
Friday, July 11, 2014

Celebration-Fun Times

         Many of us celebrate together on Saturday, the little things and the larger ones, because Ruth Ayres invites us from her blog RuthAyresWrites: Discover Play Build. Come join in the fun!

       "In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." Kahlil Gibran

      My pleasures to celebrate this week:

  • a good meeting with a colleague to plan book discussions of her students' summer reading
  • being with my writing group for the first time since springtime
  • writing and reading, a lot - such a joy to have long hours of time
  • purchasing a new vacuum - hurrah - it's been a long time (embarrassed to say) but I did it, put it together, & from the dirt that appeared in the bagless container, I guess the old one has not been doing so well - again, hurrah
  • a day today with my oldest granddaughter, Ingrid-the Museum of Nature & Science will be our biggest activity, then who knows?

      I won't be posting a week from today because I'll be off to the beach with both my children and their families. Like last year, we've rented a house on Captiva Island and will be there all week. Here's a photo from last year. It is a pleasure to be with everyone, my husband's nephew and his partner live in the area and will join us often-great times.  I'm celebrating ANTICIPATION!

          I hope everyone is having a good summer. When I return, it really will be time to be talking school!


  1. It's great when we can look back and celebrate, look ahead and celebrate, and be in the present and celebrate. Happy reading, writing, and celebrating!

    1. You've said it just right, Earl. Thank you!

  2. You sure have had some wonderful grandchildren time this summer. I'll be off to AP training next week, so I have to start thinking school. I'm not ready.

    1. I'm not ready to get serious, that's for sure, Margaret. Hope the week is full of learning at least! Thanks!

  3. Linda. I love that you celebrated your vacuum :-) Have a wonderful family holiday - we are off for a week long family vacation with my parents, both sisters and families. 6 cousins means lots of racing feet and pool splashes!

  4. Reading, writing, family and beach time. Sounds like a wonderful summer full of opportunities to celebrate.

  5. A beach vacation! How wonderful! Where is Captiva Island? Wishing you lots of wonderful family and reading time!

  6. Earl did say it best, looking back and looking forward celebrations abound! Isn't this the point of #Celebrationlu? You're gifted in living a celebratory life!

  7. How wonderful to look forward to a family trip! Enjoy! The vacuum celebration reminded me of Flora & Ulysses and Kate's story of her mother. :-)

  8. I love the quote about sharing pleasures! That is one reason why I love Ruth's Saturday celebration! Have a wonderful vacation this week. Yes, it won't be long and we will be talking about school!

  9. Have a wonderful vacation - that is a beautiful photo! I am so jealous that you have meetings with colleagues. I shouldn't say that I don't have any, I just spent 2 days at nerd camp with a dear colleague and friend, just wish I had more people at my school that shared my passion! Hopefully one day my passion will be more infectious! Instead I talk to my online friends! Yea for that!

  10. Beach time with family. That is the best! Enjoy, enjoy.

  11. Quite a range of celebrations this week! Who knew a vacuum would end up on a list of celebrations? Enjoy your week with your family!

  12. Enjoy summer! Enjoy the beach.

  13. PS. Glad you could spend time writing ands being with your writing group.

  14. Beach time and family time - the best combo! Have a fabulous time, Linda. Purchasing a new vacuum made me think of our project completed today. Finally got all the soaker hoses hooked up and running. This heat is more than we're used to in the NW.

  15. Linda, I loved the quote you chose from Kahlil Gibran, one of my favorite authors. The picture you posted with the word anticipation conjures up such happy feelings of family time in a beach setting. Enjoy. Might you consider writing a short poem based on the word anticipation to accompany this picture for the virtual gallery REFLECT WITH ME: Summer Serenity found at ?

  16. Thanks everyone, and Carol, will check out your site. It was a good day of museum-going, game-playing, and ice-cream-eating!

  17. Sometimes a new vacuum and a clean floor is worth celebrating! Sounds like you have a great holiday ahead with your family - enjoy the beach and the great news is that you can vacuum up all the left over sand when you get home! Have a wonderful time!

    1. Ha! yes, the last time we found sand for quite a while. Thanks, Adrienne!

  18. I've been known to celebrate the purchase of a good vacuum too! (Such satisfaction from seeing that canister fill up, I suppose.) Have a wonderful time at the beach, Linda!


    1. Ha-Actually I'm glad to have a new appliance that works well after so many years with the old one-time to say goodbye! Thanks, Jennifer!


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