
Monday, November 3, 2014

Life Is Just A Bowl of Cherries, & Sometimes Can Openers

Time for the weekly Slice of Life at the Two Writing Teachers blog.  Tweet at #SOL14  

       Thanks Stacey, Tara, Dana, Beth, Anna and Betsy!

          Bill Moyers says "Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous."  I have Mondays off, and even with Mondays off I am busy. Busy with my work, busy with my writing and reading, busy taking care of my home, busy with family and friends. There are times when I don't want to do anything exciting, and this November 3rd was one. Wet weather is unusual here in Denver, and I knew from the weather report that it was on its soggy way from the northwest, and still I was surprised to wake up in the early 'still-dark' morning to rain pounding on the roof. It was loud enough that I had to rise, open the shades and look. Yep, rain. Earlier, a little snow had drifted onto the grass and car (no garage), but now, rain.

           The rush into winter time kept me up for a hot cup of coffee and the checking of e-mail and finishing my blog post. Gloomy, wet, wish-I-could-stay-in kind of day. The mundane will continue. I had a dental check-up at ten. I took my time, read more posts, showered, got ready and took off. The marvelous part so far is that I didn't have to hurry, I could actually wear a sweater, and I like the hygienist a lot. It's great to see her and catch up on her news, about her young boy, about the trips she took this past summer. No problems, teeth cleaned!
           Continuing the mundane into the marvelous. I spent the next hour and a half at a Crate and Barrel store, browsing and browsing, imagining what one large jar would look like in my home (I didn't buy it.), looking and sitting in numerous beautiful sofas (I don't need one.), and gazing at the hundreds (yes, hundreds) of Christmas ornaments they've displayed. (Nope, didn't purchase one.) But I loved the looking, loved that I could take the time. Did I buy anything? Yes, one mundane thing I've been wanting (needing) for a while. My can opener is old, very old, and sometimes doesn't cut all the way through. I bought a new one. Can't get much more mundane than that. But I will appreciate it all the more because it'll remind me of this marvelous, slow day when I was able to do all the browsing I wanted, my mundane (and loved) slice of life.


  1. Oh Linda, I love slow days. I've had a couple of them this fall and what a treat it is to go into a store and just browse. Love waking up to rain on the roof, and crawling back into bed to read. It's a delicious indulgence. Love the quilt behind the can opener!

    1. Thanks Ramona. I imagined you would understand what I was writing about. The quilt is my dining tablecloth, bought it a long time ago, not a family heirloom!

  2. Yup, me too. Love slow days. Even though we have more time to slow down we don't do it enough, but now with Tuvia mending and building up his strength, I'm glad he is slowing down. Sometimes though, slowing down makes me feel guilty if I'm not doing enough with the opportunity.
    Glad to be up early reading and catching up here, my friend :) Have a great day.

    1. I know about the guilt, but sometimes... And Bonnie, I didn't know Tuvia had been ill again. Best wishes to you both!

  3. Oh, it has been ages since I just went out browsing, before I had three kids it was a favorite passtime! (Still is just less time to do it--and it doesn't count if my kids are with me begging to buy!). Thank you for this!

    1. I wrote about browsing for a bit with my granddaughter a few weeks ago, Amy, but it was at Safeway, a different 'look' at browsing. One kid at a time, however. Hope you find a little time for you, too!

  4. I am envious of your slow day! Too much of life is spent rushing.

    1. And me, too, rushing around. I'm glad I took the day. It doesn't happen often.

  5. Oh do I LOVE this slice! I love that this can opener will remind you of your lovely day. I get that. Reading about your browsing reminded me of how much fun that can be...imagining and dreaming without buying! Thanks for the reminder of finding the beauty and joy in the ordinary! That's where it's hiding!! :) (By the way, I love that can opener. Brilliant!)

    1. I haven't even had the chance to use the opener yet, Michelle, and hope it works like it says it will! Yes, it was a good day.

  6. Slow days are to be relished and appreciated. Sounds like this is just what you did, every step of the way - down to that can opener.

    1. Yes indeed. I needed this day. Now on to the rest of the week! Thanks, Tara.

  7. We all need a slow day to recharge our batteries. Glad you took advantage of yours.

  8. I love how you made this day come to life. I love how took things that are so "mundane" and made them therapeutic. The looking and no buying is a gift as taking care of the things that are boring but necessary!

    1. Thanks Julieanne, funny how sometimes the slice writes itself. This was one of those times, rare, but good.

  9. I find mundane to be marvelous, and strive for it every chance I can get! I'm so happy you were able to have this time. Good luck with your new can opener! (Which reminds me I need one too...)

    1. Ha! Happy to be the reminder, Kendra! And to hear that you find the mundane when you can, too.

  10. Oh, how I understand the refreshment of a slow day! Thank you for your repeated use of the word "mundane," as it has me spinning a story idea for Picture Book Idea Month!

    1. Hurrah for you, Jane. It's been fun so far, hasn't it?

  11. Linda,
    I have the day off today due to election day and I am so quick to try to fill it up. I am going to take your slow day advice and go downtown to a favorite shop and just browse, a guilt pleasure! Thanks.

    1. So happy my timing was perfect for you, Margaret. Enjoy every bit!

  12. What a treat to shop alongside you this slow day. Crate and Barrel are so full of possibilities, I guess I'm glad we don't have one here, but must save my wanderings to the times I get to St. Louis. (Cheaper that way.) Your rain on Monday has made its way here today. I'd like to stay in but must get out and vote.

    1. I mailed my ballot last week, but I vote no matter what-rather miss going to stand in line, but always will for the presidential elections. This Crate & Barrel is not close, but close to my dentist, so a treat once in a while.

  13. I like how you made the day a lovely one even though it started out dark. It's kind of a gratitude piece. Poetic. You know how to let your words do the magic.

    1. Thanks Terje, when we are reflecting on a special time, the words appear willingly. I appreciate your response!

  14. Linda, sounds like an absolutely perfect day to me! (Minus the rain.) I love days like that, I feel so grateful for them. Your gratitude comes through in this piece, too. Hope you have more days like this one.

    1. Thanks Dana, they aren't often, & you're so right, I am grateful.

  15. Linda, I recently purchased a new can opener too and I think I have been grateful every time I've used it and it cuts right through the can! Sometimes it's the small things in life. OFTEN it's the small things in life. I love your celebration of a slow day. What a wonderful reminder of the beauty of the mundane. (It rained in South Dakota on Monday too! We have very few rainy days here, and I treasure every one and always want to stay home.)

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth. I agree about the rain, wish I could have stayed home just to appreciate it. We have such similar weather to you, except I think yours is generally colder. Love that can opener!

  16. The gift of a quiet day. Sounds beautiful.

    1. It was, after today, becoming a distant memory! But-I'm glad I had it! Thanks, Katherine.

  17. Did you get my comments Linda? I sent them and then they seemed to disappear.

    1. No, not in the moderation either, Deborah. Sorry. Thanks for trying!

  18. I'm so glad you were able to celebrate that, because I so know what you are talking about! Those slow days. They are wonderful! To me, they are better than the ridiculous busy ones where you accomplish much, but don't feel rested. We need those every week!

    1. Yes, I wish they could be every week, but it's very nice to have one whenever it happens. Thanks, Michele!

  19. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the mundane! I wish my every Monday was like yours! Ah, to dream .... the marvelous! Thanks for always stopping by and leaving your comments and hugs, Linda. I hope you know it means so much to me -- nothing mundane about that!

    1. You're welcome, Michelle. I always like to hear what you're up to, whether with teaching or with the girls. Have at least one mundane moment this week!


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