
Monday, June 15, 2015

Slices - Goodbyes

          Slicing with the Two Writing Teachers community is a pleasure every week.  Thanks to Stacey, Tara, Dana, Betsy, Beth and Anna!

          I guess this whole past year has been a kind of goodbye. I've known since it began that it would be my last year, but when I started I never dreamed that I would end with one final group of students, back in my original classroom in this building.  I said goodbye today as I finished up clearing out the room. I still have some things that I will need help moving out, stored in my office, but the classroom is free for the teacher who will make it hers next. She is a teacher already at school, moving into teaching the oldest students, and I know she's thrilled for this next challenge in her teaching life. I wish her wonderful times, just as I had. The classroom already has many supplies and books and tables, etc., but now she gets to arrange and re-arrange (as we all do) until it feels just right for her and her class. 

           I cleaned the desk which I haven't cleaned out totally in all these years. Oh my, bags of stuff. I brought it all home thinking that the grand-girls could go through the "stuff" with me, and find some little toys, pens, things to play with. 
           I left: a box of tissues, a duster, and a roll of paper towels. Isn't that what every teacher needs? Some things to whisk away the tears, the dust, and the germs. Everything else will be taken care of by the students.
Before. I didn't stay at the desk very much, but it sure held a lot of important stuff!

On the shelf: What and who greeted me every day.

All ready for who's next!
          Excited to share that I'm on my way to Warsaw, Indiana for the All-Write Conference. I know and am thrilled that I'll see many of you there. Happy Travels!


  1. Love the pic of your desk - many loving years spent there supporting so many learners! Your grand girls will love going through the bags. One of my book club girls recently discovered some of her mom's teaching stuff from BK (before kids) and she was so thrilled with the cool stuff that she didn't know her mom had in a life before her. See you day after tomorrow!

    1. Thanks, friend. I think the girls will love going through all the 'goodies'. So glad you're coming! See you!

  2. We are desk kindred spirits... Mine looks the same! Didn't Einstein say a messy desk means we are brilliant? I love how you sound truly ready for your next adventure and are hopeful for the incoming teacher. The things you left behind in the classroom show your thoughtfulness! Wishing you much luck in this next chapter.

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. I am ready, & yes, I've heard that about a messy desk!

  3. Sounds like you are ready for your next transition- enjoy the steps!

  4. Linda, Do you mean goodbye as in leaving the school? Or is it goodbye, retiring from teaching? Either way, congratulations on an amazing year!! I feel like through your posts, I've been able to witness it and it's been wonderful! Enjoy All Write and all that life holds for you in the future!!! :)

    1. Goodbye, am retiring, Michelle. I'm ready to have some time for other things, like writing. Thanks for your wishes. I'm so excited for you about your article, & that your thoughts will be spread over an even wider audience. Woo hoo!

  5. Linda, what a mark you left on your school and what a perfect way end your teaching career, with an unexpected group of students! I cannot wait to see what comes next for you.

    1. Thanks Katherine, I am excited for what's next. It will be something new & that's a good thing!

  6. You make bold decisions. You freed yourself to do what ever you want. I secretly hope that the future includes a book writing and lots of art. (You don't have to say it publicly. Just nod.)

  7. That is a big goodbye for you. Best of luck with your next adventures. And enjoy All Write. I've always wanted to go.

    1. I hope you will get to go someday, Lisa. It is fun & rewarding, too!

  8. When I was still teaching the top of my desk was always neat and least on the first and last day of school. Couldn't make any promises for the days in between. Cleaning out my desk and room when I retired showed me what a pack rat I was. Hey, there was always the chance that I could use some things in my "collection" in a lesson.

    1. Oh, you've described it exactly, and sometimes those things were used, but they're kept, just in case, right? Nice to hear from someone who's been there!

  9. Congratulations on your retirement, Linda, and best wishes in the next chapter of your life!

    1. Thanks, Jane. Maybe now we can meet in the 'middle'?

  10. Perfect timing for a journey to the All-Write! Sorry I won't be there with you to celebrate and peek into your future plans. I'm remembering how hard it was for me to move out of my classroom on that last day. What a contrast from your desk to the desk you pass on. Loved this post, Linda.

    1. Thanks much, Bonnie. Some day we need to just spend some time together. I loved being with you at All-Write, then at NCTE! Happy days to you!

  11. Congratulations on your retirement from the classroom, Linda. I know you're not retiring from teaching since so many of us come here to learn from you every week. (So thankful to have you as part of my PLN! Speaking of which, I have to check out your IMWAYR post to see if you finished Echo!)

    I love that you left paper towels, a duster, and a box of tissues. Those really are the things we all need when setting up a new classroom.

    On to the next season of life!

    1. Thanks for the good words, Stacey. Yes, I finished Echo, loved every bit!

    2. I like what Stacey said about us learning from you -- that's the truth!!

      Happy retirement, Linda!

  12. The before and after pics are awesome. Yes, some teacher will fill that desk with new things. Congratulations on letting go, but starting a new life path! I'm sure you will remember fondly. SEE YOU SOON -- I'm attending All Write, as well! I cannot wait! Jennifer Sniadecki

    1. Oh, that's great, Jennifer. Let's try to find each other so we can meet! I'll be at the Wyndham tomorrow night! Thanks for the lovely words!

  13. Another chapter to write in the book of Linda, I'm sure it will be an interesting one! There comes a time in life when a change is just what's needed. It will be exciting to open the doors ahead and discover what's out there. Can't wait to chat in person!

    1. Thanks very much, my friend. I'm very ready for that next chapter, & now ready to BE at the airport. Waiting is Hard, as Elephant & Piggie say. See you soon!

  14. Linda,
    You have touched so many lives. I have benefitted from your wisdom, knowledge and caring. Here's to journeys with love and laughter and of course writing.

    1. Hi Ruth, so great to hear from you. Thank you for your lovely words that touch my heart. I look for your posts, hope you are fine!

  15. Love the photographs, Linda– especially that middle one. :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle-special things on that shelf!

  16. Happy travels, Linda! I can't wait to hear about All Write! This post made me cry, but as you always do, you have found the silver lining as you go on to the next part of the journey. Oh, what work, what wonderful work!

    1. Thank you, Lee Ann. One of these times, we need to be going to the same place! And then have a good conversation!

  17. Writing about your desk...what a fitting goodbye to your classroom. So fun to think of the grand-girls discovering some of the treasures it held and the next teacher finding the bare necessities waiting there. Best wishes in your next adventures!

    1. Thank you, am starting the next one tomorrow at All-Write!

  18. Awwww....your last year?!?! How did I not know this?? Goodbyes are so hard, but there are amazing adventures awaiting you, Linda. See you at All Write tomorrow! Safe travels.

    1. Thanks, guess I thought you knew, Jennifer. Time for change! Safe travels to you as well!

  19. That classroom desk is such a powerful metaphor for our teaching lives, isn't it, Linda? Whatever the next step in your journey, I know it will be something fulfilling, and just right. Happy retirement, my friend.

    1. Thanks to you, dear friend, too. I hope we can do something together again sometime. Happy final few weeks with your class!

  20. Congratulations on your retirement AND on whatever wonders your future holds as you begin this next chapter. How FITTING you should write about your I am certain you were rarely SITTING at your desk when teaching....and yet...there was where you began and ended each day I guess....I get it....perhaps because I am a just a few steps away from clearing off that desk!

    1. The desk is rather symbolic, and part of why I wrote about it, too is because it was the last thing I cleaned out, Anita. Rather like the final bow, right? Thanks much. Best wishes for your cleaning!

  21. Oh, Linda, wow! I had no idea you were retiring - and, yet, how absolutely beautiful that you were the lead teacher this last year. I know your school is already missing you! Even if it is summer! I loved this line - "the classroom is free for the teacher who will make it hers next." So poignant. Beautiful pictures of and on your desk. Best wishes! Happy writing days ahead!!!

    1. Thanks Maureen, it is sometimes time to say goodbye to take on new ideas. I'm excited!

  22. Happy retirement! I am in love with the lines "I left: a box of tissues, a duster, and a roll of paper towels. Isn't that what every teacher needs? Some things to whisk away the tears, the dust, and the germs. Everything else will be taken care of by the students." SO TRUE!

  23. Congratulations on your retirement, Linda! Your students were truly blessed to have you as their teacher. Thank you for so generously sharing all your wisdom and insights on your blog. I always learn so much from you! Have a wonderful summer!


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