Shubitz, we are able to connect to many lives throughout the year.  

            According to Rainer Maria Rilke, 
               And now welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.  
           It's been quite a year, this year of 2012. The challenges I met were fearsome, and I am proud I did meet them with grit and thoughtfulness, for my husband, my family and for myself.There were as many highs as lows.  I originally chose comfort as my One LIttle Word, yet couldn't manage to keep up with all the prompts given.  I did, however, remember that word, and it gave me something to hold to during all these past months.  

          When I think of comfort,  visions of smiles and hugs from family, friends and strangers appear, and I am attracted to     those images.  Nothing in the world could equal my feelings when someone gives me a        smile or a hug.  I am blessed with a positive attitude, and with a good life.  The following poem by William Wordsworth    appeared by chance.  It speaks to me as many poems do, but especially this one, this night  of saying goodbye to a year like no other.  

     When I think of the tragedies of 2012, I know that I do not know tragedy in the truest sense of the word.  The poem speaks to my own personal life, but also to those touched by terrible acts that happened this year in more than one place, but in my home state of Colorado, too.  My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones this year, yet I also revel in the fact that more than one miracle happened, including that of a friend who became a grandmother for the first time.  A new baby was welcomed into our world!  With faith and hope, he will grow up strong and make a positive difference. I grew stronger because I lived in 2012, but am so happy to greet 2013 and inspired to make another good year.

        For my first reading challenge of the year, I have again signed up at the Gathering Books blog hosted by Myra, Iphigene and Fats (see the tag on the right) for their Award Winning Books reading challenge.

         Happy New Year to all of you readers.  Thank you for your kindnesses all this past year. You are a comfort!

  Splendor In The Grass

What though the radiance
 which was once so bright
 Be now for ever taken from my sight,
 Though nothing can bring back the hour
 Of splendour in the grass,
 of glory in the flower,
 We will grieve not, rather find
 Strength in what remains behind;
 In the primal sympathy
 Which having been must ever be;
 In the soothing thoughts that spring
 Out of human suffering;
 In the faith that looks through death,
 In years that bring the philosophic mind.

I have struggled with the format of this for a long while, & hope you'll be able to read with all the problems.  I don't know what's happened.  

photo credit: Express Monorail via photopin cc


  1. Your journey last year was inspirational -- you handled everything that came your way with strength and grace.

    Wishing you a peaceful 2013!

  2. Thinking of you and wishing you many more blessings and wonders in 2013!

    1. Thanks Tabatha. Hope you and your family have a wonderful January!

  3. Happy New Year to you Linda! You have had quite a journey this past year, but through it all your words brought comfort to many. It was a great word to guide you. I'm looking forward to see what happens in this new year.

    1. It's rather exciting to think about, isn't it? I am looking forward to good times, Elsie. Thank you!

  4. I hope that your journey this year will continue to be "guided" by your strong "grit" and that you will feel the comfort and inspiration that you inspire in others through your writing.

    1. Thank you Anita. I am looking forward to more learning and growing. Happy New Year to you!

  5. Linda,

    I am amazed at all you accomplish! It amazes me the challenges you undertake. Two of these reading challenges look really inviting. I was also thinking what a great idea to use in my libraries.

    1. It's true, you could offer the idea to others in their own challenges. Nice to hear from you, Ruth. You've been a support throughout. Happy New Year!

  6. I hope you know what an inspiration you are to those who know you and those who know you only virtually. I look forward to developing our friendship and others in 2013. I am so happy to have found this safe community of teachers and writers. Happy New Year!

    1. I'm so happy you've joined the community Margaret. Your writing is an inspiration to me & I look forward to more in 2013. Happy New Year!

  7. Linda --
    Grit + thoughtfulness -- what an insightful combination of words to = COMFORT. You are a remarkable woman.

    1. Thank you Ruth. It takes quite a few kinds of skills to make a life, doesn't it? I appreciate your words.

  8. Oh, I loved your poem. It so spoke to your 2012, and probably to many others' also. It brought a tear from me, for you. But I know that you do not need that. Though missing the radiance, splendour and glory that once was - it is so magnificent to have had it - I know you truly will "find strength in what remains behind". Some day we've gotta have coffee and a cookie.

    1. Yes, we may have to meet in the middle of the country some day, Donna! I'm so glad you loved the poem. It fits well I think. Thank you!

  9. Dear Linda,
    Your year was full of change but nevertheless you spread light and warmth. Sometimes when I came to visit your blog, thoughts grew and changed in my head. Sometimes I came here and felt like I was having a cup of tea in a wonderful company. I wish you lots of smiles and hugs this year. I hope you will be surrounded by good words, good people and good deeds.
    Head uut aastat!

    1. Parimad soovid teile ka, Terje! It's such fun to be greeted in Estonian, Terje. I wish we could sit for a cup of tea. Thank you for the lovely conversations always!

  10. What a year it has been for you, Linda...and I echo Mary Lee's admiration of the way in which you soldiered on - always with grace, optimism and compassion. Happy New Year my friend - here's to another year of blogging friendship!

    1. Thanks, Tara. My company is gone, sadly, but now I hope I can read on & catch up with you all in Book Love. I've enjoyed every word so far! Best to you in the new year!

  11. Linda-- This poem is perfect. I think you have handled the challenges you faced this year with huge grit and thoughtfulness. I also think of words like grace, joy, and perseverance. You bring such an amazing spirit of encouragement to all of your blog friends! May 2013 hold rich, rich blessings! And I really do hope we get to meet face to face!

    1. Thank you, Carol, & thanks for all the work for the poetry Cybils. What a task you've had & what a list you've sent on! I am so excited to be a part of it this year. I am going to the CCIRA again, & staying in the hotel! Perhaps breakfast one early morning unless you're too busy with all your tasks!

  12. I love the words you wrote: "I grew stronger because I lived in 2012." Blessings to you, my friend. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. And may your other words: "(I)am so happy to greet 2013 and inspired to make another good year," ring loud and true for you!
    Thank you for all the posts I have so enjoyed - and for the ones yet to come that I look forward to! Happy, Happy New Year.

    1. I really have often thought that working through problems make us stronger, so thank you for noticing that part. Happiest of new years to you too!

  13. I'm glad we got to be a part of your journey this year, Linda. Here's hoping that the strength you gained in 2012 will sustain you throughout this year.

    1. Thanks Maria. Looking forward to talking more about books with you & your community! Happy New Year!

  14. ...Strength in what remains behind...
    I can understand why this poem spoke to you so clearly. Your transparency in sharing your experiences through your "year like no other" and your understanding that you "grew stronger" because you lived through 2012 are a gift to us. God bless you Linda. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you Kim. Your perspective is appreciated. I am certainly looking forward to 2013 & all that it will bring.

  15. Happy New Year dear friend. I hope 2013 sends many blessings your way because you have been such a blessing to so many, especially me.
    Your forever bloggy friend,

    1. Tammy, thank you! So nice to keep connected. I hope you've had a terrific vacation with your family, kids home & all! Happy New Year!

  16. You inspire me. Your honest words. Your positive outlook. Your ability to face change and meet challenges--all have been a comfort to me. Thank you for sharing them with me and so many others. Happy New Year, Linda.

    1. Thanks, Lee Ann. My company left this am, so perhaps I can find a thread of the Book Love conversation now. Looking forward to what you have to say! Happy New Year to you, too!

  17. You continue to amaze me, Linda. You handle everything with such grace.

    May 2013 be a good year for you & yours.

    1. Thanks Stacey. I'm looking forward to a good year & hope you are too! Lots to challenge us as teachers I think! Happy New Year!

  18. Maria talked about your strength; that is what I see and hear in your posts! May your strength continue to challenge me and others! Happy New Year Linda!

    1. Thank you Jaana. I appreciate your wishes very much. Happy New Year to you, too!

  19. You are inspiring, Linda! I hope the new year brings you more comfort, blessings and happiness. Happy new year!

    1. Thanks Robin! Happy New Year to you & your family! It is time for blessings for sure.

  20. Linda, You are truly a wonder to me. When it would be easy to sit and complain about what life throws your way, you instead find ways to make all things positive. I love reading your posts and am often inspired by your words. It's amazing to me that I feel like I've known you forever. Here's to a healthy, happy, joyous new year!

    1. Deb, maybe we can meet this summer at the All-Write. I hope I can go this time. It really sounds wonderful. Thank you for your comment; it means a lot. I'm going to try to start reading Book Love again-hoping to catch up with you all. Happy New Year to you & all the family! I hope you had some grandchild fun this holiday!

  21. Linda, I truly admire the way you persevered in your challenges last year and still persisted in finding the joy in life. I hope 2013 brings you so much more joy and peace! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you through your words!

    1. Hi Jennifer, & happy new year! I hope you're having a terrific break. Thanks for your lovely words!

  22. Linda, I love to read your words and am inspired by the way you walk through it all and continue to be inspired as well as to inspire. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you Maya. It is those one steps at a time that keep me going, I think. Happy New Year to you, too. I enjoyed your post about teaching very much.

  23. Linda,
    Your posts and comments on the blog are like gifts that keep giving all year long!
    Thank you for all of the inspiration you offer at every turn!
    You are such a blessing to so many!

    1. Thanks Amy, I appreciate your compliment. I haven't gotten to your post yet, but will. Lots of slicers today, aren't there? Have a very happy new year!

  24. There is so much beauty in this poem. So much sparkling truth and glowing pain that comes with ending and saying goodbye in all its splendor. I am deeply moved. I can't stop crying when I watched the news about the school shooting. I don't know why I was so affected by it, but I simply couldn't stop the tears from flowing. So much darkness. But there is also so much light, I try to hold on to that thought.

    I am also very happy that you have decided to join the AWB Reading Challenge yet again! Very very thrilled. :) I hope you have a glorious New Year, dearest Linda!

    1. Yes, I agree with our being so affected by the Sandy Hook shootings. Perhaps because we work in the education world & cannot even imagine how it could be. I am so sad for all who lost their loved ones. Thank you Myra. I think the poem is a treasure. And I am excited about the challenge too. Happy New Year to you!

  25. Linda, as the others have said, your writing is inspiring and your care for others shows in all you do. May 2013 be a good year for you and your family. Thanks for sharing the poem - I will be sharing it with my prayer group.

    1. Thank you Judy. I'm happy to hear that the poem will be shared. It is truly beautiful, isn't it? Happy New Year to you too!

  26. Your posts are always so touching and full of hope and inspiration. It has been a challenging year for you but you have risen abovethat and shown such strength and peace.
    Happy New Year Linda and may 2013 be a joy-filled year for you.

    1. Thank you Beverley. There have been many things to be thankful for this year. Happy New Year to you too. So far, it's good!

  27. Thank you for being supportive of our writing in this community. Your strength is amazing. Happy New Year!

    1. Hey-thanks Chris. What a nice surprise at the end of the week! I hope your new year is going well already, & will continue!

  28. Hi, Linda. I hope 2013 brings you some quiet time to accustom yourself to all of the change from 2012. We had a new baby in our family (born April Fools Day, 2012!) also. What a comfort and what joy to welcome little ones into the world.

    1. I think those babies are our hope, and do delight when they arrive, Laura. What a wonderful day to be born! This couple I referred to with the new baby were married on April Fool's Day-believe it's quite the special day! Thank you!


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