
Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's Monday...

 It's Monday! What are you Reading? is hosted by Jen at TEACH.MENTOR.TEXTS, and shared with Ricki and Kellee at UNLEASHING READERS.   
         And, also visit Sheila at BOOK JOURNEYS for more reviews. 
 Tweet! at #IMWAYR

            I only have two books to share, and you can find the review here for Counting by 7s, by Holly Goldberg Sloan. It is one of the best books for upper middle grades (perhaps into YA) I've read in a long time.

The second book is God Got A Dog, Cynthia Rylant's new book of poetry.  Oh my, it is a wonder of thoughtfulness about God and the living things we 'see' here on earth.  Marla Frazee's illustrations pair with each poem like icing on a cake.  They are delicious!

     I also reviewed this latest book by Joyce Sidman last Monday, and wanted to share that I met her when she received the NCTE award for excellence in poetry for children.  The press release is here! It was such a special ceremony with several other speakers talking about Joyce's work and reading a favorite poem from one of her many books. 

      And yes, I was at NCTE, rather a time for eating up books. It was a pleasure to see Jen, Kellee and Beth Shaum present at a session about picture books, and then again seeing Jen with others at the Teacher Write session.  I'm sorry I didn't meet you, Ricki! What a wonderful thing to meet people we've been "talking" to in our comments and e-mails for so long.  I'll write more as I can!  I bought books, was given books, read from books and talked about books!  It was heaven!

Still reading: several pd books & now have some NetGalley books I need to read! I also need to finish Ruth Ayres' book Celebrations


  1. Everyone in my house is reading or in line for Counting By Sevens, so I've gotten to keep talking about it. I enjoyed many tweets coming from NCTE--happy to hear such great things coming out of Boston. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Melanie. The book is wonderful-will look for your review too. And NCTE was terrific, too. Hope your Thanksgiving is good!

  2. I am reading God Got a Dog and chuckling at the clever thoughts of who God could be. "God made spaghetti" "God goes to the doctor" Funny, brave, and full of insight, if you look for it. "God's gotten used to one plate at the table. She lights a candle anyway."
    Envious of your NCTE experience, but I am enjoying all the blog posts about it.

    1. I thought perhaps the poems showed that God was in everyone, and loved each one. So happy to hear you enjoyed it too, Margaret. NCTE was compressed but good!

  3. I am waiting for my copy of the Rylant book, which I bought along with Mary Oliver's new volume of poetry, also about dogs! NCTE was a book lovers' paradise, wasn't it, Linda?!

    1. Yes, indeed. I wish I could have just had an entire day at the exhibits & talking with the publishers! Fun, fun!

  4. Hi Linda! NCTE sounds so exciting. I've half a mind to spend our November next year in the US with the NAGC and capping it off with NCTE and possibly staying through til Thanksgiving. Will have to plan that soonest. :)

    1. That would be wonderful, Myra. And it's in DC next year, which might be exciting for you to see some of the sights!

  5. I am hoping to finish Counting by 7's this week. It was so nice to meet you in person. Looking forward to next year already.

    1. It was fun, Gigi, wasn't it? You were wonderful to find me! Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving with your family, and enjoying Counting By 7s!

  6. I am so jealous that you got to attend NCTE and meet all of those people. I will definitely want to get there next year. Counting by Sevens certainly seems like a book that I need to read. So many people have excellent things to say about it.

    1. We were all thinking of those of you who weren't there too, Andrea. Someone proposed a "slicer" weekend. Wouldn't that be a great time? Hope you get to Counting by 7s soon, good look on the last of the NaNoWriMo and Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Linda - coming to comment late as just finished my reports! So glad that you loved Counting by 7s What a book! NCTE, from the tweets, seemed amazing. You must be so energized!

    1. Thanks Carrie-you must be happy to have finished! Yes, the book was terrific, as was NCTE!

  8. My boss has been recommending Counting by 7s and I really want to check it out. God Got a Dog has an interesting premise. Glad NCTE was such positive experience.

    1. I hope you can find time for Counting By 7s-worth it! Thank you, Earl. Hope you've had a good Thanksgiving, too!


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