
Monday, October 27, 2014

Visiting My OLW

          Time for the weekly Slice of Life at the Two Writing Teachers blog.  Tweet at #SOL14  Thanks Stacey, Tara, Dana, Beth, Anna and Betsy!
          It's time to write about my OLW for the year, WANDER. Remember back when I wrote that I had found a new journal that said wander, and then I'd connected this to meaning MORE WRITING?  It has!
          I have been doing what Merriam-Webster says is the meaning of wander: "to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction" or "to follow a path with many turns".   Some of the time I have had a direction, to improve my writing, but I also need to share a secret. I'm writing different things all the time, seems like practice, and it's fun.  Learning to wander into a new approach instead of just changing a word is part of that. 
            To learn and grow, I've taken the online poetry workshop with Renée LaTulippe (see the button at the right). I've wandered back to Honesdale, PA to enjoy and work hard at a second poetry workshop with David Harrison. I've continued my writing group which has grown smaller, but some of us are still pushing on together. And, I've just signed up for PiBoIdMo. Clearly, I'm following a path of many turns.  

          A friend sent me a quote: "Having precise ideas often leads to a man doing nothing." Paul Valéry, a French poet
          I've been sketching more; it helps me think and imagine. Mostly I sketch what I see, sometimes from a photo. Clearly I'm wandering, and more than once, it's a slice of life that I'm living.


  1. Your post makes me so happy, Linda - you are downright flourishing creatively this year! Thank you for sharing your "wanderings" and thoughts. A sacred, and fun, journey. :0)

    1. You're welcome, Robyn. It was good to reflect!

  2. I love your word, Linda and I love where your wandering has taken you! It is good to connect again.

    1. Hi Deb, great to hear from you, too. I hope you're back to slicing!

  3. Isn't it wonderful to see where your "wander" has lead you this year! Borrowing a phrase from Deborah's post, there maybe a few more currents that will lead you to wander to few more new places during the rest of the year.

  4. Loved your wanderings today, Linda. I have been thinking about wandering a bit, too. The path always is safest, but you don't get to experience as many new adventures as when "off the beaten path". Enjoy this journey!

    1. Thanks, Donna. Your poetry always inspires me, and now this new book! Such fun to imagine what can be!

  5. Linda, your wanderings have led you down many paths that have allowed your creativity to flow. I am wondering if you might like to try a 2nd entry for the Finding Fall Gallery that you link a wandering, such as the bird sketch, with a photo of the location and a poem about wandering while finding fall. What do you think?

    1. Your invitation is enticing, Carol, will have to think about it and see what happens in the next week. Thanks for asking!

  6. I love the idea of wandering. You never know where it will take you and are often surprised at where you find yourself. Happy wandering.

    1. Thank you, I rather love the mystery of it, too!

  7. Linda, I think you've perfectly captured the essence of the word 'wander'. Another Slicer wrote about their varied writing life today, too, and it just makes me think how important it is to try new things. How else to find our way as a writer? P.S. I signed up for PiBoIdMo, too! I'm very excited!

    1. There are several of us signed up, Dana. It will be fun, I think. Thanks for the comment!

  8. So many rich ways to tap into your creativity, Linda! Love the sketching, too - you are good!

    1. Thanks, Tara, it's been a lovely time since summer!

  9. All who wander are not lost~J.R.R. Tolkien
    You are not lost, Linda, you are finding your way!

    1. Tolkien, a favorite for sure, Jane. Thank you!

  10. Your word is serving and guiding you well. I think that our past OLW stay with us. So when this year is over "wander" will still be nudging your thinking and actions. It's exciting to experiment and stretch ourselves, isn't it?

    1. Yes, I think I might be bored if I didn't enter a few different paths, Terje.

  11. You are amazing! What tremendous accomplishment can happen, just starting with wandering!

    1. Thanks, Jeannine, for the first time, a word has actually been a good companion all year.

  12. So glad I got to meet you when we wandered to Highlights together!

    1. Thank you! And me too, of course. Maybe this next year I can get over to Glenwood! Hope so!

  13. You certainly have been wandering physically and mentally this year. What great places you've discovered or should I say, rediscovered.

    1. Thanks Elsie, yes, wandering filled this year.

  14. Linda, I can't wait to see where your wandering takes you next! This is awesome! Thank you for sharing your sketches! They are lovely and familiar.

    1. Thanks, Kendra, it's rather nice to imagine new adventures.

  15. What a great word! I am particularly delighted by the quote you shared: "Having precise ideas often leads to a man doing nothing." Paul Valéry, a French poet. I am keeping that at the ready! ;-)

    1. It is a great quote I think, too. Good to really contemplate, isn't it? Thanks, Maureen.

  16. I love that your wandering is filled with learning and joy!

  17. I remember being at All Write and sneaking peeks at your drawings in your writer's notebook. Drawing is not a talent I have . . . so I find illustrations in notebooks intriguing. It's so fun to see where your wandering has taken you. I need a translation - PiBoIdMo - is it Picture Book Idea Month? Love the ways that you're learning and growing!

    1. Thank you, Ramona. If you find the inspiration, & practice, I really think you can learn to sketch. I've had many students feel the same way, & they just improve through practice. Yes, you're right about PiBoIdMo.

  18. I love that quote from Paul Valery! I need to write that down and post it somewhere. I know that part of the reason I struggle to do creative things is that I want to have a precise idea of what I'm doing and a clear vision of a product. I struggle to wander! I loved reading about the different ways that you've found yourself wandering this year.

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth, hope the quote sends you on your way to creating more.

  19. How wonderful you found a notebook with your word on it. Glad you are living your word this year. Your wanderings are taking you to many exciting places!

    1. Thanks Gigi, yes, it was a serendipity day when I found it!

  20. What a great OLW! Love how you are using it to grow as a writer. Love your sketches as well.


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