
Sunday, August 17, 2014

DigiLit Share - A Poem on ThingLink

             Margaret Simon, at Reflections on The Teche, hosts Digilit Sunday, a way to share anything about technology learning, for the classroom or personally I don't always share, but have enjoyed what others do, and thought I'd try a ThingLink for today. I realize there is much more that can be done with this app. Yet I also thought that ThingLink, text only this time, could be a great device for highlighting a poem. Here's one today. Read top to bottom, left to right.


  1. Oh, wow! You amaze me Linda - this is wonderful. Definitely stealing this idea!

    1. I'm just exploring, know that students can do so much more! Thanks, Tara.

  2. I love this, too. I'm so glad you did a poem. I've only been thinking along the lines of links, but this is a more creative use. My tech department did open up the site for use this week, so that was a good thing. I've registered my students so we can get started soon. Thanks for linking up today!

    1. Well, I do need to explore the site more, see what everyone is doing, but it was easy to do. Glad you have good tech news!

  3. This is so beautiful! Thanks for including directions on how to read it.

    I think there are wonderful classroom implications for using a tool like this for writing.

    1. Thanks, Stacey, I agree-so much can be shared. Like scanning in their own illustrations with the writing, etc. Hope you're having fun & getting things done!

    2. So much! I cannot thank you enough for that post you wrote about your own experience here. I'm already thinking about when I can come back since I'm getting so much written!

    3. That's marvelous to hear. It's terrific you're liking it so much. I am looking forward to being back, will enjoy it again, I'm sure. Thanks for letting me know, Stacey!

  4. Linda, I am impressed with what you did with ThingLink. I haven't played around with it yet but intend to. Have not posted my DigLit Sunday piece yet on my first attempts with Tapestry.


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