
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Celebrating - Always

              I (usually) celebrate each Saturday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build and the rest of the wonderful community that celebrates together. This time, Sunday calls!        

                                                   Tweet at #CelebrateLu

          I spent a long day yesterday watching the news from Paris. I know I didn't need to watch over and over, but felt stuck and sad. The worry of the 'what can happen' returned, the time of Columbine, 9-11, Sandy Hook, on and on returned. And now the questions, what can I do? I want to make our world better, and now, at my age, for my grandchildren, and for other children everywhere (for us older ones, too, actually).  I got out the Goo-Gone (ha!), & did the following:

I read some words from A.A. Milne. Winnie the Pooh says: "“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

I read a poem by Barbara Crocker, who writes a poem titled Sustenance:
       in the middle:

"It’s hard to remember we swim in an ocean 
of great love, so easy to fall into bickering 
like little birds at the feeder fighting over proso 
and millet, unaware of how large the bag of grain is"

The rest is here.

And I got busy working on a new idea for a picture book. I'm doing PiBoIdMo and am enjoying it a lot.

I sketched and listened to music. Still working on it, but it took me out of the worry, into something I love doing.

I did have a good week. 

We celebrated my daughter's birthday, and had a lovely dinner out. I posted a few old pictures of her, good memories!

I had the pleasure of Ingrid on our usual Friday night time. We read lots of books, of course, and she enjoyed coloring in a book I found at the bookstore about mountain lions (coloring pages and info). She's studying big cats this year at school. And, I had my third time working at the bookstore. That's another post, but it's going to be a good thing to do!  

Thanks for reading about my day. I wish so much good for all, am happy that I moved into happier thoughts. Celebrating on the weekend helps, so thanks, Ruth for making this happen again and again!


  1. Yes, there's much sadness in the world and while we don't want to ignore it, getting stuck in it is not helpful either. I'm glad you had some happier thoughts and remembrances.

    1. Thanks, Crystal. It has been a better day today, and since I wrote this!

  2. I read your Tuesday's post again. It sounds even stronger today. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Terje. I almost referred back to it this morning. I'm glad I posted that, too.

  3. Sometimes I get stuck watching the coverage of these tragedies...I understand that. I think we all struggled with celebrating this week, but it's important that we showed up! I'm glad you showed up!! The world is a scary place and I have no words to ease that fear. I want to continue to focus on love and kindness and celebrating.

    1. Your words are wonderful to read, Michelle. That is exactly what I decided, to focus on those things of goodness. Thank you!

  4. As Michelle said, it's hard to celebrate the brightness in our lives with the sad news. But we do need to show up, and recognize that light when we can. Loved the pictures of your daughter and then Ingrid this week. There is brightness!

    1. Thanks, Tara, Friday night just kind of slammed into me. But before that it was a week of happiness, & brightness!

  5. I can say anything better than what Terje said to me, in the face of sadness it is important to celebrate the happiness and goodness in our lives.

    1. Yes, I believe the writing this morning about the goodness helped very much. I just wish that for everyone. Thanks, Bernadette.

  6. Oh this poem is so perfect. "Unaware of how large the bag of grain is--" yes. If we could refocus our attention, it would make such a difference.

    1. Yes, I agree, and somehow Barbara Crooker's words touch me often, especially this weekend. Thanks, Liz.

  7. Such a full week. I know how you feel about the news from abroad. I heard a wonderful sermon in church today- about what hope is- not an action but a way of living/thinking. Some good/helpful references to Brene Brown's research. I love that you had family time and am so curious about your picture book. I'm going to read the rest of the poem now. Thanks for sharing it Linda.

    1. Thanks, Lisa, I like the idea of hope being a way of living/thinking, something good to contemplate. I don't know if others will like the pic book idea, but I am enjoying the work on it very much.

  8. Linda, it's good that you were able to turn from your sadness by immersing yourself in words, music, and images. Love that pic of your Sarah, the bear and the bottle. It looks like one of those disappearing bottles of milk. Can't wait to hear about your volunteer time at the bookstore.

    1. Thanks, Ramona. Love that you like Sarah's picture. I do, too. She loved her bears! Will write about the bookstore soon!

  9. Thank you for helping to remind us how to put one foot in front of the other and at least start walking towards a happier, calmer place. Whether we're confronted with big banner headline tragedies, such as the terror attacks in Paris or just a case of "Sunday Blues", we have to remember the things that bring us peace and comfort. I loved the poetry & sketch you shared in your post and the gratitude for your family. I think that is one of the best ways we can honor the victims of these cruel acts, by celebrating all the ways we are part of humanity and praying for all of those that don't know the joy that this sort of peace can bring. Have a terrific week!

    1. Thanks Jana, as I wrote, it rather threw me that I was so stuck, but this celebrating on the weekend has become a part of my life, and it helped to find ways to feel better. Hope your week is a good one, too.

  10. So glad that your creativity "took you out of your worry." Our art can also be very meditative, wouldn't you agree?

    1. For sure, Jennifer. When I focus like that, everything else falls away. Thanks!

  11. Linda, despite the sadness that exists in life, this group always finds the silver lining to celebrate. This is what we need to do because life is uncertain and fragile. I can't wait to see your picture book develop.

    1. Thank you, Carol. I am awash in ideas, but this one keeps calling. Now I need to take the time. . . I agree, this group celebrating lifts me up every time!


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