
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Celebrating A Great Week

            The month of November is a time of more thanksgiving for us. Come join Ruth Ayres at Discover, Play, Build to share your celebrations.
            I want to share Friday's post at the Teaching Authors blogsite where they are beginning their annual tradition of inviting others to write Thankus.  A Thanku is a haiku of  thanks during this time of the year leading to Thanksgiving. If you'd like to share one, they will post it at the end of the month, and sometimes share on the blog. Even if you don't write one, it's wonderful to read all that others are writing.
              Time to celebrate my colleagues this week! I'd like to share that I'm going to be the core teacher in a classroom for the remainder of the year with the same age students I've taught before, 6th, 7th and 8th graders, what we term Advanced School. My mind is whirling, ideas are swirling, and I am grateful for colleagues who often stopped in to give hugs and offer help. I completed conferences Thursday and Friday, and had good conversation with students and parents, viewed their portfolios, and made future plans. I know I'll have much to share and celebrate in the weeks to come!

             I wrote about my "slow" Monday here, and will be celebrating and remembering that day as I become busier.

             It rained last night. For some of you, it's not a celebration, but for this arid climate in Denver, it's a joy. We're supposed to have more early next week, and perhaps a little snow. Winter arrives in November and I celebrate bringing out the sweaters.

Have a wonderful next week everyone!



  1. I love the idea of a Thanku! Writing has been one of my "me time" activities that I've held onto during Graduate school, and I've been trying out some new things in my journals. Thanks for sharing the link. Congratulations on the position! There will be much to celebrate coming up! As I remember your link from the SOL link up, I need you to know I put a can opener on my shopping list this week. :)

    1. You made me laugh this morning via the 'can opener' on your list, Kendra. Glad to help! I hope you do try a "thanku". It is a lovely tradition. Have a good rest of the weekend!

  2. You and Margaret both wrote about Thankus this morning. I can't wait to get started!!! Congratulations on being a core teacher for the rest of the school year. That's so exciting!!! Can't wait to hear all about it! :)

    1. Thanks Michelle, hope you enjoy writing the thankus! Yes, back in the classroom again will be quite the adventure!

  3. I too celebrate rain, we need it here in LA too… but it has been hot and dry. Thank you for the idea of Thankus, when I first read the word I was saying it like "tank-us"… before I realized it was pertaining to Haikus. When I do this I always think of my students who struggle to read and wonder how often their reading experience is confusing like that…before the context gets clear for them.

    1. Such a good connection, Cathy. All through the years, there have been several examples of that kind of mid-reading. Sometimes we never find out! Hope you will enjoy the thankus!

  4. I wanted no rain while I was in OK, but my best friend reminded me they need rain. However, we've had several days of blue skies and sunshine just for me. Now I know what your big changes you mentioned earlier in the week referred to. That is one lucky group of students! Good luck as the whirling and swirling continues! We'll look forward to hearing about your journey here.

    1. Yes, the rain is needed & wish we could grab some from you in the way northwest, Ramona. And indeed, the adventure begins. I love the class, so am happy to begin. Glad you had such a lovely visit in Oklahoma!

  5. Back in the classroom - lucky kids to have you with your heart, knowledge and creativity. I hope that being with them will energize and inspire you more than make you tired.

    1. I am excited, & will enjoy it, but that also means some days I'll be tired. That's a given, isn't it? Thanks, Terje!

  6. A Thanku sounds like a fun idea. I'll definitely do that. I love all the adventures we undertake even the unexpected ones! Good luck with the students!

    1. Thanks, Earl. I'll look for you in those thankus!

  7. A reason to celebrate sweaters. Not quite sweater weather here, but it is gumbo time and boots. I love my boots.
    I look forward to reading about your teaching experiences. Do you plan to blog with them? Highly recommend it.

    1. It's early days Margaret to see what's going to happen. I certainly hope to! And hope for connections! I loved your gumbo description-yum!

  8. I'm pretty sure I'll never celebrate bringing out sweaters :) I'm a shorts girl, but I enjoy being in the cold a/c wearing a sweatshirt :)
    Glad conferences went well. They are always long but as you say, conversation is such a good thing!

    1. Today is so gorgeous, Michele. I don't mind sweaters, but having to wear a coat, scarf, gloves, etc. is not my favorite thing. Yes, the talk at the conferences was good. Now for school!

  9. How wonderful to be with those 6th, 7th and 8th graders. What a treat for those students. And thank your for the thankus tip. Saw it on Margaret's blog too. Love that idea.

    1. Have fun with those Thankus, Julieanne. And thank you. The class is a great group, it will be fun, change at first, but we can all work through it.

  10. Holy cow, you are going to take over a classroom for the rest of the year? You'll be busy! I want to try Thanku's! And I agree with you-- the Colorado weather, rain, sunshine, etc., is absolutely glorious right now!

    1. Yes, will be much busier than usual. Egad, what have I done? Really, I think it's a good challenge & I will enjoy it a lot, Carol. Have fun with the thankus!

  11. Love it when we get rain too--always cause to celebrate. I love living in South Dakota, but I do miss rainy days. How exciting to be in the classroom for the rest of the year! I love the work I do now, but I do miss getting to spend time with teenagers each day. They are so much fun.

    1. I know what you mean-such a dilemma of what to do. This opportunity appeared & I took it. Yes, rain is the best!

  12. Lucky, lucky students! And I love the idea of a Thanku! What a beautiful concept, and one that I will share with my students this week.

    Glad you had some rain! Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks, Katherine. So great you're going to share the thankus with your students.

  13. Thanks so much for sharing the link about our Three Weeks of Thanks-Giving, Linda.
    And wow, what exciting news for you! I know you'll do a great job--good luck with this new adventure!


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