
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Double Duty on Fridays-8 of 31/Poetry Friday!

The March Slice of Life Challenge-hosted by Ruth and Stacey, at Two Writing Teachers
Tweet at #Slice2013
Today's Poetry Friday host is Heidi Mordhorst at The Juicy Little Universe.  

Come visit all the posts and be incredibly inspired!

          I've been trying to write more poems that might be considered for children, and this is one of them.  I know that both teachers and those of you who are former students will understand, and chuckle, but will students?  

Teacher Lament

Student G simply would not
bring assignments needed, was soon caught.
I asked, and G said with a smirk
I’ve just forgotten all my work.
The computer lost it, crashed; it’s gone!
My dog ate it; that’s my song.

While I glared and yelled, You can,
G just looked at me and ran
back to the classroom, grabbed his books
                             sent dirty looks.
G did the work, knew twas his fate,
that we’d relax till the next due date.


  1. Ah yes! I lament. I love the list of excuses as a song. Perhaps that could inspire another poem too!

    1. Yes, indeed, Katie. I really have heard these, as I'm sure you have, too.

  2. Funny poem...we all know that kid.

    What a day it must have been selling your house! sorry, no champagne, but lots of good thoughts for all the busyness to be done and all the feelings stirred to calm to peace.

  3. Cute poem. The dog really did eat my daughter's hw this week--was pretty funny!

    Congratulations on selling your house--what a lot of work but what a HUGE relief, too.

    1. Thanks Melanie! I couldn't fit it in, but I remember also washing clothes whose pockets held the homework. Ruined!

  4. Week two?
    Days of writing turn into weeks
    Of writing
    no excuses for us
    we keep each other real
    But without an audience
    Or the dream of comments
    I would belike your student
    Saying the dog ate Day 8!

    1. Oh-a poem! I think you might be the first poem comment ever, Anita. Thank you, this is wonderful!

  5. Wow! I cannot believe you sold your house so soon! That's incredible! Amazing! Yippee! Now to sit back for just a moment before you charge on! Congratulations, it must be such a relief to cross that off your list.

    1. Yes, amazing that I got the phone call from my realtor. I was anxious, & he kept telling me not to worry that it was a great product! Thank you Donna!

  6. Love the poem and yes, students will get it! We know they can do it!

    Congratulations on selling your house in a DAY! Wowwee! I know it was hard to move out, and it was hard to put it on the market, and now even hard to see your home become someone else's home. Push on for there are great things to come! (Like time to write more poetry!)

    1. Absolutely Michelle! It is hard, but the house looks really different now that things are "gone", with new everything like paint and carpet. Thank you!

  7. Sounds like my afternoons after school with students J, D and M! Sigh.... and congratulations on selling the house so quickly! Being your house, it radiated the good vibes so essential to all home-owners to be. I'm raising my cup of coffee in celebration!

    1. Thanks Tara. I love the thought! And appreciate about the students too-arrgh!

  8. I think there might be a whole book needed of poems about procrastination, time management, and finding your way to academic success. You think?

    Congrats on the sale of your house! :-)

    1. Thanks Tabatha, for all! You have a great idea-a book titled "Can I have one more day?"

  9. Sounds all too familiar. The point of hesitation in the poem is a nice touch :).

    Congrats on the sale of your house. An eventful week for you!!

  10. Yes, laments of a student and his song. How many times have we heard it over and over? Felicitations on the sale of your home--bittersweet, I presume. One of your big goals has again been met. Prendez plaisir a le printemps, aussi.

    1. Merci, Tam. Je voudrai pour le printemps tous les heures! Yes, the home sale is a bit tough, & I might wish it were different, but it is not, & thank goodness I found a new good place that fits well now.

  11. The sale went super fast. Cheers!
    I was able to relate and chuckled when I read your poem.
    I had a student yesterday who claimed that a dog chewed her homework.

    1. They really did? I had thought that was over by now. In those final years, I had more lost computer files. Thanks Terje!

  12. The former teacher in me laughed while reading your poem. Fun to reminisce about collecting work from students. Don't really miss that aspect of the classroom to be honest.
    Congratulation on your house sale! =)

    1. Thanks Bridget. I wanted to give a boost for teachers everywhere!

  13. First, yay to the house selling!
    Second, I am afraid some students my be looking a bit sheepish as they read it and recognize themselves in the message of the poem. Don't you just love it when you can meet two goals with one post?

    1. Terrific point! Thank you for both comments too!

  14. Yes, this is a teacher friendly poem! We should all take a turn at writing one, about an anonymous student. Love it!

    1. It is rarely that way, but I overheard a comment & went with it. Thanks Maureen!

  15. Can I add one? My printer broke. Loved the poem.

    1. Oh yeah, Mardie. That's one I forgot. This poem could become very long... Thanks!

  16. I can only imagine what students come up with today, but I would guess it would be the computer. Cute poem and I'm sure there would be quite a few students who would "get" it.
    Congratulations on selling your house so quickly. That must be a big burden lifted from your shoulders. Cheers to you!

    1. Thanks Judy, when the house is finally 'done', & it almost is, it will be a good thing. I am ready to keep the memories & say goodbye.

  17. Cute poem! I certainly have a few students like "G" in my class this year! They might get a kick out of this... maybe I'll show it to them and see what they think!

    It's so exciting that your house sold so fast! I'm sure it's kind of a bittersweet moment for you, but a relief also. Congratulations!

    1. I'd love to see if they'd like to add to it, too, Jennifer. Please do share with them to see what they think. Maybe they'd like to write a rebuttal? Thanks you for the nice thoughts. I am excited that someone wanted the house so much!

  18. Congratulations on selling your house! It must be a relief to know it's done.

    I enjoyed the poem...I have a few kids that will be G in a couple of years, I'm afraid. For now, it isn't the homework that is missing. It's the constant: please don't shout things out at me, please sit on your bottom so you don't fall out of your chair, please put your shoes back on, please stop picking your nose, please keep your hands in your own bubble space, please please please?! Maybe tomorrow.

    1. When I observe the little ones, I do hear some of those "pleases". I know what you mean! Another poem from you perhaps Robin? Thank you!

  19. This made me laugh! I've had lots of "disappearing files" this week as we've been working in computer lab. Note to self: never schedule the end of a major project for the last week of the trimester. Lots of absences today - when will I learn?

    1. I think we get caught up in our own enthusiasm, Ramona & forget about the timing. It used to happen to me, too. Thanks.

  20. The lamentations of an educator - the woes (and occasional joys) of being a long-time teacher. I have a feeling you'd have lots of these stories, dearest Linda! :) Cant wait for you to publish your own poetry book!

    1. Thanks Myra-your compliments are appreciated!

  21. There is always a G and an H, J, L...if only right? I laughed out loud while reading your poem. I could see the posture and disgust of G as he grabbed his work.

    1. Yep! That's exactly the way it happens sometimes. thanks, Betsy!

  22. **snort**

    Big Meanie Teacher kept 6 boys in for most of the first outdoor recess in memory yesterday because they didn't do their homework. Actions have consequences. Students have teachers.

    1. Oh Mary Lee, I didn't know you were 'that' kind of teacher. I imagine those boys didn't either, & now they do!


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