
Saturday, March 28, 2015

SOLC # 29/31 - Wires, Wires, Wires

   Time for the next to the next to the last SOLC, number 29 of 31 at the Two Writing Teachers blog, with Anna, Dana, Stacey, Tara, Betsy and Beth!  Still blogging With My Class at Linda & Jonathan's Class Blog even though we're now on spring break. Many students are still posting EVERY DAY!

Margaret Simon, of Reflections on the Teche hosts a meme--Digilit Sunday--about sharing technology. I am embarrassed that I don't share there more, seem to run out of time for it, although I love all the new tech apps and students are using them, too! Today I'm linking although I'm not so sure it's a help for anyone, but simply a query.

This isn't a huge gripe. I know I should be happy that I have more than one device to use, to play with. But someday I hope that there can be the same charging wire that fits everything. I do try to keep things organized, but there are all the wires at home, there is a wire so I can charge my phone in the car, and there is a wire for plugging in both at school and in my bedroom. Here is one picture of the box of "home" wires. 

       There are also wires for earbuds for an older IPod, headsets for Bluetooth, hotspot plug-ins, on and on. Sometimes different wires go with different devices. My Kindle wire is completely different from the Apple products. 

       Do you have a way to organize, or is it just a jumble in a box like this one? It's just one of those things that seems impossible to find a way to manage, and a way to remember what needs charging, and when.


  1. When I saw the teaser for your post, I just knew it would be a metaphor for life. Instead, it's a plea for help. Wish I could offer some help, but I'm in the same jumbled mess!

    1. No, no metaphor this time, but I guess it sometimes could be, Ramona: a jumble every once in a while!

  2. Too many wires all over the place, but never in the place that you want them to be! We fortunately can use the same charger for our phones and my Kindle - no Apple products in our house (yet).

    1. While I love Apple products, they do keep changing the connectors-so frustrating!

  3. I don't have a great way to organize them, but I don't have too many devices. My bigger issue is when to get rid of old wires (sounds like you have some old ones too). We have a box that has different random TV connection wires and cords from a bunch of random different things. I almost got rid of them all but then kept them around just in case. From time to time we really do need something. I don't know that that justifies keeping the whole box though!

    1. Oh, Amanda, you've reminded me of a box in one of my closets that has those kinds of wires. I really should go through it!

  4. No greatness here either. Sorry. But solidarity! I too have wires all over the place. Drives me crazy!

    1. At least I'm in a good crowd! Thanks, Kendra!

  5. Wires wires everywhere
    but where's the one I need?

    Wires and remotes are my downfall. If they have universal remotes why not universal chargers?

    1. Agreed, but then they wouldn't make as much money. They've got us cornered (& wired).

  6. This is a universal problem and one that will be solved by the next generation of users because everything will be bluetoothed and no charging wires will be needed. They will figure out how to do it osmosisly. Until then, we will suffer with the jumbled boxes.

    1. I hope it's done very soon, Elsie! I agree, there is someone out there right now working on a solution, at least I'm hoping!

  7. Well, you are one step ahead of me, my friend - I have these cables in many boxes and drawers and never seem to know what is where. Some days, I have to say that I long for the telephone in the wall and the notebook.

    1. I nearly wrote that about the telephone, Tara. The landline doesn't need anything from me except to answer it. No updates, plug ins, or trade ins. . .

  8. I am waiting for wireless charging becoming common everywhere.

  9. Wire, wire everywhere...I know that feeling, Linda. The worst part of everything is even when I charge my items I don't check the wires to see if there are secure enough to charge the device.

    1. Oh yes, that's happened to me. I do listen to hear the 'ding' that it's charging, sometimes!

  10. Glad to know I'm not alone in this dilemma! Let me know when you figure out a solution, Linda!

    1. Ha! I thought everyone here would have one! Guess we're all in the same boat, Catherine!

  11. I am terrible at this. Just this morning I was looking for my iPad charger. Dug through a few drawers before finding it. Sorry, I am no help.

    1. Surely the high powers of tech will do something soon!


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