
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Enjoying Cybil's Nominees

     Find out what Diane Mayr at Random Noodling writes that she's finally learned when you visit her as our Poetry Friday host.  Thanks for hosting, Diane, and for telling about the 'aha' moment!  

     Special Note:  My friend and colleague at school, Suparna Kudesia, is Amy L-V's guest today on The Poem Farm.  Please welcome her and her class to Poetry Friday!  They are crazy about poetry!

       I have the honor of being a round two Cybil’s judge in poetry again this year, and have been reviewing the poetry books I already own, and ordering others that I haven’t read yet.  I don’t really have to participate yet, but am enjoying reading the nominees.  What an array of wonderful ones on the list, including those written by some of you who share on Poetry Friday!  Congratulations!

            I recently found Cat Talk at my library.  It is co-authored by Patricia MacLachlan and her daughter, Emily MacLachlan Charest, and illustrated by Barry Moser. Each page shows a lovely image of a particular cat and poetic text that describes its special personality. For those who love cats, this would make a wonderful gift, and for those who teach, I can imagine having students use this example to spark their own poems about a particular favorite pet, not necessarily a cat.  

        As you can see from the gorgeous cover, Barry Moser shows cat personalities very well.   There is the sweetest small painting of two buddies leaning together on the dedication page, a black cat and a white one, and the book begins!  There is Tough Tom whom we meet as an on-the-streets cat, who walked into a warm and welcoming place, and as he said, "But you opened the window/And I walked in."  We meet Minnie, a cat so dark, he says "My fur is the color of the night./I am a shadow," with an almost full page illustration of a dark night with a full moon, and Minnie, blending in!  Each cat is filled with personality, both in the words and the illustration.  A favorite is dear Romeo, black with a white big, reminding me of my last cat, Max, both in looks and personality.  The poem reads in part, "I fall over onto people I love./You can pet me anytime/anywhere."  The book pays sweet homage to cat pets, and the reasons we love them, "They've got personality!"

      One discovery as I researched cats:  "A cat has nine lives.  For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays." - English Proverb


  1. I'll miss participating in the 2nd round judging. I don't get to have back-and-forth discussions about poetry very often, and with the Cybils judging there was a lot of back and forth in a short amount of time. Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks Diane-I'll miss your expertise! I enjoyed your words last year very much!

  2. This sounds purrrrrfect! Animal personalities are such fun to read about. I want to pet all the cats you mentioned. Great proverb, too. :)

    1. Each one was both gorgeous and pettable, Jama. Hope you get to see it sometime!

  3. What an adventure for you, Linda! Love cats and this looks like the purrrrfect (to steal Jama's word!) selection with which to curl up and delight in such love. Thanks for sharing today.

    1. There is quite a wonderful list, Tara! What a big challenge for the first round! And this book is terrific!

  4. Love it, Linda. I'm not-so-slowly turning into a crazy cat lady.

    1. Thanks Julie-It's fun to see what others think about animals, pets, etc. This is a good one!

  5. I picked up this book in a local bookstore. I haven't shown my students yet, but I have savored the poems myself. Each one describes a cat's personality perfectly.
    I also enjoyed meeting your colleague at Amy's today. Loved the It Depends poems and projects. Gifted education at its best.

    1. Thanks Margaret, so happy you've found this book, too! And happy that you enjoyed Suparna's class poems-they are so excited!

  6. Glad the Cybils are again in such capable hands! And glad I don't have to judge.
    Thanks for sharing this fine feline book - haven't seen it yet and of course now I want it. I hadn't heard the proverb - thanks for sharing that, too! (One of my fave quotes re. kitties is by good ol' "Anonymous" - "A cat is a sovereign state with a tail.")

    1. Robyn, love your 'anon' quote. I didn't see that one when I researched, had so much fun seeing what others had to say about cats! Hope you can find this book and then enjoy it! Thanks!

  7. The cat book sounds like so much fun, Linda! And what a great excuse to read all those poetry books.

    Violet N.

    1. It's a good list to start with, this year's best! Thanks, Violet!

  8. Replies
    1. I will, Mary Lee. It's also wonderful, although I purchase some, that my library keeps up with the recent ones!

  9. Me-yow-za! Looks like a wonderful cat book. Also love the 9 lives proverb.

  10. Cats do inspire their fair share of poetry! Can't wait to read these. Thanks for sharing this book, Linda.

    1. You're welcome Catherine. Hope you enjoy it with your students!

  11. Linda, as a fellow 2nd-round judge and longtime cat person, I'm looking forward to reading this book!

    1. I've begun reading some of the nominees, Matt, and this is a good one! Thanks for reading!

  12. Congrats on being a Cybil judge - sounds like the perfect gig for you, Linda! I'm not a cat person, but MacLachlan does melt my heart with this book. She has another poetry book she penned with her daughter called, "I Didn't Do It" about dogs. Love it!

    1. Oh, I don't know the dog book, Bridget. Thanks for telling me about it-what fun!

  13. I just saw a cute video on FB-- how to wrap a cat for Christmas. My daughter told me to "take note," though I may have to get her this book instead!


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