
Friday, January 3, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.  Thanks to Ruth  at DiscoverPlayBuild,  for beginning this Saturday tradition of sharing our celebrations.   
The finalists were announced on Jan. 1st!  You can see the list here

          These final days of vacation held more good, but small things.  My son, daughter-in-law and grandson left a week ago to avoid snow, and the house was quiet enough to echo! Music helped!  So I got busy, and, in my mind, celebrated all the good things that happened during Christmas week.  As I put most decorations away, did laundry, and munched on leftovers, I relived family meals and laughs and shopping we did after Christmas (NOT Black Friday).  It's been a sl-o-o-w second week, including much reading and doing some other things I just wanted to do.

    It's good to have the time to catch up on reading, to write, to plan for returning to work.  I had errands to do that took a lot of waiting time (like going to the DMV office) so I had almost two straight hours to read.  I tweeted more this week, and had fun with a small group putting together a meme for reading those books we really wanted to read last year, and didn't get to.  We've made a plan, shared lists and are going to see if we can catch up by sharing with each other!  Check Carrie Gelson's post if you're interested in joining us!  Hashtag is #MustReadin2014. The badge is to the right.  
     My daughter and I spent a good part of the day Tuesday at IKEA (it takes that long!).  We bought little and looked much.  We only took Imogene, the two and a half year old, who loves looking too, and the store is welcoming to young children.  She found a little raggedy doll which she loved, so played the whole time with it!  It is quite an amazing place, full of possibilities.  We can always find little things that seem like good ideas, then we look at each other and say, 'nah', don't need it!
      After meeting for the first time last year at my state reading conference, Carol Wilcox (at Carol's Corner) and I finally met for lunch at our favorite indie bookstore, and then browsed and talked books.  It was terrific finally to spend more than a few minutes together and now we'll see each other again at the next conference in early February! 
      I am cleaning out some of my teaching things, always a new year celebration to have less, isn't it?  I think teachers keep things, "just in case" don't we?  My shelves look better, ready to hold a little more when I need space.  
      It was seventy plus degrees Friday and we'll wake up to snow on Saturday. It will be a good weekend of preparation, and then onto the new beginnings of school again.  Wow, the vacation zoomed!  This has been a meandering post of celebrations, just like the week has been.  I guess I'm celebrating 'wandering'!

Once again, happy 2014 to all of you!
photo credit: Lapse of the Shutter via photopin cc


  1. Linda,
    I'm feeling like break zoomed along too! It has been a great time to meander through things that lead to new paths! Glad you were able to meet up with Carol. Enjoy the last few moments of time to "wander" before heading back to work!

    1. Thanks Amy-it was a good break, now on to the new year and work! Hope you enjoy your weekend too!

  2. Thanks again for your part in putting together the Must Read meme. Although it may be dangerous to my bank account because I have seen many new titles that I think I need! I have also enjoyed my break but I am ready to get back into a routine. Although we will probably have several snow days this week. :( Have a great first week back.

    1. Snow days are wonderful, but not necessarily the beginning week back-messes with all getting into the routine. I'm ready, too, Leigh Anne. I agree, the Must Read meme will mess with our spending, but I hope will be much fun too. Glad you're in the group! Hope your week back goes as smoothly as possible!

  3. I also spent a greater part of this week cleaning and getting organized. I have yet to write my thank you notes, though. (must do this today!) I enjoyed your meandering. Wish I had an IKEA close by to meander through.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! Yes, it's been a nice final week! We stayed away from Ikea for a long time because of the crowds, but finally went & now again. I've only been a few times, & it is fun! Hope you have a good week next week, too!

  4. What a blessing of a break. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and are relaxed and rejuvenated.

    1. Yes, ALL of it has been good-& now the thinking for next week has begun. I'm ready! Thank you!

  5. Lunch with Carol would be a huge celebration. You are both so compassionate and kind; would imagine your conversation to be delightful.
    I love that you've done all those small, yet time-consuming things this past week. Ikea really is an entire day, but usually has a hidden gem waiting for you when you least expect it.
    Enjoy your weekend and your time back.

    1. Although different from the huge 'shine' of Christmas week, this week was good too, just nice to mess about I guess! Thanks Karen!

  6. It's lovely that your holiday weeks involved both family time and quiet time, Linda. I'll definitely have to check out this book group thing, I have so many to read, and (alas) I accomplished many of my vacation goals, but reading wasn't one of them! We are just about to head to IKEA, too, to get some first apartment stuff for .our son...I find it a cheerful sort of place, until checkout, that is! And, how marvelous to meet Carol!

    1. If we had had a goal like you, I'm sure our purchases would have increased, Tara. You'll have fun I know! Hope you can join us-no pressure, just sharing & checking in once in a while! Thanks!

  7. I love places full of possibilities- whether it be libraries, bookstores, or IKEA! Have a great new year!

  8. This is a nice week full of small celebrations. I love really is a whole day of looking. It sounds like you had a great time there. Have a nice week!

    1. Thanks Andrea-it was fun! We won't return for a long time. Then it'll be new all over again! Hope your week back is good too.

  9. You sure summed up my feelings on the long and wonderful break. I too am ready to go back - on some level - but there need to tidy up things around the homestead after the guests are all gone! Happy New Year!

    1. Yes, amazing how fast it seems to go, but being footloose is not my favorite thing all the time either. Time to return to work! Thanks Anita!

  10. Your break sounded so balanced, family, friends, organizing, shopping, cleaning, reading, getting ready and relaxing! It will be exciting to see all the things that 2014 will bring to us!

    1. Thanks Jaana-the new year always seems so exciting doesn't it? Every day is a new adventure!

  11. Such a lovely, calming post. Your second week sounds wonderful. I am hoping to get my list together of must reads soon so I can join you.

    1. Terrific, Gigi, I hope you do join us! Love seeing all the lists!

  12. This wandering after the holidays sounds great. I loved your IKEA thinking. ..looks great...think....nah!!

    Thank you for the link to Carrie's post. I need to make some tangible reading goals.

    1. Ikea really does show their things so well, & for kids, bins & bins of cute things! But we did well, & had very little to purchase. So glad you'll join us for the reading-will be fun!

  13. What a holiday it's been! So glad you had time for so many activities. What a treat to meet up with Carol and at a bookstore is frosting on the cake! You've had a great start to this new year, may it continue for the rest of the year.

    1. Thanks Elsie-it has been a nice break, & today's snow was a bonus for us. The mountains have a lot (great for skiing), but Denver hasn't had much, & we need the moisture. It was great fun with Carol, too. We are both busy, but are going to try to make it more than once a year! Have a good week, & stay warm! I hear it's going to be very cold back there!

  14. It's good to have a break that has a balance of "shine" and slow, together and alone. You know how to be thankful and enjoy what the time offers. I took one morning to clean some of my teacher stuff and it felt good. Cleared space in my head too. As for reading, I like seeing what others read, I know I will never completely catch up, but it's good to have choices. Happy reading!

    1. Love your words of shine & slow, Terje! You are so right! And now, with those piles of teacher stuff I am reminded of what's there. Happy reading to you too!

  15. Maybe you and Carol and I will manage to get together THIS summer when I'm home!

    1. Wouldn't it be terrific! I'll look forward to it, Mary Lee!

  16. I loved reading your meandering thoughts... meander is one of my favorite words! I've had a quieter week also, my kids left the Friday after Christmas. Every day was busy, but never enough time to do all the reading I want. Can't wait to check out the #mustreadin2014. The best thing was getting back to regular exercise. I walked a couple of malls with a friend and enjoyed a gorgeous, sunny walk yesterday with a friend who retired last year. I love meeting reading friends at bookstores, so glad you and Carol were able to get together. I can't seem to find the date anywhere for 2014 All Write. We have a later end-of-school date again, so I'm afraid we may not be out of school in time this year. I still relish those delightful memories of meeting so many slicers at All Write last year.

  17. Thanks Ramona. I looked too & couldn't find any reference. Perhaps later I'll write Ruth to see what's up! I hope you'll join us in the must read group-just a small group telling what we didn't manage last year, & are determined this year. Your walks sounds good-wish I had a friend to do that with! Have a good, good week!

  18. Dear Linda,
    Your week sounds lovely! We all need these slow weeks to catch our breath and get ourselves rejuvenated. Thanks for the link to Carrie's blog. I'll definitely be checking it out. I need more things to read. :) Happy New Year!

    1. I hope you can join us in this group, Julie, much fun to create the list of those books we've skipped over but still want to read! Yes, a good week, & now you have a snow day, or maybe more! Best wishes to you!

  19. So great that you were able to regroup and plan. It's nice to have time to get caught up & still relax. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Crystal-it was such a nice week! Hope you have one too! If you're in a state with the storm arriving, be cozy & safe!


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