
Monday, November 30, 2015

A Little Thing - Means A Lot

      I'm slicing with the Two Writing Teachers community today. It's always good to read what everyone shares.  Thank you Stacey, Tara, Anna, Betsy, Dana, Kathleen, Beth, and Deb

         One part of my life that continues is keeping my husband close in my heart, remembering all those fun things that made our marriage so good. When one has a personal loss, the big things missing are important, but it's the little things that return again and again that bring sadness back. My husband and I had started quite a few little traditions through our long marriage of 48 years, and one of them was to greet "firsts" every single time with celebration, sometimes a hug, sometimes going out to enjoy a meal, sometimes just to see who would give the greeting first: first of the month, first day of summer or another season, first dandelion, first day without a coat, serious and silly, special to us.  I miss that a lot, and still speak the greetings to him, just miss the fun of greetings back. 
         So today, I wish you all Happy First of December, whatever joy it may bring to you, first winter's full moon walk, a child's first holiday, first rabbit print in the snow, first day of vacation!

photo credit: via photopin (license)


  1. The little things make life big. I'm thankful to have read your slice after the evening I just had. Happy First of December! Hugs!!

    1. Thank you, so glad it meant something good to you, too.

  2. Very special post. What a wonderful team to have been on for 48 years, lucky you. For some reason December 1 always makes me happy, but now I'm going to start looking at other firsts. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome! Hope December is terrific for you all the way through, Kimberley.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story of firsts!! I love that! Your husband must have been such an amazing man!! :) You reminded me of long car trips with my sister as a kid. We'd reach our arms to the front seat so we could be the FIRST in the new state. Haha!! Celebrating firsts is important. Happy December, Linda!! Love this!!

    1. Oh Michelle, that's a wonderful story. I'm glad I reminded you. Thank you.

  4. LOVE the new background on the blog too!

  5. What a fun tradition. You should keep celebrating firsts to honor all that love.

    1. And I will. As written, those little things are what keeps us going. Thanks!

  6. I love celebrating firsts as well. Thanks for sharing some of your special memories.

    1. Hurrah, so happy that you do this, too. Thank you!

  7. What a lovely thing. And a lovely marriage. Not surprised. Life lived that that should be celebrated. Thank you for sharing memories and December first with us.

    1. You're welcome, Julieanne. Lots of things to celebrate, including December!

  8. Thanks friend for your life experiences. It's always so helpful to hear from you and take you suggestions seriously. What a heavy load you carried with all that love in your life to buoy you on.
    Digital Bonnie

    1. You are welcome, Bonnie, so glad you enjoyed this.

  9. What a wonderful tradition. Sometimes traditions fade when the one we shared them with is no longer around.Happy December First to you and I am happy that yours was the first post I read today.Hope you never stop celebrating "firsts" and that your life is filled with many more.

    1. Thank you for your wishes. I appreciate them very much!

  10. Linda: This is a deeply touching story. Thank you for the courage to share this special tradition. Sending you best wishes for a fabulous first day of December!


  11. It says so much that you keep the "firsts" tradition. A connecting thread from the life of the past to the present, and one that (bittersweet though it may be) lifts the spirit.

    1. Yes, it is important to me to cherish the memories, Tara. Thank you!

  12. Thank you for your story. The two of you had a lovely tradition.

  13. I love the way you're keeping Arvie's memory alive by recognizing the celebrating the firsts. This is beautiful, Linda.

    Happy FIRST day of December to you too!

    1. Thank you, Stacey. It's a nice thing to do for me and for us, I think.

  14. Find something to celebrate in every day. It's a good way to live. Happy December 1st!

  15. I would always tell my kids this is your "first day as a kindergartner" or your "last day as a first grader", whatever grade it was. We still try and be the first to see a lightning bug and hear the locusts, or as we call them the back-to-school bug. So I completely understand your celebrations! Happy first day of December to you too!

    1. It seems like a little thing, but I love that you do this with your students too, Leigh Anne. Thank you.

  16. Thank you for sharing this tradition. Do you remember what prompted you to start the "firsts" tradition? We have a first tradition when going to the ocean - first to see the ocean, first to see a heron. Thank you for reminding us all to be present and be with each other.

    1. I don't remember, imagine that one or the other of us said some words & that was the start. Love you sharing your own 'first' tradition. My children and grandchildren go to the ocean each summer, so maybe we can start it there, too.

  17. Happy first of December, Linda! Your blog is the first I've read today - thank you for that. =)

    1. You're very welcome, Bridget. Thank you for coming by, too.

  18. This is wonderful! Thanks for reminding us to celebrate life!

    1. You're welcome, Holly. You have lots to celebrate this year I know!

  19. We used to try to be the first one to spy Grandma's house. You had to go around a bend and then there it was! Sometimes we had little tiffs thinking someone shouted it out before they could see it. I always love the first day of each new month because it's turn the calendar day. Happy December 1, Linda! I

    1. Great story. Don't siblings always want to be first in something or other? Thanks, Ramona.

  20. Live, love, laugh - so evident in your life with Arvie through this special memory on this special day.

  21. Beautiful, sad, and heartwarming.... thank you for sharing.

  22. Thank you for your honesty and a celebration of a happy marriage of celebrating firsts. I admire how you're able to share your story and reminding me to celebrate life.

    1. Thanks, Maria. It's a good thing to share about my past. I had a happy life with my husband, and don't always write about it, but sometimes it feels good to do so.

  23. Linda, this is a special post on the first of December. Your memories of stellar moments are indeed worth writing about because they bring you joy and lighten up our lives as well. May they continue to shine.

    1. Thanks, Carol. It was a nice thing to share on this FIRST!

  24. Love the idea of celebrating "firsts", and love that it keeps you close to your memories of your husband! There's something about "firsts" that just exudes happiness -- I think it's the hope of new possibilities! :-)

    1. I think you're right, Jennifer. It is an exciting thing to notice the 'first', then look forward to 'more'. Thanks for the thought.

  25. Such a sweet, sweet story. I love this!

  26. You also keep his memory alive by writing and sharing these special moments with us. Happy December. I can't believe it's here already.

    1. You're right, Margaret. Thanks. Yes, 2015 is moving by!

  27. "Happened" on this post; thank you so much for sharing your treasured memories! Reminds to me to follow through, as well as to expand, a little "tradition" that I often neglect...a kind of time "first fruits" tithing...On the first of the month, I try to recall and to thank God for the blessings of the month just past and to entrust the month ahead...Noticing the firsts, I think, keeps us filled with humility and wonder. What a special blessing that God gave you someone who shared your "first-fruits" sensitivity and festivity. Surely your husband, now more aware than ever of the wonder of firsts, lasts, and always, gently calls your attention to the unfolding firsts that he notices first. He celebrates with you! God bless you and fill you with every en-courage-ment you need! What a wonderful testament to your married love for each other and Him, as well as His love for you! Peace! Thanks for your December 1st blessing; even received a few days late, it packs meaning..ours is a God for Whom all is new--always a first time--we can always begin again...Maybe there's a poem in there...Our God of Newness, of First Times and New Beginnings...May you be first in line to receive His benediction!


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