
Monday, July 7, 2014

Slicing At Home - Ah-h

Time for Tuesday's Slice of Life Sharing at Two Writing Teachers. Enjoy!

              I missed reading your slices last week, living another slice of my life, traveling again. I'm home now for a couple of weeks until I travel for the last time, special time by the ocean, until work begins again.

            Having some down time at home means I can play a little, work a little, read and write a lot! So today I considered what I want to share about these slices of my life.  Because we talk about our slices of life, to me that means the parts spent "living" that slice. I am tickled thinking of the way a pie chart of my life can change during different parts of the year. So I created a chart on the Numbers application. How does your slicing add up? Are the largest parts of the chart just the wonderful things you want to do, at least in the summer?

from right, clockwise
Reading - I've read several books, including parts of PD books, sharing with groups online.

Writing - I've worked a lot on a poetry project I haven't touched in weeks, so pleased to start again. My writing group meets Wednesday!

Cleaning - I've swept the floors and the bathrooms, next up, vacuuming and dusting.

Dog walking - Dog-sitting my grand dog George, who is now back home. He is a wonderful cattle dog, and I will miss walking with him, having him around the house.
A little slice of George!
Laundry - Clothes and sheets are clean, until the next time!

Gardening- Nice to be outside, cutting back "gone" flowers, dead-heading blooms, mowing my tiny yard.

So that's the way my PIE is sliced this week. I love those large helpings!


  1. Squeezing in a few last minutes with daughter before she heads back home. I've cherished every minute we've had together. Love your PIE slices! Hoping to find a bit more time to read and write during this upcoming week.

    1. I know you've been so busy too, Ramona. See you online with our group! And enjoy those final minutes-precious!

  2. Linda, I love the actual pie chart for slice of life! I'm so glad you're finding lots of time to write and travel and really LIVE life!! Enjoy your time at home. :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle. It is a pleasure being home!

  3. It seems to me that you have sliced up your pie just right, Linda. I am spending my summer doing a lot of reading and writing, too. But I'm also making room for a sliver of time just sitting on the rocking chair on our front porch (iced tea in hand) just thinking. I never have time for that once the school year begins! Loved the picture of the grand dog, too!

    1. Well, really, that sneaks in too, Tara. You're so right-little time to do some good thinking during the year, about everything! Thank you!

  4. I love your PIE! Wish I could say I've written so much. Seems like I am chasing my tail :) with an overload of projects. Love that dog :)

    1. On a negative note, I wish I could say it will last, but it won't Bonnie. I'm savoring what I can. I love hearing about your projects! Thanks!

  5. A very clever way to show how you are spending your "slices." I'm glad to see that reading and writing are taking more of your time than cleaning! :)

    Sweet Writing Life
    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. So happy to hear you agree with the time spent. Vacation is good for lots of things besides cleaning. Thanks, Jennifer.

  6. Our days look pretty similar, though I replace writing with knitting. I should probably clean more, but reading and knitting are so much more enjoyable. I love how you sliced you day.

    1. Sometimes I wish I knew how to knit. My mother spent much of her time knitting and quilting and made beautiful things. Glad to hear we're in sync with our time!

  7. Love your pie imagery - and I took am basking in a few days of "play a little, work a little, read and write a lot." Perfect summer days! This is a summer full of packing - packed up my school last week and, in ten days, my brothers and I will pack up my parents for their (long-desired, on my part!) move to a retirement community. Sadly, I return from this to back to school - early August - to unpack those earlier boxes. Yes, I am savoring my "slices of pie" this week and next....happy summer! happy travels!

    1. Thanks Maureen, & oh my, I remember that you are moving to a new school! It's very exciting, but so much work to build a new classroom. I'm happy you're savoring your time now.

  8. We make time for what is important to us and you have shown that beautifully. Now this is the way to spend your summer days at home.

  9. Nothing like a graphic to see where you stand. Lots of reading! One of my students did a pie graph for a book of all the emotions. I thought it was clever. I'm glad you have some home time. Mine will end soon. Off to Houston next week for AP training.

    1. It seems that I should have more time. The summer yawns before us, and quickly it goes. Enjoy it yourself, then next week, too, Margaret.

  10. I love the unique way you illustrated this post. Nice to see all the different approaches to slicing. What would we do without summer, and the opportunities to savor and linger, and try on new ways to spend our days.

    1. We are fortunate to have that pleasure, I agree. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again next week, talking about what you're doing on the property this time!

  11. Love the idea of a pie to represent what we are doing in our daily life. Mine would be heavy with play, right now, as summer is treating me well. Love the days where there's nothing that has to be done but not enough time to get it all done. What a wonderful reflection of slicing!

    1. Thanks Melanie-it was fun to do. Glad you are having some good times, too.

  12. What a neat way to look at it!

  13. Love the pie chart and so glad to see that the largest section is reading! What a delightful way to spend your summer. Hope you enjoyed your time back home in MO!

    1. It's always wonderful to be there, Judy. Thank you!

  14. What a creative way to share your slice today! Great idea! I wonder what my pie would look like in a given day...I may just have to investigate. Enjoy those big slices of reading and writing...those are my favorite! :)

    1. Thanks, Robin, I hope if you do, you'll share. I imagine it will be a little different from mine.

  15. What a great idea, Linda! I'm so glad that you've had lots of time to read and write, and that you're enjoy these summer days!

    1. Thanks Catherine, hope you are having some good time too!

    2. This is a really clever way to think about the summer, or about life, actually. I think this would be fun to do with kids at the beginning of the school year to find out how they had spent their summers, and basically, who they were. Great idea!

    3. Carol, What a great idea, & it will also start them with the skill of using pie charts, with an added "personal" bonus. It was fun to think about my life in this way! Thank you!

  16. Glad you're enjoying your summer and reading & writing a lot.

    If I did one of those charts, laundry would take up a lot more. Speaking of which, my washer is dinging right now!

    1. Ha! Stacey, I know how much laundry my daughter did when they stayed with me, so I understand perfectly. Thanks for a laugh this am!

  17. Love a nice explanatory chart, Linda! How about a Venn diagram of what you are doing, with reading on one side and writing on the other and you in the middle :-) ?

    1. That would be a good description Tabatha, maybe soon! Thanks for the idea!


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