
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Celebrations - All Sizes

           Celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Discover, Play, Build each week. It's a lovely way to touch base with others online to see what they've been doing and celebrating!

          I didn't write last Saturday because of my staff retreat, always a pleasure to spend that time with colleagues, easy evenings and great talk about everything, then purposed talk about the future. We are lucky to be able to travel to a family cabin in the Y of the Rockies. Beautiful weather, beautiful place.

          I celebrate work with colleagues who are busy getting ready for student-led conferences in which students share their work so far for the year, and discuss goals for next steps. I always felt so proud of my students in these conferences, and still would love to peek at the youngest ones, to hear them talk about their learning, too. Having Halloween a week before conferences is challenging, but everyone is also excited for that day too. There are parties, a big parade with all the students winding their way through the school and outside. The continuing students lead us in the Hokey-Pokey, and we are off to the rest of this fun evening. How traditions get started is anyone's guess. I was talking about this with a colleague, and we can't remember about the parade's beginnings, or the Hokey-Pokey. They're ideas that are celebrated by continuing, right?

         I celebrate autumn. I've written much this week from its inspiration, taken countless pictures, and have enjoyed every minute of my time outdoors.

        I took the time to send some poems out into the world, to see about publishing this week. I haven't been very good about this, and am working at my writing more and more so I can find a way to publish some. It isn't a big goal. I'll continue writing just for me, but cross your fingers for me please. I expect another rejection, but I've told students many times, if you don't try, you won't 'get'! I need to live what I say, don't I?

        It's a wonderful thing to be able to bring Ingrid to my home after school some Fridays, then I take her to her home. Her Halloween costume arrived yesterday. Oh my, so exciting. She immediately started dancing. And I took some dresses for both her and Imogene that I'd found. Imi loves the color green, so had to put it on right away and show me. Celebrating the little moments makes my life very nice.

      Finally, after a busy, busy week, I celebrate the weekend. I'm happy it's here, to rest up and catch up, to read and write. I hope you've had a wonderful week, and will have a lovely weekend.


  1. I love the looks on those sweet faces trying on costumes and dresses!!! Congratulations for sending out your writing to be considered for publication! That alone is an accomplishment! You are being such a great model for your students. By the way, that cabin looks amazing! Happy celebrations this week, Linda! :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle. It's wonderful to see the girls so excited. It's been a long time since I was excited enough over clothes to dance around!

  2. I love the Rockies. The Iowa Girl in me can't get enough of them! The girls are lovely! Thanks for continuing to share your family stories! And congrats to you for sending your writing out! That is so amazing and brave! I wish you the best!

    1. Thank you Kendra. I think I'm spoiled by living so near the mountains, & don't get "into them" nearly enough.

  3. We did student-led conferences at my former district, and I loved them. That cabin for your staff retreat (what a great thing, by the way) looks beautiful! Good luck with your publishing! My fingers are definitely crossed for you. Your granddaughters are adorable. :-)

    1. Thanks, Holly. Yes, that cabin is amazing. I'd love to have a huge family reunion there some day.

  4. Oh these little ones - too, too cute! Love your writing courage Linda. I have crossed fingers.

    1. Thanks, Carrie. As I said, if I wouldn't try, I'd never get anywhere!

  5. Lovely post, Linda, so many wonderful things to celebrate this week. Autumn has been especially beautiful here. Usually we have one day of fall and then a huge storm blows all the leaves off the trees, but fall is lingering this year and I am enjoying it. Student-led conferences where students talk about their learning?! WHAT? I thought the purpose of school was sitting still! My head just exploded. SIGH. Trying not to be cynical about the conferences I attended this week! Just glad to know that some schools are getting it right! What a gorgeous lodge that is! I want to take a retreat there too. Good luck with your writing. It definitely takes courage to send it out into the world!

    1. Thanks Elisabeth, I appreciate all your words, and I do understand about those conferences. My son and daughter-in-law are increasingly frustrated. Yes, the students at our school lead the conversations. In the youngest classes, they practice and practice, but after doing one, they're hooked! We believe in it totally.

  6. So glad you're sending your poems out! Fingers crossed here! I love the pics of the grand girls dancing and showing off their new clothes. Were you at Snow Mtn. Ranch or Estes Park? We used to vacation at Snow Mtn. Ranch when we lived in Texas. It was a delightful, relaxing time. Many happy memories. I love your fall pics.

    1. I've been to Snow Mt. Ranch with students, Ramona-it is gorgeous, too, but no, this retreat is always at the Estes Park Y. Thanks for everything, & best to you, too.

  7. So wonderful that you are reaching out with your work! Excited for you and fingers crossed.

    1. Thanks, Julieanne, mine are crossed too, & I'm ready to do more!

  8. Linda, I hope you are successful with sending out your poems. Being a risk taker is an important step. Your granddaughters are charming and so full of joy-a reason to celebrate in itself. I can't wait to see what you uncover for the Finding Fall Gallery.

  9. Oh Linda! What a fun week. I love those pictures of the little girls. I'd give them each extra treats! So glad you are enjoying this special moments.

    1. Thank you. They are treats, too! Have a great Halloweening week. Love Andy's gorilla suit!

  10. Hoping your poems find a home in the publishing world. Where did you send them? I love the photos of Grandgirls. And how cool to have a staff retreat. Lucky you.

    1. Thanks Jone. I'll send you an e-mail about the sending. Thanks for your 'hopes'!

  11. What a great week! I hope that your writing for you is a wonderful journey and I wish you the best with publication. :)

  12. I'm not very good at sending things out into the world either. It's time consuming and rejections are so annoying, but you are right, we must try. Thanks for the fun grandpics. I want little ones around again so we can celebrate Halloween. We don't even have kids in the neighborhood.

    1. My little 3 1/2 year old neighbor helped his dad decorate their porch today. He was so excited. There is a mixed group here in my neighborhood, babies & retirees. I like it, know what you mean about missing the young ones at Halloween.


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