
Friday, January 10, 2014

Celebrating and Ruminating

Discover. Play. Build.
Thanks to Ruth  at DiscoverPlayBuild,  for this Saturday tradition of sharing our celebrations.   
Tweet at #Celebratelu
        “Sometimes “right back where you started from” is right where you belong.” anonymous

This Saturday…
I wish to educate
and also illustrate
that I can elaborate
and never hesitate
‘cause I wish to demonstrate
we should perpetuate,
not underestimate
writing’s power to facilitate
those who celebrate!
             Linda Baie ©all rights reserved

             Just couldn’t resist a little celebration of words.  It’s been a very busy, but good week back to work.  

       I had meetings, taught several lessons, worked with small groups and large, had fun at my last group today discussing more Newbery hopefuls.  The awards will be announced January 27th!   I’m celebrating colleagues who, even tired, are willing to meet and talk about teaching and students and starting the year doing great things with their students.  I’m celebrating students who jump right into the craziness of school with enthusiasm, knowing it's five weeks to our Exposition where they share their unit learning from the year.  It’s only January 10th and we’re well started!

photo credit: bitzcelt via photopin cc


  1. Thank you for the poem. Exposition in 5 weeks already? It's going to be intense work for those weeks , but so worth it. I remember the pics you have shared during previous years. I'll get back to school next week.

    1. How wonderful that you've had more time, Terje. Hope it's been a good week!

  2. What a wonderful poem! I'm so glad you and your students are off an running, it will be an exciting 5 weeks, I'm sure.

    1. Thanks Sarah. These five weeks are quite an adventure. I'll write more about it another time too.

  3. Terrific poem, Linda! Thanks for sharing. I can actually feel your excitement and enthusiasm! AWESOME!

    1. It was a very good week, Michelle, and nice to be back! Thank you!

  4. I love your poem and your comments about your colleagues who "even though tired"....yes...only teachers can understand how we can be exhausted after only a week back from vacation!

    1. Just starting back, with all the plans and work can be challenging, as you know. But it was a good beginning, and nice to be back in the routine! thanks Anita!

  5. Those few words in your poem are packed with a powerful message. I do hope to perpetuate my students' writing this semester. I want them to fully understand their writing has power. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. A good goal, Leigh Anne. I think writing impacts all of the curriculum, so best wishes to you!

  6. I hear your enthusiasm for this new year of learning. Whoop! Whoop!

    1. Ha! And now it's good to have the weekend to renew, ready for the next step, Margaret! thanks

  7. I love this celebration and the way that you captured jumping right back into school after a break. Attitude is so important (both our own and those around us)!

    1. Thank you, Amanda! I agree that starting with enthusiasm is critical to the outcome.

  8. Enthusiasm exudes in your poem! I love the word choice, this would be fun to do a close read on it and talk about the nuances of your words. Lucky you to get back in the swing, our schools were crippled by the cold, snow, and ice. Most were out all week. Next week looks more promising.

    1. Wow, Elsie, I didn't hear that you and others missed most of the week. We were just on the edge of the storm, so got some below zero at night but that was about it. Hope next week is better. We're warming up, so hope you do, too!

  9. It's nice to be back in the groove of things, especially when you do what you love. But, it's also nice to be able to step back and relax, renew and recharge from it to do it all again next week!

    1. Yes, the weekend will be a good time to catch up on the reading I now need to do, Earl. Thank you!

  10. I enjoyed your poem! Is that your photograph? It's beautiful!

    1. Thanks Holly, and no, it isn't my photo-wish it was! Credit is at the bottom of the post-from PhotoPin!

  11. Writing's power - I celebrated words today too! We're getting excited for the Newbery announcement too! Would love to hear about the thinking from your group of students about Newbery possibilities. Do you think they would like to communicate with my students?

    1. I will find some of them & ask, Ramona, but we won't meet again until the Thursday before the announcement, to vote. Thanks for suggesting it! They love Navigating Early and Rump, but others have received high praise too. There still isn't one that jumps out! I like Counting By 7s, but some of the younger ones didn't. We're excited to see what will happen!

  12. Great poem Linda! I am excited to tune in to the awards ceremonies. I can't believe it has been a year since watching Ivan win his medal. Enjoy your week ahead.

    1. Thanks Gigi-No book is exactly coming to the front like Ivan did. It would be fun to hear the conversations of the committee, wouldn't it? Hope you have a good week too, Gigi!

  13. Looks like your week went well. You encouraging words on each line of the poem was fabulous.

    1. Thanks Jone-it was a good, good week. I enjoyed writing the poem, got excited with all those rhyming words that seemed to fit!

  14. What a delightful poem! You are definitely facilitating our celebration with your wonderful post and thoughtful comments. Thank you!

  15. Love your word celebration! When I read poems like this, I always wonder about people's process. Did you come up with one line, then think of a whole bunch of words, then put them together? Or???? At any rate, very clever! Keep thinking I will blog about our lunch! Last week I was kind of "off," at least mentally, it always takes me awhile to regroup after the boys leave. Maybe I will do it right now and be all set for Tuesday!

    1. If I remember, hm-m, I did the first line, then went to rhyme zone for the other three and four syllable words, and just messed around with it, Carol. Hope you had a good week back, too! The holidays and all that goes on, then work is a big switch in our brains I know. We had a good week, but we were all tired by the end!

  16. What a musical poem! It begs to be read aloud. Hooray for the fresh start of a new year surrounded by colleagues who are ready to jump in!

    1. Hi Christy, it is great to start the new year. So far, as you see, it was a good one! Nice to hear from you, & to see your new blog design!

  17. Your energy is such an inspiration, Linda! A Sunshine Award from me to you (with no obligation to slog through the process again, I know you have already been tagged many times)!

    1. Wow-thank you Keri. What a lovely surprise, & yes I have been tagged before, but still appreciate your honor.

  18. I had to read your words out loud and it was SO MUCH FUN! Thanks for celebrating with a poem.

    1. You make me happy this Monday morning, Ruth. So glad you enjoyed it, & read it aloud! Have a happy week!

  19. Happy New Year, Linda! Your poem made me think of this: with the Olympics coming up, we should try writing a skeltonic verse for the sport of Skeleton. What do you think? Could we illustrate and celebrate some Olympic skates with poetry next month?

    1. Happy New Year to you, too! I think it would be a marvelous idea, Laura. Do you want to do some back history, or stick with today's skaters! I am so looking forward to the Olympics. It was certainly fun writing this poem!


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