
Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Week Has Ended - Applause!

              This week, celebrating a good week of good times with Ruth Ayes at Discover, Play Build.  
                                                       Tweet at #CelebrateLu!


*My class worked hard all week preparing for their Expo displays. I was absent Thursday and Friday and had terrific help so that students could continue on. Here are a few things that happened: 
                 We used shower curtains to help a student set up a mock prison cell. He's studying prison architecture, focusing on those in solitary confinement and the differences between the US designs and that of other countries. 
                 One student created a triangular pyramid that will turn to show his work. He is studying bridge construction, and the earlier part of the unit was 'how-to' creations. Another is hanging her picture gallery of students she dressed and made-up to show the fashion changes throughout the 20th century. Still another created a photo display of public art in her neighborhood area (the one I happen to live in, too). Each photo lifts so that people can vote for a piece that is a favorite. In addition to the research work there have been beautiful backgrounds drawn and/or painted on different boards that connect with the research. I can't wait to share pictures after next week!

*I attended CCIRA, have been there since Wednesday evening, the coldest night. We have been blessed with amazingly great weather, in the 70s during the days! Last year the temperature set records the other way, one day was about minus 12, so this made us all think it was nearly spring!  Here are a few highlights:
               Georgia Heard began with sharing her experience with Stanley Kunitz, quoted him: "Write about the 'little' things, write from the HEART (my caps)." Doesn't that connect beautifully with all of our own celebrations? And with Georgia's "heart-mapping"?
               Kylene Beers shared the video above from a group in Maine-such fun-said it was a school project, but has gone viral, and they now have a contract to do more song parodies. This time I celebrate students and their creativity, if we only allow it!
        Her wise words I want to celebrate for teachers: "If students are dependent on teacher-dependent questions, they will not become dependent upon their own questioning."
Kylene had a second session I attended, then there was Kelly Gallagher, authors and illustrators...  I'll certainly share more as I can. I don't want to make this too long. It was an amazing, jam-packed three days, and my mind is full!
      One personal favorite experience: I got to be the aide in one session and introduce Kathi Appelt, whose books I love. I helped her set up, etc. It was grand to hear her talk about her books and writing process, and to chat about her helpful writing friends, etc.  For us nerdy book lovers, it was like meeting a rock star!
        Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. Linda, This sounds like an amazing week!!! I agree...meeting authors is exactly like meeting rock stars! I love listening to Georgia Heard. She's the best! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks Michelle. There was so much learning, new ideas to hear, & to discuss! Yes, Georgia Heard is so calm & wise!

  2. Sounds like a great conference! Learning from Kylene Beers must have been amazing! I just received Kathi Appelt's newest PB from Kellee and Ricki, I love it!

    1. Yes, Kylene Beers was great, & there were two 2 hour sessions with her! I bought Kathi Appelt's picture book for our library-so good, & needed! Thanks, Michele.

  3. Love the music video - such creative students! I might use it this week with my book talks for 7th graders. I'm envious of your conference high. It's a great feeling to be immersed and inspired by the giants in our field. Have you read The True Blue Scouts...? I got to hear Georgia Heard and Kyelene Beers at NCTE. Love the pic of you with Kathi Appelt.

    1. Yes, I've read The True Blue Scouts, more middle grade, but I enjoyed it. I loved The Underneath, darker, with more superstition stuff, YA for sure. Isn't that video great? Glad you can use it somewhere too. I suspect the kids will love it! Thanks Ramona!

  4. Linda, I have been following your conference highs and am appreciative to receive info. I will use the tidbit from Georgia Heard in this week's presentation. I have followed her for years and heard her speak many times. I am also a big fan of Kylene Beers and hope to have her at our Long Island Conference in the next couple of years. I am so impressed with the level of student research so thank you for that peek as well. Continue Celebrating!

    1. Thanks Carol, happy to hear that you'll use Georgia Heard's quote. She shared so much that was good, & although I've read all her books, & use her ideas often, I never tire of hearing her. This was my first time seeing Kylene Beers, & I enjoyed her very much.

  5. "It was an amazing, jam-packed three days, and my mind is full!" - this line could have been enough for a celebration. I am glad that you found energy to share more.

    1. Thanks Terje, now I just want to review the notes & sit & think! But of course, off to the races this week!

  6. I cannot wait to see pictures of your students' work! This sounds amazing. That video--I just want to show it to my kids so they see big kids reading! :) The conference looks amazing. Georgia Heard just inspires me so! I'm so glad that you had much to celebrate!

    1. Thanks Kendra. I'm happy that you'll share the video. Isn't it just wonderful? I will share pics next week. This is a big thing at our school, & I'm excited to finish up this week. Yes, Georgia Heard is terrific!

  7. Authors are indeed rock stars. I'm glad you had a wonderful time with Kathi Appelt and she was as nice as she seemed. I love hearing the creativity of students!

    1. Thanks Earl. It was truly a good time, and especially since I've enjoyed her books so much.

  8. Wow! What a line up of talent. These folks are heroes/rock stars. So glad you got to see them and share your learning

    1. Thanks, Julieanne-hope to share more in the coming weeks. It was so much fun to be there!

  9. So cool to meet with Kathi Appelt and your work with students sounds like a fantastic learning experience for all concerned.

    1. Thanks, Crystal, it was a good time with Kathi A. & the students do learn a lot during their research & then the communication of it.


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