
Monday, September 23, 2013

A Poem, A Photo, A List - My Life

             Visit Stacey for the Tuesday Slice of Life at Two Writing Teachers.  
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My slice of life is contemplative today, a poem, a photo, a list – my life!

Roads Go Ever On  – J.R.R. Tolkien

Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
                           the rest is here!

Looking back:

     Grateful for so much good that happened in these past weeks, the family, friends, medical help that gave me gifts of love, hugs and expert advice. 
      And I am grateful for my colleagues at this beginning of the school year who have been patient with my meanderings in and out of work.  It was such a relief not having to worry about work.

      I loved going to Captiva Island with my children and their families at the end of July.  It was an awesome week.
      My brother and family came to visit early in July and were able to see Arvie smile and enjoy himself.  We were able to have a great visit, including a day at IKEA!
       My granddaughters were able to spend more time with me, even sleepovers, because it was summer. 
        I enjoyed my new garden/yard all summer, seeing what new flowers the previous owner had planted, and finding a ‘tiny’ push mower to mow my ‘tiny’ plot of grass made me smile every time I mowed.  It took me ten minutes!
        I experienced some special moments with Arvie, a look, a touch that was more “real” than usual during the summer. 
Discovered just the other day-Serendipity!
Moving Forward -
         I am excited about my writer’s critique group.  We’ve been together a year now, and our friendship and work together grows.  I am serious about my writing and now it’s time to make some specific goals, too!
         I am attending a poetry workshop with David L. Harrison at the Highlights Foundation in Honesdale, Pennsylvania next week.  It was a challenge to apply way last January, but I did, was accepted, and I’m headed down the road east!
         I have a few more plans for work with colleagues-no more hours, just different ideas.
         I am attending the NCTE convention for the very first time, rooming with Tara Smith whom I’ll meet for the first time, and hoping to connect up with even more blogger and author online friends.
         Of course, there will always be time for family and friends, and connections both far and near.  Visits will happen, including another beach trip next summer! 


  1. Love the glimpse of hope even as the tough stuff lingers

  2. Looking back--moving forward--love the way you frame your ideas. As always, I love how your positive light radiates.

    1. Thanks Maya-looking for the good things keeps me in a good place!

  3. Looking at the list of the past and the future, I know that the present moment, when you wrote this slice, was light and warm.

  4. Your image of the crooked bricks nestled so wonderfully with this piece that frames who you are....looking back with gratitude and looking forward hopefully.

    1. It is good to have plans, and plans that I am excited about. Thanks Anita.

  5. Beautiful reflection. Words of love and hope, enthusiasm for life.

  6. You have it all nestled in this rich post. So glad you have been nourished and you are moving forward. Can't wait to see you in Boston with Tara and more friends.

  7. I agree, Linda. It's a joy to hear about how you're moving forward, but keeping yourself rooted to home and family. (BTW -- link to the poem appears to be down!)

    1. I hope someone else tells me too, Laura, because when I try it, it works. Perhaps it was just when you were here? Thanks!

  8. Linda, Let's meet up at NCTE. I would love to see you and Tara! Safe and wonderful travels and writing goodness to you next week - I am thinking about you as I read HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN by Pat Schneider. If you need a book to bring along on your trip, I could not recommend it more. xxoo, a.

    1. Oh, thank you Amy-will look it up right now! And-looking forward to having lunch or dinner in Boston!

  9. The Road goes ever on and on
    Down from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    And I must follow, if I can,
    Pursuing it with weary feet,
    Until it joins some larger way,
    Where many paths and errands meet.
    And whither then? I cannot say.

    We are ever in a quest for the larger way, aren't we, Linda. But you are wise to pause and enjoy the Road along the way, to make sure you savor moments with those you love, and make the most of opportunities as they arise. I am so looking forward to meeting you at last - I think it's the thing I'm most excited about as far as NCTE!

    1. Thanks Tara-It is important, to me anyway, that we grab the opportunities and go with them, every time we can. I'm excited too-will try to look at the catalog before I go Sunday!

  10. Good for you heading out to NCTE! And meeting Tara. And enjoying the road along the way. thanks for taking us along on your many journeys

    1. You are welcome. It is special to know about this circle of friends I think. I know, for instance, you've said goodbye to your wonderful lake, starting a new group of students, but this year trying the flipping. Fun to know & to continue to hear about!

  11. What a role model you are as you spread your gifts to so many! May the NCTE be fulfilling as you fill us all.

    1. Thank you Tracy. Lovely to hear from you here!

  12. My heart gets heavy for you. So much "not easy" on the path you are walking--lots to trip over and get lost in. I love the brick path and the light you share with us. It gives me hope for the tough stuff ahead. I can't wait to hear about the Highlight's foundation workshop--it is one I'd love to attend. I will be at NCTE too. Maybe we arrange a meet up? Though I imagine you will have a full dance card, coffee or lunch or a little visit would be lovely. How fun that you will room with Tara.

    1. Thank you Lee Ann-maybe a large group get together? I have to start looking at the program now, but first, the poetry! I'm getting a little nervous, although still so excited!

  13. Moving on is not always easy, but memories are always there to look back at. From reading your past posts, you have many good ones in your memory bank. I am sure you will have many more "deposits" in your future, but don't be afraid to make a "withdrawal." Good luck with your writing endeavors! I am so envious, but I am such a beginner and know I have much to learn from you and others.

    1. Thanks Leigh Anne-I will remember your good advice! I love the metaphor!

  14. Some how ,some way, I am going to be added to your list Linda! Even I have to drive to Denver and drink that yucky coffee you love!! You are going to do (even more) amazing things! As always you continue to inspire.

    1. Denver, and the Rockies, are good places to visit, Tammy! Any time, any time! And I drink tea too!

  15. I loved the poem at the beginning coupled with the looking back / moving forward format: very neat, Linda! Your summer and fall have been full of many wonderful moments, and I hope that many more await you soon!

  16. What a wonderful time you will have in Boston. I wish I were able to go too. You have much to reflect on from the past and so many more adventures ahead of you. I'm glad I get to peek into your life.

    1. Thanks Elsie, I am really looking forward to it! Just wandered through your beautiful post-Autumn is a wonderful season!

  17. It doesn't seem to matter what you are writing about, the saddest of sad or the happiest of happy, your positive attitude, your ability to reflect on the past and look toward the future is amazing. You always seem to find and let the bright side shine through.

    1. I do try to Robin. I think much of my attitude comes from my grandparents, then parents, and then Arvie too. He was just such a happy & upbeat man. Life is indeed too short to not be happy about it! Thanks!

  18. This slice is woven together as if by invisible threads of thought, of heart. It is reflective of what you do best: hold onto the past, while living in the moment, and reaching towards the future. Beautifully crafted. I am excited by your serious energy towards writing and the prospect of that poetry workshop. Your poetry is stunning.

    1. Thanks Christy-your words warm me up! I really do need to stop just writing and begin sending the words further into the world. Scary!

  19. Linda, what a beautiful slice. I love the poem at the start, the photo of the bricks, and the overall message. I love that you weave this positive message of hope through every thing you do. Thanks and hope to meet up at NCTE.

    1. I hope to see you again, too, Katherine, & work out how we're going to do more writing, right? It will be a whirlwind there I suspect! Thanks for the kind words!

  20. Linda, I love the contemplative nature of this post. A poetry workshop and rooming with Tara at the NCTE! So much fun on your horizon. I fondly remember our walk outside at the All Write conference and the wonderful chat we shared. Please tell Tara hello. Her blog is one of my best places for classroom inspiration and learning.

    1. Thanks Ramona-I remember, too, & I will share with Tara. I send her writing to my colleagues often!

  21. Dear Linda, thank you for sharing these moments. I'm excited about what you have forthcoming... I know you will enjoy and flourish at the Highlights retreat! Wish I was going to NCTE. Sigh. Someday I WILL meet you! xo

    1. Thank you Irene-I hope we'll meet someday too! A friend just wrote that she went to the National Book Festival, but didn't see you! I am really looking forward to the retreat, a little nervous too!

  22. I'm thankful you have colleagues who've been patient and understanding as you cope with this transition. You deserve that, Linda.

    Looking forward to meeting you in person at NCTE. That reminds me, I have to organize a Slicer get together!


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