
Saturday, March 7, 2015

SOLC # 8 - Week Two Begins!

Day Eight of the Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Challenge.            Tweet at #SOL15

I'm also slicing with my classroom at  Linda & Jonathan's Class Blog.

Aldous Huxley says that "Every man's memory is his own private literature."  Today I opened a slice of my life I open often in my mind, but not so often in reality. I moved from my home of nearly 40 years two and a half years ago. I miss a lot of it, although I also love my new home, love that I'm so close to my daughter and family, and to my work. I have a five minute drive to work. Who would gripe about that? 

Yet I remember so many things about the old house, the old neighborhood, the old streets and stores. And sometimes I need to take a longer drive and plunge in. I drive down the winding hill past the creek and wetlands on the way to the main street that takes me home. But this time I turn another way, a little farther away to a favorite store, the Arc Thrift Store. It used to be where I took my giveaways, but also where I went to browse the books. Unlike others, this store seems to have someone who loves books, and arranges them so it's not so hard to find what I want. It was nice to go in and look. I've been there many times over the years, sometimes with my husband looking for antique 'finds', sometimes with students looking for specific furniture for a special project. Funny that a store can feel like home. It isn't always easy to return to place, but I did, and found a few pieces of literature to bring home, along with the memories.


  1. I lived in the same house from the time I was 2 1/2 until I left for college at 18. I still sometimes drive by it, or through the old neighborhood. I still remember every inch of that house!

  2. On my way to our local library I have to drive by the old place where we lived when my daughter was young. Memories. I can see the bus stop for her school bus. And many, many more. Memories are good! It is even better when you visit memorable places and find "new" treasures!

  3. Sometimes our memories call to us. I think the "places" miss us. It is good to re-connect.

  4. Kathy and I often drive by the first house we bought and lived in for 10 years. We see the changes the new owners have made to the outside and wonder how they have changed the inside. W smile and say that this is now their house. We have made changes to the home we bought and it is no longer like its former self. Still, can't help but wonder.

  5. I love how you show your three "homes" in your writing, with the ARC being the one that gets final billing. When thrift stores are right, it is so fun to browse. Thanks for bring some of my own home memories to the surface.

  6. Thank you for leading us on this wonderful journey. It stirred up some great memories about home.

  7. Linda, I loved going on this journey to the past with you. Growing up in India, we didn't have thrift stores like Arc. I remember going to one in Fort Collins with Dan for the first time and instantly loving the concept and the "search" for finds you had to work for. Thanks for sharing this well crafted piece!

  8. Going back to old places always feels good yet a bit sad. I am returning to our family farm this spring and know I will have that same happy, sad feeling. Maybe not sad feeling but a missing or longing for other times. Thanks for your thoughts today.

  9. That quote really speaks to me today. Then I read your post and it has similarities to a post I've been simmering in my mind for a while. I'm sure it will come to a full boil sometime this month and be released from the literature of my mind.
    Looks like you had some great finds in the book section.

  10. Loved the beginning quote - will add it to my quote book! Wonderful to take this journey with you, to visit a favourite spot. I always loved the goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores - but they are gone now.

  11. I love the story of your life and the different times (long standing family home and home for past two and a half years) metaphorized by different kinds of literature. What an apt analogy. And one, as you know, I so relate to. Glad you enjoyed going down memory lane. And glad for your finds!

  12. Ah, Little Toot and Thunder Cake! Memories for me, too. I go back to my old house all the time to think about the past. The stores I enjoyed have changed. Nice you still have that wonderful store and the memories.

  13. Let's go shopping! It's so true that a store can feel like home. Sometimes we don't realize it until they are gone.

  14. Thrift stores are lovely places, and the book treasures there are always delightful. We have one in upstate New York that I could get lost in for hours - I always come away with wonderful titles for my classroom.

  15. Love the Rich title--the other two are new to me. I'm also super curious about the quilt beneath them! My mom is a quilter. Her work is all over my house. Thank you for the memory share and for giving me a quilting slice idea. Thrift store finds are such fun--adventures in pleasure and find.

  16. I love finding treasures in other people's castaways. So glad you can still go back to your old neighborhood and find just as much joy.

  17. Your post reminded me on and interesting incident. After about ten years of living in our house we had a knock on the door one day.Standing outside was the grown up version of the boy who used to live in our house. He and his wife asked to see the inside! Even more amazing; he was the father of one of my former 6th grade students! Small world...

  18. Whoops! I meant "reminded me of an" I am tired after a day of working on and proofing report cards!

  19. Looks like you made some great finds! I love thrift stores! And I'm glad you got time to visit your old neighborhood. Even though you are happy in your new place, it's nice to go back to your roots once in a while!

  20. My son always insists on stopping at our thrift store when he's home to visit. We stopped there this past Monday, and I just realized I didn't put it in my poem. He always finds at least one book, sometimes more. Glad you were able to feel at home there and remember good memories from times past. I love Thundercake. Bet I know who you'll be sharing that one with!

  21. Thanks everyone. I loved hearing all your own memories of returning 'home' or going to a favorite thrift store.


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