
Friday, November 14, 2014

Celebration Saturday

Celebrating A Great Week

            The month of November is a time of thanksgiving for us here in the U.S. Come join Ruth Ayres at Discover, Play, Build to share your celebrations.

             Last week I shared a post at the Teaching Authors blogsite where they are beginning their annual tradition of inviting others to write Thankus.  I continue to be grateful for my colleagues, and especially this first full week of being with this new class. Here is my "Thanku" to them:


my hugging colleagues
let me know I’m not alone
good to know they’re here
Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved

            I had an entire week with my new class, and found it a pleasure every day. It's early days yet, but I know this is going to be a good year. The students (if you don't already know) are a mix of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. We call the oldest group  continuing students, for they "continue" from our school and move on to high school. All the class worked hard, and worked fast. They needed to be resilient, and they were! They had a new person working with them, me, who talked and explained in different ways. They created some beautiful art, managed research for their individual topic goals, and some completed projects from the research. We read, talked, and wrote. I'm proud of every one, and look forward to knowing each one better and better. 
             I managed to rise and leave the house an hour and a half earlier than I have been. I enjoy staying up late, and have been used to leaving for work later. No more of that. But I did it, and it was fine. Along with that, we had the coldest November days ever this week, a high of five degrees on Wednesday! I don't have a garage, my car started, and that is something to celebrate!  
             Because I'm now at school all day, I will enjoy bringing my granddaughter Ingrid home with me every Friday, and we had that time together Friday, came home and Ingrid played, we read a few books and went out to dinner at Noodles. That's a Friday afternoon of fun with a five year old!
                Wishing you many celebrations this coming week!




  1. I believe that the teacher's attitude sets the course for the year. You honor the students and see the best in them, they will live up to your expectation. Together you will survive any ups and downs and will continuously find reasons to celebrate.

    1. Thanks Terje, I think so, too. Just as we are looking for celebrations all week, we do this in the classroom, too!

  2. YAY for a successful first week! YAY for your car starting! YAY for being a great grandmother!!! I love your celebrations. Thanks for sharing. Stay warm!!! :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle, & now we have a little snow forecast for today. Winter is definitely here!

  3. Love this " I will enjoy bringing my granddaughter Ingrid home with me every Friday," my memories with my grandparents are my fondest because we always did something a little special that my parents wouldn't let me do. One time in involved purchasing a Teddy Bear hamster :) Thank you for sharing your celebration.

    1. Ha! I think that teddy bear hamster might have been quite a surprise, Maria. Ingrid and I do have fun, and seem to have evolved into some traditions which we love, mostly play and reading, but also planning ahead is fun. Thank you!

  4. I love reading about your enthusiasm over your new position. Those kids are so lucky to have you.

    1. Thanks, Margaret, one step at a time! It was a lovely week!

  5. Sounds like some wonderful changes are happening for you. Love the Thanku poem

    1. Thanks, Juliann, the brain continues to swirl!

  6. Linda-I admire your passion for returning to the classroom, even with the cold weather you all endured out west! (We have friends in a suburb of Denver, they were sharing pictures and temperatures with us! Yikes!) These kids are so lucky to have you!

    1. It was quite a week with these beginnings and the weather, Kendra! Thanks!

  7. I'm so excited for you in your new position! Lucky kids, lucky you. Sounds like you are off to an amazing start. Keep warm, brrrrr!

    1. Digging out the sweaters was not the easy celebration I imagined! I also had to find the smart wool socks, long undies, etc. Cold again this weekend & now it's supposed to be in the fifties by mid-week. Hurrah! Thanks Julieanne!

  8. Thankful for new challenges, new stretches, new routines that keep us going and growing at every age. Thanks for the reminder, Linda.

  9. We had similar temps too, Linda, and I was also grateful that my car started when it was -6 and I had to leave for work! It can be such a challenge to adjust the sleeping and waking schedules that are most comfortable for us. Glad you have the weekend to catch up on rest! Sounds like the first week was just what it needed to be with your students! So happy for them--I know they're going to have a wonderful year.

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth, I appreciate your words and my weekend!

  10. It is cold here too! Not as cold as your temps but definitely hats, mitts and warm coats. But the bright sun makes up for it. I am excited to hear more in the coming months about all of your experiences with your class! Exciting!

    1. Thanks, Carrie, snowing now, & I'm happy to be inside. Going out on errands was fine, but I'm appreciating the quiet afternoon.

  11. Linda, your celebrations this week are filled with positivity. Keep bundled during the cold and thanks for letting me know about the Thankus. I am glad that you have colleagues who are filled with hugs and warm greetings.

    1. Thanks, Carol. Yes, I do love my colleagues, feel very grateful for them.

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, Loralee. It was, now time for a little R & R, readying too for the coming holidays!

  13. Well, it begins with you and the joy and commitment you bring to your teaching. This will be a very special year for your students, Linda, and how wonderful that you get to have one little student (Ingrid) as your extra special Friday pal! It's really cold here, too - brisk and bracing, the first taste of winter.

    1. Thanks Tara, I'm not sure I'm ready for winter yet! Yep, it was a special week, & I'm looking forward to more. Hope your weekend is filled with some of those quiet moments you wrote about last week!

  14. Dear Linda,
    A car that starts, a promising class, and time with Ingrid...three gold stars...and hugging colleagues, too? WOW!

  15. I've been watching your temperatures. So cold!! I really hope this is not a sign of what's to come!
    Many times I miss having my own class, but then I help my daughter with her math homework and I'm glad I don't have to teach math!!!

    1. Well, in this class, I don't have to either, Michelle. We have advanced math teachers in algebra & above for that. But I know what you mean. I used to enjoy teaching math, but it was intensive prep.

  16. was really cold in Colorado. Not that here. I love that you get to bring grand girl home for time with her. Enjoy the week.

    1. Thanks, today cold too, but hopefully the forecast is right & we're warming up by mid-week! Thanks, Jone.

  17. Love your Thanku, Linda. So glad you chose to participate. And I'm pleased at all the support you're receiving. Hooray for your students, too!
    Exceptionally cold here in Illinois, too, so I can relate. :-)

    1. Thanks Carmela. Isn't it nice when people offer help, especially needed now! Yes, we were thrown into winter fast!

  18. I admire your dedication and passion for what you do. It shows through your words!

  19. Your vitality & vigor are contagious Linda!
    And I Thank-U for all your creative posts here & at Teaching Authors, W.O.M with David Harrison & other spiffy spots in social media.

    I can tell that your students are lucky to have you.

    1. Thanks, Jan. It's a pleasure to participate in these communities. I appreciate your compliment.


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