
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Anniversary-Bitter some, sweet much

           Poetry Friday is hosted this week by Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference.

Yesterday was my husband's and my 48th anniversary.  It's difficult to write about, but even worse to ignore.  I have had so many happy years, really all of them except this recent one.  I don't want the unpleasant stuff at the end to overshadow every other year.  There has been just too much joy in our lives to dwell in shadows.  So, I've written a poem, for me, for my husband, for you, to celebrate this special day.  


I’ve traveled many paths with my husband;
nearly all are sweet.
I’ve walked down the aisle to him at our wedding,
pausing only for photos and smiles.
I’ve hiked in a Costa Rican cloud forest with him
holding onto his belt as we pulled ourselves up the trails.
I’ve skipped down a sidewalk to our car – twice,
carrying our babies from the adoption agency.
I’ve tiptoed in European cathedrals with him
gazing together, up and up and up.
I’ve accompanied him to the funeral parlor
preparing to choose his father’s casket.
I’ve run with him down the scree of Crater Elegante
laughing and shouting across the air for echoes.
I’ve taken his hand as we drove away from the store
where he had lived his working life to care for his family.

And now I wheel him in an enclosed garden,
on a gravel path, round and round, round and round.
            Our new journey grows complicated by diverging paths,
            yet we are still together.


  1. Oh, Linda, what a beautiful poem. I can't begin to imagine what a day like today means - how it has changed, but I'm glad you have so many amazing memories to reflect on.

    1. Thanks Katherine, yes, the memories are good!

  2. Beautiful words for beautiful memories.

  3. Linda, your words are brave and beautiful. Thank you for sharing them. They brought tears to my eyes.

    1. Thank you Ruth, I appreciate your words, too.

  4. Your poem made me cry, too, Linda. There's something of a labyrinth-practice in the last stanza, wheeling around that circle together. Sending you a hug today.

    1. Thanks Laura, your connection to a labyrinth is so right. Labyrinths bring peace, too!

  5. Touching, beautiful, poignant, true. That last stanza, the round and round, is so heart wrenching, yet still being together, for a different journey, and your cherishing beautiful memories, once again reveals your unending courage and optimism. Here's to 48 years!

    1. Thank you Jama. 48 years is a lot of memories, & really good ones. I am blessed.

  6. Your attitude about cherishing the good times is so wise. This line struck me: "holding onto his belt as we pulled ourselves up the trails." Your details are beautiful.

    1. Thank you! I'm happy you like the details, Tabatha. So many to choose from.

  7. 48 years. That's truly something. Beautiful memories captured with beautiful words. I like that there is "sweet much" in the title.

  8. Well,I teared up...this was such a lovely collection of memories, each connected to large and important themes that run through our married lives. Such rich and loving memories,all of them. Thanks for sharing this with us today, Linda.

    1. Thank you Tara. There are different parts that represent themes, & I'm glad to see you saw that. It would be quite a long poem if I included more & more!

  9. So touching! And though they are not our memories, they are familiar enough that we feel like they are. Thanks for sharing, and best wishes to both of you.

    1. I have not thought of that universality of each memory, Matt, but it's true. Each of us has those elements of the past embedded for always. Thank you!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this with us all, Linda - simply beautiful. I, too, have "skipped down a sidewalk to our car" after adopting our oldest daughter (now 15). Take care, =)

    1. Lovely to hear of your "skipping" moment too, Bridget. Thank you for the response.

  11. Linda, thank you for sharing that amazingly touching poem. It's truly beautiful.
    My hear aches for what you are going through.

    1. Thank you for the kind comment Katya. I appreciate it.

  12. You honor us with this personal poem today, a walk through your beautiful life. Steadfast and with perseverance, you will journey through this next stage together. Be Blessed and Happy Anniversary.

  13. Tears here, too, Linda - what a beautiful glimpse into a life to be proud of. Thank you for sharing - your gratitude shines through even this difficult passage. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Robyn. Many happy times are remembered, even though it is tough, too. I appreciate your thoughts, too.

  14. We can choose to focus on the good memories, but the shadow of the reality is always right there, isn't it? A beautiful tribute to the love of your life. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Mary Lee-mixed emotions here certainly.

  15. I am so touched by your attention to the years of wonderful memories. It's not easy to do when today is in front of us. I will try very hard to remember this. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, happy you will take something from it for yourself, Liz.

  16. A beautiful, touching poem. I am crying at this cycle of life. What a beautiful marriage you have! How hard these changes must be. My father is experiencing this pain, having a partner but losing a partner, simultaneously, due to dementia. You are so wise to put pen to paper and write through the sadness, hold on to the joy. Lovely, Linda. Happy Anniversary!

    1. Thank you Maureen. I'm sorry about your father's challenges too. It's such a sad experience, yet also a learning one, to be totally in the present more than I learned to be as a teacher.

  17. Linda, such a touching poem about your marriage. It reminded me of L'engle's book, Two Part Invention.

    1. I don't know that book, Jone, will look it up. Thank you.

  18. Linda,

    Your poem touched my heart. My husband and I have been together for fifty-one years--married for nearly forty-four. I can understand how difficult this time in your life must be for you. It's good that you have so many happy memories of rich life experiences from your years spent together as husband and wife. Sending hugs your way.

    1. Thank you Elaine. Wow-fifty-one years is a lifetime, isn't it, but then seems short too. I've enjoyed hearing about your and your husband's transition this year.

  19. What a beautiful poem for what has (and still is) a beautiful marriage and friendship. Thank you for letting us in on your special day. Happy Anniversary.

    1. Thanks so much Tammy. I've been gone all day, but must say I got your surprise, & will write more in an e-mail. You are dear!

  20. Linda thanks for the meaningful glimpse into your life. I wish you a Happy Anniversary! Love this poem...

  21. What a beautiful, lovely poem Linda. What a homage to your marriage.
    48 years together is such a wonderful achievement. May you have a lovely day with your husband.

    1. Thanks for the wishes, Beverley. I am home now & it was a good day.

  22. "Round and round." The simplest of your journeys, but none the less small or simple--time to think. Congratulations, Linda.

    1. Thank you Tam-so, so right! Nothing simple about it.

  23. Such subtlety, such beauty, glimpses of a life together - how precious and how privileged we are to travel with you here, dear Linda. I've only been married 14 years, practically a baby compared to you. So many pathways, crossroads, divergences to look forward to.

    1. Thanks Myra-keep going down those paths-they are always interesting! And I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to them!


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