
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Fills Us Up - Words & Sprouts - 20 of 31

The March Slice of Life Challenge-hosted by Ruth and Stacey, at Two Writing Teachers - 20 of 31
Tweet at #Slice2013

       It's the spring equinox, time for cherry red, buttery yellow, sky blue, grape purple--I'm waiting!  Beautiful crocus are springing up, and suddenly the trees look thicker.  When examined closely, the very beginnings of buds are there, patient, waiting.  In our part of the country, full blooms will take a while longer, while in Texas where my son lives, he says fruit trees are in bloom.  This day I wanted to welcome spring on its inaugural day, no matter if winter snow appears again (predicted this weekend).  There are a number of things that spring to mind.  All the seasons can be used as verbs (if you use 'fall' instead of 'autumn'), yet spring seems to be included in more common idioms or metaphors than the others.  And after today, we can no longer say "spring is just around the corner", because it's here!

         I've been so excited lately peeking outside that I've wanted to spring into action in my new garden.  I realize I am no spring chicken, yet warm weather helps me spring to life.   When ideas for writing spring up, I get a spring in my step and know that hope springs eternal.  I wondered what was going on when I got to work this morning, and had forgotten that it was time for Scholastic to spring forth with hundreds of books for the spring book fair.    Parent Conferences are tomorrow (hope there's no surprises there for students to spring on their parents), so it gives everyone a good chance to spring into action and buy new books.  I wish you all time to be full of the joys of spring today.  
       Don't let new ideas fall into oblivion,  or you will need to wait 'till you summer in a condo.  Overwintering won't help at all.  When you are inspired, be sure that you spring to attention!  

Welcome Spring!


  1. Well, this hasn't fallen on deaf ears! If you spring any more seasonal words like that on people, summer going to notice it!

    1. Ha! So glad you're jumping right into it! Thanks, Donna!

  2. I chuckled at your "spring is around the corner" statement. It is here today at 29 degrees in northern Indiana, forecast for lake effect tonight. But my soul is springing forward because there is hope for next week!

    1. Yes, we have snow coming, & yet there is hope-we have a tough time griping because we need moisture so much. Thanks Tam!

  3. Thoughts of spring are popping out in all different formats this day. You are very clever to spring this on us today. Well done, Linda!

    1. Once I started, there was no stopping! Thanks, Elsie!

  4. Well said, Linda! I was fooled for a bit...but then it snowed on Monday! Sheesh!!

    1. I remember your post, sadly! We have snow coming & cold!

  5. Spring is in the air and in your post! Love that you sprung this on us. ;-)

    1. Ha! Maureen, I loved that the thought sprung up! (Now my past tenses are struggling.)

  6. So many thoughts of spring, hopefully winter will soon get the hint and allow spring to come forth!

    1. I'm certainly waiting, & wanting to wear my cropped pants for a change!

  7. This post brought a big smile to my face, just like the wisteria that is beginning to bloom outside my bedroom window. I love the play with the word spring.

    1. Thanks Margaret-ah-h wisteria-smells so, so good. Someday we'll have the smells too!

  8. I was actually quite inspired by spring today. In Michigan we have had beautiful sun trying with all its might to break through occasional snowy blizzardy kind of weather. Bizarre, but eerily kind of beautiful.

    1. Interesting that the sun does do that when it's still snowing. I guess the clouds are thinner. I didn't know you lived in Michigan Betsy. So beautiful there.

  9. Loved your post! What an assortment for ways to use "spring".
    We had snpw today and will have more tonight. Spring may have arrived but will have to wait a bit for plants to start growing.
    Happy spring!

    1. Thank you Beverley. Same to you! I have plants coming up all over, but it's my new yard, so I don't recognize some, except a wonderful line of tulips in the front! Excited!

  10. I LOVE all the ways you used "spring" in your post, Linda! Such a cute idea! So many, like "a spring in your step" carry that happy springtime feeling. Hopefully it will really feel like spring soon! :-)

    1. Hope so, but we have snow & a lot of cold weather coming from Friday to Monday. It's my spring break, so hopefully much of it will be warm! Thanks, Jennifer!

  11. I can see that you have sprung into action to bring spring into this post! So very clever! I walked the dog and admired tons of crocuses last weekend. Today I did an hour of recess duty when it was 25 degrees. BRRR!

    1. I know, I know, it was cold today! And snow coming! I'm trying to bring forth spring through sheer will power! Thanks Carol!

  12. *boing boing went the box springs*


    Blame it on spring fever . . .

    1. oops-one I totally missed! Thanks for the laugh, Jama!

  13. Happy spring, Linda. On the vernal equinox, I always think about balancing an egg. We tried it once when I was in college -- such a cool thing to see! Enjoy your new garden this season. What will you plant?

    1. My grandson did the experiment & texted the pic-it is fun! I have to wait to see what's there before seeing what I need to do/plant. It'll be fun. I have some favorites that I like, like lavender & poppies, which do well here in our climate! Happy spring to you, too!

  14. I love all the 'spring' words here - we spent Spring Break doing a day tour of Batam Indonesia (that was neat), my daughter read two novels (Kate DiCamillo's The Tiger Rising and another Newbery Honor book whose title escapes me now). We are also quite hooked on Once Upon a Time, the TV series - we are simply addicted. :)

    1. I guess I should look that tv series up, Myra. I keep forgetting-maybe this summer? I saw some of your spring break happenings on Facebook. So glad you had fun!


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