
Saturday, March 21, 2015

SOLC # 21 And Celebrating The Week's Highlights

Come celebrate and share with Ruth Ayes at Discover, Play Build.  
                                                       Tweet at #CelebrateLu!

         Day Twenty-One of the Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Challenge. I'm also blogging with students at Linda & Jonathan's Class Blog      Tweet at #SOL15

        Thanks to Tara, Dana, Anna, Betsy, Beth and Stacey for these terrific three weeks!  Ten days to go!

           Whew! After the previous two weekends when I wrote my students' units of study and then wrote their evaluations and prepared for conferences, I am celebrating a weekend where I can have a normal time of preparation for the next week, plus clean and straighten and read, things that have been delayed, things just for me. 

            As I worked through all these things, I gained a new admiration for all teachers who work so hard to do good things for their students. I hope each of you give yourselves a pat on the back for the work you do. I finished conferences, had twenty-two satisfying conversations with students and parents, readying ourselves for the coming weeks that slide swiftly to the end. It's been quite a journey, only fifteen weeks with this class working with a new teacher, different approaches and expectations. I'm so appreciative of the support and welcome from both the students and the parents. Today I'll organize my notes from each, re-visiting and again being glad of the talk that will help us finish the year well.
           In addition, I'm celebrating my assistant, who sat through each conference, adding what he could to enhance our time with the students and parents. I appreciate that he was there with me.

          I celebrate books and reading. When my mind is so filled with information, of talk, I find that sitting with a book is restful, a reward that ends a busy day. Often I don't manage reading for pleasure unit late in the day, and love that time of relaxation.

           My students are also taking the Slice of Life Challenge, and I am proud of their persistence in writing. With only a few exceptions, every one has posted every day, they are branching out into using words to share parts of their lives in creative ways. And I celebrate that they are exploring what they write. Some are crafting poems, beautiful poetry from some who've never thought they would venture into this kind of writing.  

           It's been a good week, but I do celebrate that it is done!  Happy Spring everyone.



  1. You have much to celebrate! Isn't it lovely to see our students branching out like that? I love this--and it never fails to inspire me all over again. Happy Spring!

    1. Thank you. Yes, it's been wonderful to see what the students are writing.

  2. CdI liked the way you described being tired but satisfied, it is much better than just tired.

    1. So right, Kathleen. It was a good week, but tough, and I am happy it's done. On now to the rest of the year!

  3. A busy time for you and your students. A fulfilling time and a time to be proud. So glad that spring has finally sprung and we can enjoy the sunshine and outdoors. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Judy. Our weather has been lovely, time for being outdoors for sure! Hope your weekend is good, too!

  4. Conferences, even the most positive ones, are emotionally intensive. I am glad yours went well. Have a restful weekend.

    1. Thanks, Terje. I know that many of you understand about the conferences, a bit deal!

  5. I'm reminded as I read this the amount of work teaching is beyond what happens in the classroom with the kids.

    You deserve a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Mary Ann, cannot just jump into them, can we?

  6. Thanks for sharing your celebrations. I agree that once spring is here weeks slide swiftly to the end.

    1. It will go so very quickly. But right now, celebrating that the conferences are complete.

  7. I'm looking out a snow and smiling because there's sun as well and melting is underway with birds chirping loudly. I celebrate you, the passionate educator.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. Your posts from the beach were very good to see while we were just waiting for spring. Hope that snow disappears fast!

  8. You certainly have much to celebrate. Sounds like it was a tiring but rewarding week. Enjoy a normal weekend.

    1. You've said it right-a 'normal' weekend. Thanks, I will enjoy every bit, like reading everyone's posts with no hurry!

  9. You certainly have much to celebrate. I am amazed and in awe of teachers who are doing THIS and a classroom challenge...IN AWE. Today, though my goal is to read 60 post....I will ....but I will not have clean clothes!

    1. Te he, Anita, yes, something must give, I agree. Best wishes for winning the challenge. I've been there, & loved the time at Highlights.

  10. I have not been able to read your students' posts at school because of our network blocker. Will try to do that this weekend at home (with no blocks.) It's nice to have an open weekend. I am looking at time to do some yard work and get my toes done. I need to be ready to wear sandals. The heat is here! Much to celebrate.

    1. Some of the students are 'breaking out' into new territory, & it's such fun to see. I meant to get permission to post one or two of the poems, but forgot in the conferences. Maybe next week? Enjoy the time outside, Margaret.

  11. Conferences are so exhausting, but yet so enriching of our understanding of students. Now you can settle back into your normal routine and finish this year guiding these students with your gentle touch and wisdom.

    1. You are kind, Elsie, & I appreciate the words. I'm still immersed in all the words, but it will settle down eventually. It will be a great rest of the year-lots to enjoy. Thank you.

  12. Happy reading to you Linda! It really does feed the soul. I hope you can manage some lengthy pockets of time for just you and the relaxation of reading.

    1. Thanks, Carrie. I do intend to do a lot of reading this evening!

  13. Sounds like everyone has made adjustments over the week. And a cause for celebration...the persistent effort of young writers.

    1. Thanks, yes, in this kind of week, flexibility is helpful.

  14. Celebrate the small things! You have a lot to be happy about. I haven't taken the plunge yet to do the classroom challenge because that seems like a lot to tackle, but if you can do it on top of everything else you just listed, I think you may have inspired me to try it with my class next year.

    1. I'll be glad to share what I've done with you if you like later after March. It's doable, but starting before March makes everything flow much better.

  15. Such great celebrations. This made me smile: I celebrate books and reading. When my mind is so filled with information, of talk, I find that sitting with a book is restful, a reward that ends a busy day. Often I don't manage reading for pleasure unit late in the day, and love that time of relaxation. Exactly what I hope to do soon.

    1. You've described my reading life very well, Jone. I just run out of time until late evening. And it is like my meditation.

  16. Whew, here's to a normal weekend, Linda. Ten days to go of our version of March madness, and here's to your classroom slicers who persevere.

    1. The slicers are doing so great, & as I said, I'm proud of their perseverance, & creative ideas too. We'll have our rest over spring break & start again after, just not every day. Thanks, Tara.

  17. Linda - what a busy week you have had! But it sounds as if you have lots to celebrate. Conferences are very time consuming but very rewarding. I love that your students are pariticipating in SOL challenge and are becoming a community of writers along with you . You are an inspiration to them! Also love your comment that reading is your reward! It certainly is!

    1. Yes, a good week and glad it's done, too. I'm planning to read as much as possible! Thanks, Adrienne.

  18. A well-deserved celebration! Happy spring, Linda!

  19. Linda, I'm tired just from reading your post! Congratulations on such a productive week!! I'm so impressed that your students are keeping up with the challenge! That's AMAZING!!! Enjoy some time to yourself this weekend!!

    1. Thanks very much, Michelle. Just think how many words they've written alongside all the other assignments! It's quite a learning experience, plus I've loved seeing all the different things they've shared.

  20. The Joy that comes in accomplishments! You've accomplished a lot! I wish you lots of happy reading, writing, planning, and cleaning time!

    1. Thanks Kendra, the day went in different ways today, but there's always tomorrow!

  21. Linda, I love your excitement about teaching and think it is wonderful that your students are blogging. Did any of your students write a poem on a winter whispering? If so, can you please send it for the gallery.

    1. I don't think they did, Carol. I will ask on Monday. Thank you.

  22. So many wonderful things to celebrate! Have a wonderful weekend Linda


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