
Monday, March 10, 2014

11/31 Slice of Life - Living the hard moments as well as the good ones

           Thanks to everyone who enhances this community by writing for the Slice of Life Challenge at the blog, Two Writing Teachers
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                  There was another slice, and then this evening my daughter called. One of their cats, their favorite actually, had been hit by a car. Her husband was going to stay with the girls, and would I wait to see what the emergency vet said? Well, you know how this will turn out. Dear LeRoc, sweetest cat even for toddlers, stayed near the girls when babies, seemed to take good care of them always, was too badly injured, and we said goodbye to her a little after ten. Dear pets are not easy to let go, and this "grand-cat" was dear. I have a poem that I love that is about a cat, but really about all of the pets we've had to say goodbye to. 

              I'd like to share in Le Roc's memory: 

My Old Cat by Hal Summers, begins:

      My old cat is dead,
      Who would butt me with his head.
       He had the sleekest fur.
       He had the blackest purr.
       Always gentle with us
       Was this black puss,

                      You can find the rest here.
        And here is LeRoc, lounging on the vcr for its warmth, a year or so ago.


  1. So sorry about your daughter's cat, Linda. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is so hard.

  2. Linda - Oh I'm so sorry. May your memories bring you comfort. I am never ready to deal with it. Pets are simply four footed family members. The loss is so painful.

  3. It always hurts! A nice tribute with a poem and a picture to say good bye to Dear LeRoc.

  4. I'm so sorry for your grandkids and you. Our family treats our cat like their baby and worry about him. Sweet kitty.

  5. He was a beautiful cat, and you and your family will always have the memories. Dear pets are so hard to say "goodbye" to.

  6. How sad. It is always so difficult to lose a beloved pet, but when they are lost this way it seems so much worse. Loved the poem you shared - made me think of our own sweet cat.

  7. With an aging cat myself, I am very touched by your written memorial to the family pet. Hugs to you and your family.

  8. LeRoc sure is beautiful. Hard to say good bye or good bye for now--love the poem and that you were there when your daughter needed you.

  9. LeRoc will definitely be missed by the entire family. He sounds like he was a special part of the girls' lives. I hope they're doing okay this evening.

  10. Thanks for your kind words everyone. The littlest grandchild is okay, not three yet, and doesn't quite understand, but Ingrid, almost 5, is sad, but okay. She has lots to say about missing her sweet kitty, and will continue to share all about her, drew some pictures today her mom told me. A hard day for them.

  11. Such a pretty cat. It's so hard to say goodbye. I hope they find another one to love soon, but you never forget that "one." Hugs to the kiddos and you.

  12. So hard to say goodbye to our pets, they are members of our family. Thinking about your grandkids and your daughter.

  13. I am so sorry and sad to learn of this, dear Linda. My thoughts and wishes go out to you all.

  14. Oh Linda, I am so sorry! Saying goodbye to a fur friend is as hard as saying goodbye to a two-footed one!

  15. I'm so sorry, Linda. LeRoc was a beautiful kitty. Sending you hugs!

  16. So sad for the family. You just never know what a day will bring. What a pretty cat!

  17. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. They can really charm you in so many ways, can't they? Le Roc looks like he was an excellent lounger.

  18. I'm so sorry about Le Roc! What a beauty she was. I've said goodbye to too many of these lovely friends. My thoughts are with your daughter, her daughters, you.


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