
Friday, April 15, 2016

Celebrating The Week With Poetry

         Every Saturday (or Sunday) I celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.  and link with others who share their celebrations, too. Ruth has made it a wonderful weekend of sharing what we are grateful for in the past week. It's also April, Poetry Month, and I'm trying to write a poem when I can, probably not every day this month, but some days when it feels right. I might visit other challenges too, and share a favorite poetry book. I want to enjoy and celebrate poetry as much as possible.

             The Progressive Poem created by Irene Latham is here today from Violet Nesdoly.  

     If you'd like to learn about the sijo, a traditional form of Korean poetry, go here to Kelly Fineman at Writing and Ruminating  I was fascinated by her post, and also knew a book I had by Linda Sue Park, had forgotten it and re-read it tonight. The title is Tap Dancing on the Roof. Here's a first try, about this good week, with an exclamation point at the end.

My cup fills: family love, poems; sunshine and redbuds - April!
Days tick by, weekend snow; show-off April, filled palette.
Mad shopping! bacon, bread and milk; baskets fill, snow melts Monday.
Linda Baie ©All right Reserved


  1. I think your poem captures all the happenings very well. I hope your snowstorm didn't leave too much snow.

    1. Woke up to snow, not too much so far, Amy, but it's supposed to snow today & tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. "Show-off April" - that is so true! Mother Nature showing all her color and beauty! I think snow and April should not be together in any sentence, stanza or thought! Love the pics of the grandkids!

    1. Thanks, Leigh Anne. It's snowing now, & I agree, with all that flowering beauty, snow can keep its own beauty in the winter!

  3. I have never heard of sijo, so when I study poetry more this summer, I will add this to my list! April looks beautiful in your neck of the woods!

    1. It's been gorgeous all week, but today the snow has taken over again. Guess we'll see how the blooms do. Thanks, Kendra.

  4. Gotta love a pink cowgirl hat! All the photos are lovely! With such inspiration, the poem is great, too. A new poem form to try!

    1. There are many rules to this form, but I think I am close to right. Thanks, Diane.

  5. Thanks for sharing your good week via photos & sijo, a form new to me!

    1. You're welcome, Jane, keep warm today in our snowstorm!

  6. Your April, with and without snow, with the filled palette, poetry rich - sounds good!

    1. Thanks, Terje, and the snow is here! It is always beautiful, & I love the moisture, just wish it were rain instead!

  7. Love your spring blossoms and the pics of your grands! A fabulous week to be sure. I've read Tap Dancing on the Roof, but never tried the form myself. I'll have to check out Kelly's post.

    1. It's such a rigid form, & I will try again. Sometimes my challenge in these is finding a good topic! Thanks, Ramona.

  8. That "show-off April, filled palette" is beautiful! hanks for the link to a sijo. A new one on me. I have to check it out. Thanks!

    PS Heard you were going to get a ton of snow. Stay warm!

    1. Thanks, Julieanne. Give the sijo a try! And yes, we have snow, still going, but wet & light. It's supposed to continue through tomorrow!

  9. Is there an endless supply of forms this month? This is a new one. I can't believe it is snowing again. Stay warm.

    1. Thanks, Margaret, I think I'll keep working at this, an interesting challenge!

  10. Such joyful bounty in this poem, Linda. Your spirit shines through in your gratitude and imagery. xx

    1. Thanks, Amy, it was a good week, which helped the poem making too!

  11. Fun poem! I have read the Linda Sue Park book before and really enjoy it. I will have to try writing sijo sometime.

    1. You should, Crystal. It was an interesting challenge. Thanks!

  12. I love your words "Show off April". Given your crazy weather this month, Mother Nature certainly is showing off and also showing us that she is in control. That is a beautiful collage of pictures too. Such cuties!


    1. Thank you! Yes, April show-off is right, still snowing this morning!

  13. Show off April is perfect for the crazy roller coaster ride that April takes us on. Thanks for sharing the accompanying pictures.

  14. Your cup is full of so many blessings!

  15. Life is a whirlwind and April is such a showoff as you say. I am waiting for the sun to warm the land. (I am catching up with reading after a week of presenting and listening to the unexpected happenings in friends' lives.
    Linda, I wanted to tell you that I happened on your April 2015's haiku line-up and loving it. #2,5,26 struck a cord so maybe you would like to look those over and create a haiku collage for #SpringsSeeds Gallery that I hope to have the invitation out for soon.

    1. What a nice idea about the haiku, Carol. I enjoyed that writing last year very much! Hope you'll be warming up soon, and enjoy your reading!

  16. I love your week of celebrations, and I especially like this poetry format. I so miss our redbud tree, especially in the spring. The spring blooms are gorgeous! Hope that snow melts soon and you can head fully into the rest of spring!

    1. Our April is always like this, and we are always surprised! It's supposed to be near 80 by the end of the week, so guess the snow will melt, & the moisture will make everything grow! Thanks, Karen.


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