
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Past and Future - Celebrating


              I'm celebrating each Saturday or Sunday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build. Come join in to share your own special celebrations.

             Happy New Year to everyone. I'm happy that I've had a wonderful holiday time with family, happy that I have had a long visit with my son, daughter-in-law and grandson now on their way south, back home to begin their own new year. I celebrate that we get to be together so much even though they are far away. And I'm happy that my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters are near. 
             I celebrate that I can take my time packing the Christmas away, keeping some out for a little while longer, enjoying the good-time memories. 

          It's also time to celebrate 2016. When I began the school year with my classes, I always began with Eve Merriam's poem, "Metaphor", which begins 

Morning is
a new sheet of paper 

for you to write on. 
              The rest is here.

         It fits beginning a new year, too, and I celebrate that I have so many choices of what I will "write" on that paper, my 2016. 

         I looked for a picture that also fits new beginnings, and while there were flower buds, sunrises, long winding roads, the one that delighted was a cue ball heading for the "break". I've played pool in the past, and understand the meaning. If you're good at pool, you know which part to aim for so that many of the balls will fall into pockets. Yet there is an unknown to the "break" too. Hitting just a little bit off can mean adventure, and the balls can land in a myriad of unplanned places. That's exciting to contemplate, right? The opening up of possibilities this next year. I celebrate the unknown.
from free photos-MorgueFile

Happiest of Wishes for a marvelous New Year, wherever you might land!


  1. Linda- So glad you ended 2015 with your family! The stories and pictures you have shared over the past few days make it seem like it was a terrific memory-making time. I love the Eve Merriam poem. Going to share it when I do PD on Monday. Thank you!

    1. It was a wonderful time for sure, and I will miss them. The house is quiet! I'm so glad you will use the poem. I do love it. Merriam has written many poems that celebrate the small things so wonderfully. Thanks, Carol!

  2. I posted the Eve Merriam poem for my students. When we get back to school, we will be creating our OLW for 2016. This poem is a good one for inspiration. Thanks. Happy New Year!

    1. Terrific, so glad they will be using it for inspiration, Margaret. Happy New Year to you as well!

  3. I love your beautiful spirit, Linda, and that you welcome all adventures that come your way. May the 'unknown' that lies before you be full of much love, happiness, and celebration. Happy new year!

    1. What beautiful wishes, Jennifer. I am always hopeful! Thank you, and I send my best wishes to you also!

  4. Possibilities, blank page, new start - it lightens up life. Wishing that your choices and the unknown will make you smile.

    1. Thanks, Terje. It's exciting every year to see what might come my way!

  5. All the best in 2016 for you Linda. Visiting your blog a few times each week is always a comfort and an inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Carrie, for your wishes and for being around when I write. I do appreciate your words every time.

  6. Loved all the pictures on FB - you had your family close and enjoyed every minute of the time together. Happy New Year, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Tara, I just returned from reading your post. Happy New Year in these final days of vacation, then back to the students. I was always happy to return and get the year started again.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Holly, it connected with me through the picture, would never have thought of it before. It is fun to imagine those pool balls going every which way in the new year!

  8. Linda, The pool break metaphor is great. Just when you think you are getting to know someone another aspect of their personality is revealed. This was a fun and unexpected metaphor.

    1. I was surprised and pleased when I saw the picture, Bernadette. What fun to think about as I begin the year. Thank you!

  9. Love your metaphor of a pool break. It might be planned or just plain lucky what we get in life. Thank you for reminding me of Eve Merriam's poem. It is perfect for beginnings. I do love starting a new year with my students. We know each other yet we can start with a clean slate. The best of both worlds!

    1. Glad you like the metaphor, such fun to me, too! And the poem fits for many things, but especially starting anew after our winter break. Tabula Rasa is a good thing for us all! Thanks, Julieanne.

  10. So much joy here, Linda! I loved seeing the pictures of your time with family!! LOVE the Eve Merriam poem too! And I mostly love your courage for celebrating the unknown. My first instinct with that is always fear...I have much to learn. HAPPY New Year friend!!!

    1. Thank you, Michelle. So nice that you love the poem, hope it will be a good one to use sometime for your students. Happy New Year to you and all that it will bring.

  11. Oh, the unknown - it's why I read the ending first so often! It's a hard one for me to celebrate, but if I opened my mind more I would probably see more possibilities!
    Happy 2016, Linda! To continued conversations!

    1. Thanks, Michele, keep going into the unknown-good things can happen! Looking forward to our book world this year!

  12. I love the image of the cue ball heading for the break. So many possibilities. Celebrating with family is always wonderful also. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Andrea. It was terrific to find that picture. Happy Start to your New Year, too.

  13. Happy 2016, Linda! I love the pool break. I so appreciate your spirit of embracing and celebrating all that is unknown and seemingly with so much joy! Thank you for encouraging all of us in that way!

    1. You're welcome, Kendra. I truly think it would be rather boring to know everything that will be, and exciting to look forward to new things. Happiest of the New Year to you!

  14. Happy New Year Linda - glad you had a wonderful time with your family and may the new year bring new adventures.

    1. Thanks much, Alyson. It was a terrific time with all the family. Happy 2016!

  15. Linda, I'm so glad to read and see of your lovely holidays. I enjoyed a long visit with my son and his wife also. It's so fun to have them home. I think one of the things I miss the most is the laughter from when the house is filled with family. I'm also celebrating a relaxed approach to packing away Christmas. I love flipping on the tree lights and the mantel lights each morning. Guess those will disappear this week. Love the image of a new day, especially since morning is one of my favorite times of the day. And the cue ball heading for the break - an image with an accompanying sound for sure! Have a fabulous new year filled with possibilities.

    1. I was happy to see that your son and wife came for Christmas, too, Ramona. Barb helped me take down the tree, but now I need to pack away the ornaments, clean out the wrapping box, etc., etc. I have a busy week ahead so will do a little bit each day. Thanks for your wishes, hoping the same for you and looking forward to a good year!

  16. Happy New Year, Linda. I love you are celebrating the unknown of what will be in 2016. Such an exciting thing--imagining the unknown. So many possibilities....

    1. Thanks, Deb. Yes, that unknown is enticing I think. Happy New Year to you, too!

  17. The house is so quiet when they all leave! I'm so glad you got some wonderful time with your family. Now on to filling up this new year with some fresh, new memories!

    1. Yes, very quiet, but I get busy and clean, read, this time, nap. They left early so I was tired by afternoon. Thanks Donna, wishing you a wonderful 2016, too.

  18. Both the poem and the pool metaphor intrigued me Linda. Tonight on #NYEDChat at 8 pm EST we will be discussing the New Year, New Directions. Join us if you can. I think others would like to hear your thoughts.

    1. I'll see if I can make it, Carol. Thanks, glad you enjoyed the metaphors!


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