
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

SOL16 - 31/31 FINIS

SOL16 - 31/31 - THE ENDING
      I'm slicing with the Two Writing Teachers community for Day Thirty-One of Thirty-One of the Slice of Life Challenge in March.  Thank you Stacey, Tara, Anna, Betsy, Dana, Kathleen, Beth, and Deb.  

        I began the journey of slicing in 2011, have now completed my sixth year of this challenge. This time I re-read all my past "final" slices, and the first "ending" one is here. In it, if you are interested, I write of gathering goodbye poems to print, laminate and give to students on the final day of school. And then that year, I wrote a goodbye poem to all the bloggers, YOU, who wrote so faithfully every day. 
        My feelings remain unchanged. I am grateful for the community, the care and support from the seemingly tireless hosts, and those numerous others who visited my blog.  I read every day, the "now" lasting friendships I've made whether I've met you in person or not. And the wonderful thing is, through these years I have met some of you! Enjoy the rest of your year, whether teaching or in other adventures of the world. I will look for you on Tuesdays. . .

       Here is the poem I wrote in 2011:

They say it is a passing
of one condition, form, stage, activity, etc.
to another.
They say—for grace—
to show kindness, flexibility,
and again and again,
to be civil.
Yet movement
of any kind
that I resist
when saying goodbye.
In this exertion
I find myself
weak, flabby and uncoordinated.
I stumble, sigh
and finally cry.

Forgive me.
Linda Baie (C) All Rights Reserved


  1. Linda, I love the poem which I missed since I wasn't blogging until 2012. Who knew the journey that you began six years ago would continue for so long? I'm grateful for your friendship, and count myself lucky that I've met you in person. Heck, we even managed to get lost together. Happy memories!,

    1. Thanks, Ramona, I treasure the small memories and laughter we've had together too, feel very lucky to have met you!

  2. Six years! Incredible! I must admit Linda your blog feels like home to me. Thank you for all that you share.

    1. You're welcome, Carrie, and right back at you! What a lovely time it's been knowing you and your teaching ways!

  3. So glad you shared this. You are a dear friend to me. You make such a difference in my writing life. Thank you, thank you.

    1. You're welcome, Julieanne, I am in awe of all that you bring to us in every post, and so happy that we've connected!

  4. Such a beautiful poem! I feel so lucky to know you, Linda, and to have met you! Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement over the years. Looking forward to many more!

    1. Me, too, Catherine. I wish I could say that I'll be at another conference, but you never know. I am glad we met too.

  5. Gorgeous, rich poem.., I hate goodbyes too... So we will say, "Until Tuesday!"

    1. Yes! I thought about that too, Kathleen, knowing that many of us will be right back at it next Tuesday! Thank you!

  6. Oh that poem, that poem! How wonderful! Your presence and your words are part of what has made this experience (my second year of it) so rich and rewarding. Thank you and see you on Tuesdays!

    1. Thanks, Molly, I've been loving your posts all month too. I'm so glad we connected this year.

  7. I didn't even know about blogging in 2011!!! This poem is beautiful and one that touched my heart today. Thank you for sharing it and for sharing your stories. I too feel such a connection to this community --many whom I have never met. I will go with Kathleen --till Tuesday!!!

    1. Thanks, Clare, and now I celebrate that you do know about blogging, and enrich each of us in your posts! Yes, Tuesday!

  8. Until Tuesday! You do make your blog such a welcoming place for all. Thank you for continuing to share with us.

    1. You're welcome, Kendra, always happy to read what you are doing in your life!

  9. Linda, I just backtracked to read your 2011 post before seeing that you posted the poem here so I got a double tasting. The poem is a not one of sadness but of passing from one stage to the next. Your smile and posts have illuminated the pages of Slice of Life for years, long before I became a slicer (a word that is so meaningful). Thank you for continuing to be the sunshine in the morning, the cool shade in the evening, and the star that guides.

    1. So nice of you to say, Carol. Thank you for for all you share, too. I've loved our connection these months!

  10. Linda, thank you for this touching poem. It does stir such emotion in me to think we have all completed this challenge, so far from one another, yet together. You captured my thoughts perfectly.

    1. You are welcome, Lori. I look forward to continuing our connection! See you on Tuesdays!

  11. What a journey we have had together during these past six March challenges! You have always been so encouraging. No All Write? I might not see you in person, but I will see you in print. Glad we've met!

    1. Hasn't it been so much fun, Elsie? No, sadly our beach plans are conflicting. I am sad, but hopefully next year? I will miss our time together & with everyone! See you Tuesday's!

  12. Six years - and what a journey we've been on, my friend. I so look forward to reading you every day, it somewhat makes up for the distance between Colorado and New Jersey.

    1. Maybe some day again? But our online time is wonderful too! Thanks my friend!

  13. I am clearly a latecomer to tthis festival of fans, but I, too, share their appreciation of your writing which I look forward to every day. You are a true mentor, whether you know it or not, and I look forward to learning whatever I can from you in the Tuesdays to come. Thanks for your support this year.

    1. You're welcome, Barbara, & It's been nice to begin knowing you & reading your posts, too. Here's to Tuesdays!

  14. Love the poem, Linda. Six years---wow. I did half of that. This truly is a special group of people brought together by our joy of writing and sharing. Thank you for all of your comments and support over the month.

    1. You're welcome, Bob, so glad we've connected. You've shown me a new way of posting, the light-hearted approach to life more than you know. It is a lovely community for sure.

  15. If we could all gather in a room together, what a great time we would have. You have been a stalwart in this journey. Your comments are driving and supportive. Thanks for being you.

    1. You're welcome, Margaret, wouldn't it be something so nice to have a weekend retreat just to hang out together? Thanks for our connections through these years, too.

  16. Never can say goodbye without tears here either. Lovely poem. And I do hope we meet in person some day.

    1. I hope so, too. You and I are perhaps closest to each other, except for one other who lives in New Mexico. Thanks for stopping by so often, Jane.

  17. Lovely poem! It is so fun to go back and read what we have written. Thanks for sharing this poem with us again!

    1. You're welcome, Joanne. It was heartfelt then, with astonishment that I had made it that first year, and still heartfelt today. It's been fun exchanging our ideas of retirement hasn't it?

  18. So glad that we've met if only thru our blogs and because of my daughter. Thanks so much for all your wonderful encouraging comments. I can't believe Michelle got me involved 5 years ago and I'm still finding slices to write. See on Tuesdays

    1. Yes, so glad to connect all this time, wow! You are welcome, Judy. I always enjoy your adventures, sometimes very close to mine. And I will be there watching for you next Tuesday!

  19. I love your collection of goodbye poems, Linda, and I love to think of you as my friend even though I've never met you in person. I know that we will meet one day, and I look forward to that day!

    1. Thanks, Melanie, I'm glad you checked the list & hope some will be fun for you to use. I hope we'll meet some time too. Happy writing!

  20. So neat! I'm jealous that you and elsie started together, the year before I did, and I missed a whole March with both of you! But I'm so glad I've gotten to know you these five years. So special!

    1. So much has happened in these five years, too, Jennifer. I still remember that tireless teacher who had to move her entire classroom during the year, between schools! What good times & trying ones we have shared. Happy slicing always.

  21. Beautiful poem, and how cool to go back and reflect!!! I enjoyed reading what you have had to share over the past month. Thank you so much for sharing with me and welcoming me into this wonderful community with open arms! I look forward to connecting with you again soon!

    1. Thanks Ana, and I've enjoyed our getting to know each other, too. I hope you'll join us on Tuesdays from now on! Congrats on finishing the SOLC!

  22. Lovely! It is a wonderful community of committed writers and it is so nice when we get to actually meet in person too!

    1. Thanks, Betsy, I hope you'll get to go to All-Write again. I can't make it this year, a vacation conflict. It's been lovely to talk with you through the years.


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