
Monday, December 3, 2012

Heading Toward Normal - Maybe?

Stacey and Ruth. wonderfully creative women that they are, host the Tuesday Slices of Life where each blogger links up a post to tell people how life is treating them.  Come visit!

     I need to make this brief, but wanted to let everyone know that I’m still celebrating, my move and my (NOW) 401st post.  I just don’t have time for true reflection, perhaps next week? I found a quote about learning that fits who I am as a teacher. I like to learn, and hope that there is something for each student and person with whom I work that they might take away.  It is: You learn something every day if you pay attention.  ~Ray LeBlond   I think in my blogging that attention has been paid, and I’m proud of that.

     I thought it would be nice to talk about moving and use a quote there too, but it’s too much.  I have much to say about moving, but right now I’m too tired to contemplate it all.   However, I want to share a little analogy I’ve used, mostly in my poetry groups, but sometimes in writing other pieces too.  I often asked my students if their poems have "legs to stand on".  Can the precious words stand, and then to revise, to make it something to please, both the writers and the readers, can they put some muscle in the legs, and in all the rest of the body, too?  I confess I'm not sure if I made this up, or read it somewhere.  I don't know to whom the credit must go.

    We had lots of extending of this metaphor, being both serious and silly, but it proved meaningful for the students, and helped them grow as thoughtful writers..

   What do you think?

photo credit: Shandi-lee via photopin cc


  1. Congrats on 401 posts! Your words are prompting me reflection. I love the quote and find it so true. What will I learn today? Hmmmm. . . Good luck with the move and settling in.

  2. I love that you always give me something to ponder Linda! The quote is perfect for me right now. My teaching team is making changes to the "way we have always taught" writing this year. Changes for the better...because we have grown and learned better ways...but not everyone around us agree with what we are doing. People who don't understand what we are doing are saying we aren't doing the right things. I just wish they would ask, pay attention and maybe even learn something instead of just complaining. sigh. :)

    1. Some people resist change mightily, I know. Sorry for the conflicts coming your way, Robin. I'm glad you like the quote!

  3. I just finished my report car comments. My brain is too empty to figure out how the shoe analogy works for my comments. I would like to say that "the shoes" are custom made, with some common base and elements.
    I wish you energy and patience and joy with the move.

    1. I know just what you mean. We did full written reports & I always felt as if my brain was emptied of anything worth saying. Thanks, Terje!

  4. Thinking of you, Linda, and eager for the next 401 posts! Congratulations. And yes, I think that a lot, about whether something has legs to stand on. Can it go the distance?? What I've learned is that it does and will -- if you are passionate enough about it. Wishing you rest and relaxation, friend!

    1. Hi Irene, thank you for the good wishes & the response to those, sometimes wobbly, legs! Passion does count for a bunch doesn't it?

  5. And those legs you stand on should be able to jump to the next level with the muscles you develop! It's okay to start out with wobbly legs! Just look at where those crawlers end up! Yup, flat on their backsides, but they get up again and before you know it, they're careening, and running cross country!
    I look forward to more about the move and some pictures, too!

    1. Thanks Donna. I should photograph the chaos first, shouldn't I? I love your idea of "careening and running cross country."

  6. Here's to the next set of thoughtful posts! And good luck with your move, Linda - you must be both exhausted and exhilarated!

    1. Thanks Tara. I think my brain is just a little bit on hold. I'll release it next week!

  7. Over 400 posts, what a great accomplishment. Many wise and wonderful words.

  8. Yea for 401! And thank you for the kind words you wrote about the Challenge (and us) at the top of this post.

    I look forward to hearing more about the move when you're feeling more reflective. For now, take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks, Stacey. You are welcome! I'll be sharing more, I'm sure.

  9. That's a great accomplishment! Blogging agrees with you - definitely!
    So glad the move has gone well. It will be wonderful to hear about it when you are ready.
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Beverley. Amazingly, I just commented over on your post! Serendipity!

  10. Linda,
    I love the idea of legs to stand on-
    Will ponder it some more-
    Congrats on 401 posts-you always provide such great food for thought-I enjoy learning from your thinking!
    Hoping the moving is going well!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Amy-My life right now is one step at a time. I'll get there!

  11. I'll continue your metaphor...I am amazed at your strong legs through all this change! Throughout it all, you are writing plus commenting on blogs! Thank you for all your thoughtful comments on my blog. It dawns on me that you must treat your writing students the same way - patiently and consistently noting their work, providing much to think about. What a great way to learn. You are an amazing teacher! Best wishes with your move!!

    1. Thank you very much, Maureen. It is a pleasure to read everyone's ideas. I certainly do love teaching, & reading about everyone offers so much, from pre-school (you) to high school (Deb & others).

  12. Wonderful metaphor. Whether you made it up or someone else did, it's something we should all figure out about our writing.

    Shannon at Writing From the Peak

    1. Thank you, Shannon. It's nice to see someone from my area. I'll find your blog!


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