
Friday, December 11, 2015

Celebrating In A New Way

              Many celebrate each Saturday or Sunday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build and the rest of the wonderful community that celebrates together.  

        From a poet friend's idea, based on Wallace Stevens' 13 Ways of Looking At A Blackbird.

Thirteen Ways of Looking At A Week

1) Within the teaching
and the students,
joy came with discoveries.

2) Decorating the tree
lights happy memories,
old and new.

3) A former student
asked me for some new
book titles.

4) Imi came to visit.
We read Christmas books,
and laughed at a snowy, hairy bear.

5) Warm weather 
invited me out to walk
every day.

6) I watched a student
create her business,
and bounce with excitement.

7) At the post office,
long lines invited long

8)  Christmas cards
appeared in the mailbox--

9) Soup cooked one day
fed me the next day,

10) At Trader Joe's,
it was an adventure finding 
candy gifts for friends.

11) The bookstore
meant time for talk
about books--

12) Ingrid and I 
took turns reading to each other,
then Noodles!

13) Snow coming Saturday
 means staying home
to make my lists and 
check them twice.

Enjoy next week everyone! I hope it's a grand flurry of days for those of you in the classroom. I know that this week can be both wonderful and challenging.


  1. "Flurry of days" is right, isn't it? It's so great to read about all of your "flurries" of the past week, Linda. Stay warm and safe in the snow. It's supposed to be 60 here in WI today, but I'm sure our share is coming.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. It isn't supposed to be much snow, at least here in the center of the city, but it'll be nice to have a bit of winter, actually. I guess you're having that same warmth we've had. Strange! Have a lovely weekend.

  2. That is a clever way to write your celebration post! I love it! And the more I read, the closer I feel to you. We've connected through our stories. A miracle of cyberspace.

    1. I do wish we were nearer to each other, Margaret. Thanks, & have a great weekend.

    2. Linda,
      Sounds like you have had a lovely week. I want to try this structure. I woke this morning expecting snow, but nothing so far. Hmmmm.

    3. It was a good and busy week, Carol. And yeh, where is that snow? Maybe it passed us by? Writing from Joy's idea, & Stevens' poem was fun, kept me from being too wordy!

  3. The structure seems to fit well the Saturday Celebrations. List, poem, memory - all in one. Wishing you warmth and light inside when it snows outside.

    1. Thanks Terje. After a morning of 'tasks', I'm enjoying reading others' celebrations, listening to some Christmas music, candles lit, AND watching the snow!

  4. I love the comments your post has generated. I must admit this year, Christmas still seems very far away. Thank you for bringing the joy a step closer.

    1. I'm enjoying it a step at a time, Julieanne, and it is on its way! Little by little, the shopping will be done and the other parts will happen, always do. You're welcome!

  5. Love the organization of this post. Truly celebrations of the everyday nature that can make for a great week.

    1. Thanks, Michele, it was fun to see if I could match the poem with 13 things!

  6. I especially loved the post office verse. I always dread going. I appreciate the reminder to see the bright side of long lines!

    1. I wrote a longer piece about it last Tuesday, too, LIz. It turned out to be a delightful time. Thanks.

  7. So much to love in your post - a student asking for book recommendations, time with your grand girls, the bookstore, Christmas cards, and snow! Enjoy, even if it's just a bit of snow. Our rain continues, but no major problems in our town.

    1. So glad to hear that you have no major problems. I never know. The news always shows the worst of course. Thanks Ramona, it was a busy and fun week.

  8. Flurry is right! What a wonderful way to recap your week! Thanks for sharing, Linda!

  9. Linda, I know that you will cozy and warm inside when the snow comes. Enjoy the time to sit back, relax, and fill your days with personal treats. We are still enjoying very mild Indian summer-like days.

    1. It was a very nice day today, sunshine back tomorrow! Thanks, Carol.

  10. Linda, You inspired me to celebrate the ordinary of life this week. You seem to always ease into your week and find so much joy to mine in your daily activities.

    1. Thanks, Bernadette. I just feel that's the best way to enjoy each day, I guess.

  11. Fun presentations of your fun moments!

  12. Great follow-up to Joy's Poetry Friday post! Finding candy gifts at Trader Joe's is fun, isn't it?

    1. Thanks, Tabatha, & yes, love seeing all the creative ways they have in the chocolates!


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