
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Celebrating People In Children's Lives

              I celebrate each Saturday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.  There are many others who celebrate, too. Come join us!          Tweet at #CelebrateLu

            This week was filled with lots and lots of reading, and a celebration at the end yesterday when I went to Ingrid's play at our Denver Center for Performing Arts after two weeks of drama camp. This is her third year, and it is impressive what the teachers and students do in creating a wonderful ending, on a big stage, for all families who come to see. They group them by grade so there are performances from kindergarten all the way to 5th grade. Imi did one week last week and they too had a small performance but I missed it because of other plans. Both had a great time. The organization of that many children is admirable, and the ending always lovely. 
           All the students gather "down front" in the theater,  each with the teachers, ready for the performance, watching and waiting for their turn. I was impressed and then was reminded of all the adults in children's lives that I appreciate, that I have celebrated in my own children's lives, and celebrate now for my grandchildren. It does indeed take a village!
           I've participated in #CyberPD this year with Cathy Mere, Michelle Nero and Laura Komos, a joyful learning experience. As I read so many posts of reflection, I was in awe of all each one told of what they've been doing, what they've planned to do next year. I celebrate teachers! Here are a few picture reminders of all the adults I appreciate in children's lives.
Scout leaders! Carter finished this week of 
leadership training, then another week of camp, 
will soon be on his way to an outdoor 
adventure in Michigan. 

Teachers again-dedicated, learning, having fun
at All-Write!

Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, this time, learning how to wait on customers
with my brother, sister-in-law and niece at their antique store.

Authors (a page from Circus Mirandus,
by Cassie Beaseley.

Teachers of special classes. Ingrid is there,
looking for us,
behind the sitting teacher-blue t-shirt.

More teachers of this wonderful group!

Grandparents - Ingrid was a wild cat!

Of course, parents. It was a good day for celebration!
Mom brought a wrist corsage of flowers of
            There are many other adults that make differences in our children's lives. I celebrate them today. How many can you list?


  1. My list echoes yours. As I'm sure you know, studies show that for a child to succeed, all it takes is ONE caring adult. I hope I can be the one for any child on any given day.

    1. Well, you can see that I agree, Jane. Those connections are vital. I was just friended on FB by a long ago student, so exciting to hear from him and see what he's doing.

  2. It really does take a village to raise a child. I've learned that with my boys. Can't tell you how many coaches jumped in and supported my boys in their growing up years!

    1. I think of them in with the teachers, Carol, and know the coaches and music teachers of my children have been important teachers/friends/supporters that I valued a lot!

  3. This is such an important celebration Linda! I love all of the photos. Makes me reflect on all of the people that surround my children. And also my own role in the lives of the children I teach.

    1. All my grown up life I've been so appreciative of the adults that came into both mine and my children's lives. As I watched those teachers at Ingrid's performance yesterday, I was reminded again of their value. Thanks, Carrie.

  4. Such joy in your celebration today!!! Personally, I appreciate that you included aunts (and uncles) in your pictures today. Being an auntie is the BEST and the aunts I have in my life have been such amazing role models for me. My favorite picture is of you as a grandmother. Such joy!!!!

    1. Michelle, I love seeing you when you post "auntie" pics, & I too have such wonderful memories of being with my aunts and great-aunts. I was lucky indeed to have them in my life. Thanks!

  5. A cool thing I realized about these celebration posts is that they're like invitations to other people's lives. I've enjoyed visiting and meeting your family and friends!

    1. And I've enjoyed hearing from you, too, Earl, & all the parts of your life that you enjoy. Thanks for enjoying mine, too.

  6. Celebrating adults who make a difference is a wonderful way to share the love and creativity teachers share even during the summer. Grandparents and parents, too.

    1. There are so many who have touched our lives, & I am grateful. Thank you, Margaret.

  7. Great to celebrate adults who make a dfference! We have many wonderful people who fill our lives with caring and kindness toward our children! I'm grateful for them and for your reminder to honor them!

    1. Thanks, Amy, the list can grow longer, too, right?

  8. It does truly take a village to raise a child. Your village, I am sure, appreciates your acknowledgement of their portion of the work.

  9. I love how you honor the people who love, teach and support all of our children! Great pictures-- my favorite is Ingrid with her Mom and coursage (what a sweet and thoughtful gift!).

    1. Thanks, Lee Ann. Ingrid loved the flowers, a new thing for her to wear them that way. It was a big day for her.

  10. The love and giving flow both ways. All are blessed when they give their attention to children.

    1. Yes, you're right, Julieanne, but this time I am celebrating those adults who surround children and help them grow up.

  11. There is something so special about children's theater. Hooray for those who make it possible and cheers to the children who participate.

    1. This certainly is a special program, and it is at my school, too. I'm glad you enjoyed the water resources page, too, Claire. Thanks!

  12. Not only are you celebrating these adults in children's lives, you are also honoring them which many times seems to be forgotten. I love that schools and communities offer a variety of camps, not just sports camps which was the norm several years ago. Congrats to your two granddaughters for their performance. Sometimes that takes courage. Have a great week, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Leigh Anne, yes, it does take courage to get up there on that stage, but somehow those teachers had them ready to perform. It was a delight to see. Our school does lots of different camps, mostly themed ones, like a Harry Potter camp, etc. The kids really have fun there, too.

  13. So much to be thankful for. <3

  14. Love your celebration of folks who matter to our children. Children's theater is always a delight. I've been invited to numerous productions over the years at our local youth theater and always love seeing my students in a different light. Ingrid's mask is delightful and reminds me of This Is Sadie, such a delightful picture book. A wrist corsage to celebrate - perfect!

    1. You're right, I didn't think of This Is Sadie, but there is a connection. We went to lunch after the performance & she wore the mask AND the tail, had lots of conversations with people along the way. Thanks, Ramona.

  15. Linda, I am so happy to be celebrating with everyone this week and gravitated to your post. I know that everything that you write has such a loving, positive spin to family celebrations. It must be great revisiting the events of children through the eyes of a grandparent. I see that smile on your face. May this week be filled with joy.

    1. Thanks Carol, The week's events made me so grateful for all those who give so much to my grandchildren, and who did with my own children. That's why I posted.

  16. So many, many reasons to smile in this post!
    Ingrid makes an adorable wild cat. And I've got my eye on that antique store, of course....
    Wishing you many continued blessings.

    1. Hi Robyn, and thanks. Wish you could run right over. My brother's store is filled with such good things!

  17. Such a beautiful tribute. I have a soft-spot for theater, though. Words brought to life - what could be better? I imagine your family is richly blessed by YOU too!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca, agreed. It is so satisfying to be on stage presenting what one has worked so hard to create. This program does a great job with the kids.


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