
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chalking Goodbye to April with Shakespeare

        Sharing one beautiful picture book that will help teachers share some Shakespeare with young students. Go to Alyson Beecher's Non-Fiction Picture Book Wednesday here!  Tweet at #NFPB14

  Betsy Hubbard started the wonderful Chalk-A-Bration (here at Teaching Young Writers) to chalk poems at the end of each month, I think last year sometime. It's been quite an April-so much poetry to love and enjoy, so many bloggers doing amazing projects. I'm ending with a discovery I made just yesterday, a poetic line from Shakespeare from a new book, and an original poem, all in celebration of April, poetry month.

         Browsing in our library, how have I missed this? It's a picture book with some words from Shakespeare, following the seasons. Brief words for young ears, and gorgeous collage pictures to illustrate. The title is Shakespeare's Seasons, by Miriam Weiner and illustrated by Shannon Whitt.  The quote I've 'chalked' with an app is from The Two Gentleman from Verona, I, iii, 85-87.

And a final poem for April:

    This Musical April

April’s days blare jazz
often changing their tune
up and down the scale
hope that’s finished soon

the conductor raises the baton
waiting for May quiet and slow
relaxing in a softer mood

inside its tune-filled glow

Linda Baie ©all rights reserved


  1. Love the jazz comparison and the changing notes. It sure describes yesterday's thunder and hail storm. What a great seasonal find that Shakespeare book looks to be. Your writing so inspires me, Linda. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Lee Ann. I was so excited to find the book. It's just great!

  2. Does it feel a little strange to not be thinking in terms of poetry? You must have learned so much! What a perfect last book for you to share :)

    1. I hope I will always think about poetry, but will be posting less I think now that April is complete, Michele. I was excited when I found the book!

  3. Oooh, you've made May sound delightful, Linda! PS. What's the app? I'd love to give it a try.

    1. The apps are Real Chalk HD & just Chalk.Both can be exported as jpgs. And I hope May is like that-I'm ready!

  4. Jazz certainly describes my April. I'm afraid May will not be peaceful, though. Love hearing about Shakespeare's Seasons through Chalkabration. Wonder if we could do book reviews on the sidewalk?

    1. It could be a chalking bookfest, Margaret! I imagine you will love this book!

  5. "tune-filled glow" makes me imagine such beautiful things - there is a rhythm and beat to it that is beautiful. I have not been that exposed to Shakespeare's works growing up - something that I should remedy soon. :)

    1. This is a sweet introduction to the poetry of his words, Myra. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks!


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