
Friday, November 29, 2013

Celebrating Small Sparkles

            Thanks to Ruth Ayres at DiscoverPlayBuild,  for beginning a Saturday tradition of sharing our celebrations.  It's a treat reading all the posts.  Tweet at #celebratelu.
Discover. Play. Build.
           I've spent the recent two posts celebrating different parts of being at NCTE last weekend, and there is more to share.  However, today I'm going to make a list of those tiny things which make my life so good, some touching NCTE as well.

v Meeting Catherine of Reading to the Core at the Slicer breakfast was terrific. We also happily connected at several other sessions, including one she wrote yesterday for Poetry Friday, about the poetry session that included Georgia Heard.  Catherine always takes good notes, and explains things so well in her posts and I appreciate that very much.  This time, the ‘little thing’ I loved is that she remembered and shared this quote by Matthew Fox and shared by Georgia Heard. I am so glad to have it, because I did not write it down!   “The Celtic peoples…insisted that only the poets could be teachers. Why? I think it is because knowledge that is not passed through the heart is dangerous.”

v I had the pleasure of being with Ruth Sunday morning at NCTE.  We had a lovely talk, just the two of us for a while, and it was great to touch base again after meeting at All-Write!  I appreciate the thoughtfulness and friendship
v I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my daughter, son-in-law, and two grand-girls-no more need be said.  The hours went too fast and I do try to hold them, I really do!

v I spent much of the day moving some of the shelves and books in my new house.  It’s nearly a year since I moved here, and it seems that one really begins to think a place is home when it’s time to change things!  I was able to “take back” a room downstairs that had been storage and moved all the bookshelves there that had been in my living room area. Slowly but surely I got it done!  It was great to have the time to go through the books, even organizing a little bit.  

v As I was going through the books, I found a little book given to me by 2 students a few years ago, titled ThankYou, in appreciation of you, and all that you do.  One quote that I’d like to share is from a Jeanne Reidy: “We cannot explain why these little signs mean so much to us, but the fact is that a word of thanks for some small thing can transform our day.”
v Also, from Julius Lester, “A good teacher is one who helps you become who you feel yourself to be.”
v I loved our weather today, back to shorts and short sleeves so it was heavenly to open the windows for some fresh air.  It's only going to last until Wednesday, so we'll relish it while we can!

     Have a good rest of your weekend, and wherever you may be, whatever doing, enjoy it!


  1. I love seeing pics of other people's bookshelves. I love seeing how they're organized and try and recognize as many titles as I can. I'm glad you have many moments to celebrate.

    1. Thank you! It was actually fun to do all this, and find new ways to accommodate all I have!

  2. "Celebrating Small Sparkles" I love this title! It made me smile. I, too, love seeing the pictures of others bookcases. So happy you got to spend precious time with those adorable little girls. You do have much to celebrate. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks Michelle-those little things could be called hugs, too, I think!

  3. The joy in the faces of your grandkids - you certainly had a good Thanksgiving.
    One day I will meet you. One day I will meet Ruth. I'll keep dreaming. Your book shelves look inviting. I like how you sprinkled quotes throughout this post.

    1. Thanks Terje-I'd love to fly right over to have tea!

  4. Thank you, Linda, for including me in your celebrations! Your "word of thanks for some small thing" has transformed my day! This online community is truly amazing. I'm so grateful we had the opportunity to meet in Boston!

    1. It certainly was a pleasure, Catherine. I'm glad too!

  5. Your title made me smile. It is how you look at everything through a sparkly sort of lens that keeps me reading! Your granddaughters, the NCATE memories and even your bookshelves sparkle to me, too.

    1. Thanks Anita-sparkling is an important part of my life!

  6. You've created a lovely reading nook there, Linda! And that list, so much to be thankful for....especially those little imps on the sofa, so ready for the feast, and anything else!

    1. With young ones like that, Thanksgiving dinner is over very quickly! We did have a wonderful day for sure!

  7. Lots to celebrate this week. I love the words - a word of thanks for a small thing can transform our day. I am trying to be that person at school and these words I have written down as a gentle reminder to thank someone each day. I noticed something in the corner of your bookshelf picture. Is that an antique cabinet? It sure looks like something I would like! :)
    I love the picture of you and Ruth. I, like Terje, hope to meet many of you some day. Attending All Write! is my next goal! Have a great week Linda!

    1. Wow, you notice things very well, Leigh Anne. Yes, it's one of those old kitchen cabinets, from my husband's grandmother. It's full too! I hope you do come to All-Write; I'm planning on it!

  8. Your bookshelves are beautiful. I'd want to read in that room. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family!

    1. Thanks Katherine! The one thing I couldn't do by myself was to bring down a chair from an upstairs bedroom. Then it will be complete! And yes, Thanksgiving was terrific!

  9. Lots of great stuff to celebrate this week. I read Catherine's post yesterday, but was so busy paying attention to Georgia's great quotes and her discussion of how poetry fits into CCSS that I missed these quotes. Thanks! And I love your bookshelf project. I need to take on a similar project over Christmas! Speaking of, maybe we could meet at TC sometime in December?????

    1. I would love to set a time over break, Carol! I'll be at CCIRA again, hopefully there too! Thank you!

  10. Love that reading space you have created. This is what I'm trying to create in my classroom...a lovely little place to read and write.

    1. Every.single.class needs one! Now you need a very comfy couple of chairs!

  11. I am now inspired to stop working on my computer, and go organize my bookshelves! But before I do, this quote reminds me of my middle school English teacher and my high school history teacher back in Finland: “A good teacher is one who helps you become who you feel yourself to be.” Maybe they are the reasons I love teaching English and history!

    1. It really was a pleasure to do the shelves, Jaana, & I had the added fun of re-organizing. I'm happy you like the quote! Thank you!

  12. Love peaking in on your library Linda! Also, love the pic of the girls on the couch! You have so much to celebrate! Thanks for sharing that quote you found from Catherine! Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Amy, hope your week is a good one too! Not too long till the long winter break! These next weeks will be fun!

  13. Ooh - those bookshelves look so inviting! I could browse around those for a long time. :-) Enjoyed reading about your celebrations!

    1. Thanks Holly-if you ever travel to Colorado… Always welcome!

  14. Loved the pics - you and Ruth, the peek at your bookshelves, the grand girls - and the quote from Georgia Heard. Now, if I could just find time to read all the blog posts from NCTE! I learn so much from my online community.

    1. I know what you mean, Ramona. For those who went to sessions I didn't, I feel as if I need to take notes! Glad you like the quote; I think it's really special! Thanks!

  15. The pics are fun. Love that you met Ruth. Being a Celt, I love the quote. Happy day.

    1. Isn't the quote great? Glad you like it, Jone! Yes, it was so nice spending time with Ruth!

  16. Sometimes it's those small sparkles that make life shine. Your life is shining brightly right now. I'm glad to read you are planning on heading back to All Write again, me too!

    1. It will be terrific, Elsie-hope a lot of people will show! Thank you!

  17. Thanks for the inspiration! Just a few hours ago I was trying to talk my hubby into redoing our den, making it more of a quite reading area than a work space. We all have laptops and don't need that big old desk anymore!
    I see bookshelves, an oversized chair, small table and a lamp~heaven! Hope I can celebrate this soon!

    1. Well, I have still another place that also has shelves, and a desk, sorry to admit, Deb. It's supposed to be the breakfast nook, but it has lots of windows and is light and airy so that's where I work some of the time. This room pictured with the bigger shelves is for reading. It'll be nice this winter! Best wishes for your own redecorating!

  18. Linda,
    So much to celebrate! Love your new bookshelves.


  19. I love the book shelves. It looks like a book store! I am glad that you got to go to NCTE and meet some slicers.

    1. Thanks Amanda-it will be good to have the shelves in this other room. I did have a great time at NCTE meeting so many!


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