
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Celebration Saturday -

Celebrating Each Saturday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build, and a wonderful group who joins in too. Tweet at #CelebrateLu

         Some of us are sharing on twitter with the hashtag #DigiPoetry, created by Margaret Simon, of Reflections on The Teche.You're welcome to join us. Find the many Poetry Month offerings rounded up by Jama Rattigan at Jama's Alphabet Soup.  
from snow to puddles
mother nature’s pastime -
trees drink deeply
 Linda Baie © All Rights Reserved

      Yes, we really did have such snow, Thursday, then Friday morning, changing to rain, a bit of hail, lovely fog, then sunshine! By the time Ingrid and I arrived home, only tiny patches remained, but lots of puddles! 
One student studying poetry for her unit gave the class a lesson in slam poetry, assigned pairs to practice poems she hand selected, then set the challenge for each group to write and get ready to perform next week. Did they take their classmate's assignment seriously? Oh, yes!

Ingrid celebrated her sixth birthday Tuesday. Noodles was the restaurant of choice. Mac 'n Cheese the dinner. Her party with many in her class is this afternoon. Is she excited? Oh, yes!

I've written a poem/haiku or related every day this month. Am I proud of keeping on? Oh, yes!

There were hurdles to overcome this week, conflicts to resolve, tough conversations to have. Did I enjoy it? Oh, no. Did the days improve? Oh, yes!

Am I happy it's Saturday? Oh, yes!

Have a terrific weekend everyone!


  1. Happy Birthday Ingrid! Mac and Cheese sounds delightful! I love the poetry describing your weather this week. Our friends from CO were quick to share their pictures on social media with all of us!

    1. Thanks Kendra, it was quite a full week as you can see.

  2. Lots of puddles this week! And lots of happy plants, I think. The drains on the playground at my school aren't working right and we have an ankle deep lake! Yikes!

    1. Yes, so, so wet. It was sunny by lunchtime & our kids still played soccer on the field, came in sopping!

  3. Lots of things to celebrate even in the midst of difficulty, too. I like how your haiku captures the tempermental changes of spring.

    1. Thanks, Kay, there is much good in the week, even in the midst of the other!

  4. Great reminder that celebration doesn't always come in the form of celebrating happiness. It can also come in the form of celebrating after triumph over heartache, tough days, conflict, and hurdles.

  5. Oh, yes - I like your repetition. The weather and emotions make all sorts of twists and turns. But the snow always melts and eventually there is sunshine. Have a sunny happy weekend!

  6. Linda, your haikus are so lovely and this one is particularly fetching because it showcases the transition from winter to spring that springtime weather sometimes offers. Ingrid is always enjoying her life. Look at those bright pink boots! Charming!

    1. Thanks, Carol, Ingrid keeps my perspective joyous for sure.

  7. Colorado weather does seem to be quite crazy! I love that the snow melts so quickly this time of year. We celebrated a day in the upper 70s yesterday. Was I excited? Oh yes! :) Just wish that weather would stay! Happy Saturday!

    1. Happy for your 70s, Michele, so lovely to leave the house without a coat! Happy Saturday to you, too!

  8. There's something about following through that makes it satisfying being done with. I really enjoy your dedication to poetry.

  9. The drama of spring from snow to sunshine in a blink. How amazing and kinda crazy. You should be proud of your haiku and that student of yours. What a gift to have such a student.

    1. Yes, I am proud of trying some new things, & very proud of this student. She is a creative soul!

  10. Snow to spring! Lovely photos. Happy birthday to Ingrid! 6 years old is significant.

    1. Thanks, Carrie-the week mirrored the weather! Six seems old, much more than five I think.

  11. A great ending to the old week, and what a way to start a NEW week! You are up next for a line in the progressive poem... hope you've had some time to anticipate the next piece!

    1. Yes, I've been messing about with the wording off and on all day, Donna. Fun, & I do have the basic idea, thank goodness. Thanks!

  12. I am so impressed that you've kept blogging all month! I have failed miserably at it. Happy Birthday to Ingrid. Noodles for dinner?!?! Mmmmm!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Thank, Michelle. It's important to me that I keep on, a good thing aside from all the other work. Hope your weekend is good, too.

  13. I love the joy in your "Oh yes" refrains. :)

    1. Thanks, Crystal, it was fun thinking to do it!

  14. Those pink boots are so cute, but I'm hoping that's not Ingrid. If so, put a brick on her head. Six years seems to be one of those milestone birthdays. So glad you enjoyed diner out with the the birthday girl!

    1. Yes, she's growing, growing, Ramona. It is Ingrid! Remember too how much happens from six to seven? Wow, time goes so quickly!


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