
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Poetry Friday - Moon Again!

Jama Rattigan at Jama's Alphabet Soup is our host today for Poetry Friday, with a marvelous review of Laura Shovan's middle grade verse novel,  The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary, just arrived on April 12th!  Wow, there is a beautiful poem shared, and recipes from that poem, passover treats! Thanks for the wonderful post and for hosting, Jama!

Don't forget to visit here for Robyn's post at Life on The Deckle Edge for line number twenty-two of the April Progressive Poem created by Irene Latham.

Yesterday was Poem In Your Pocket day, and I gave poems during my time at the used bookstore where I volunteer.  Most people don't know about this day because it is mostly celebrated in schools, so it was fun to surprise people with a poem gift. The poem I kept in my pocket is from a favorite children's poet, Karla Kuskin, "Write About A Radish".  The entire text is here, but the second line after the title line is "Too many people write about the moon."

Friday night is the full, pink moon, and it already looks full tonight (Thursday). I wrote about the moon, despite the probably good advice of Ms. Kuskin. And I took a picture too. I've loved  moon-watching for a long time, used to do moon journaling with my students, and it really does energize me. I do stay up late watching, even if I need to bundle up with a cup of tea.

Tonight I found the sky in puddles
then the moon splashed through,
sleep-stealing its goal.
I put on the kettle, ready to gaze.
Linda Baie © All Rights Reserved


  1. Beautiful, Linda! I'm a fellow moon-lover, and considered writing about that sleep-stealer, but couldn't find a way in. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Catherine, happy to find a kindred spirit!

  2. This little poem packs a punch with that moon splash surprise. Love it! Happy gazing!

    1. Thanks, Margaret, it was fun to write another one!

  3. Thanks for reminding me about the pink/red moon.
    And this poem is roundly wonderful.

    Your bookstore patrons who received the pocket poems had a story to tell when they got home. Maybe it's a new tradition for the shop!

  4. Like that splashy moon, unwilling to be ignored!

  5. What a lovely poem -- love the moon splashing through puddles! And what a great idea to give out poems to people in the bookstore yesterday; such a nice surprise gift.

    1. Thanks, Jama, it was a fun day at the bookstore, then the moon, too!

  6. What a wonderful Earth Day tribute to our satellite! Thanks for your poetic enticement to enjoy a special nighttime Moon-treat. ...What a wonderful "Poem in Your Pocket Day" tribute to the power of poetry to bring smiles and warm feelings to surprised patrons. Good for you! God bless you in all aspects of your poetry ministry to us and to others:)

    1. Thanks, CB. It was a good day all the way into night!

  7. Beautiful! I've been watching the moon this week - even on Wednesday night it was huge and pretty round up there!
    It just struck me, wouldn't it be interesting to be able to see what others are doing things you do that you imagine others probably aren't doing, taking time to just stare at the moon up there, dropping what they are doing, or even hastening to make a cup of tea to enjoy the watching more fully. People are a crazy lot - aren't we? There are just some joys you want to drink in, and it is always a delight to find that others find them delightful and drink-in-able, too!
    Enjoy the moon tonight - I think we'll have rain by then, so I'm glad I watched it last night on our drive home. But I will remind myself that there are people out there who may be sipping tea by the light of the moon!

    1. There are several picture books about following the moon, knowing wherever we are, we are seeing that same moon. And I've also seen it used in fiction, when we have to say goodbye to someone, especially during wartime. Thanks Donna, no rain for us, clear and warm at least for now. You know we miss your rainy nights, too. Yes, I agree that the moon has been especially large for a few nights!

  8. Linda, you were part of the random acts of poetry movement yesterday for Poem in Your Pocket Day. I can imagine that you delighted your bookstore customers with your gifts of poetry. I enjoyed the poem you kept in your pocket and felt that the poem you created could also be a give-away next year as with many poems in your collection. Happy Earth Day!

    1. Thanks, Carol, will keep this in mind for next year! I do love the Radish poem, too!

  9. "I found the sky in puddles..." and then that splashy moon. What wonderful imagery, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Those clouds, everywhere, but singular too! Fun to imagine.

  10. My goodness, the moon seems to be having more fun these days! Love that "sky in puddles..."!

    1. Thanks, Violet, it was a beauty last night too!

  11. Oh, Linda! I am in LOVE with those first two lines!!

    A grade level team member got married last night -- full moon, Earth Day, wedding on a flower farm (only tulips blooming, but still)...and the clouds left for a few hours to allow a sun-washed ceremony, then came back to cover the moon. Alas -- Ohio.

    1. How absolutely wonderful that sounds, and to have the clouds leave in time, perfect. Thanks, Mary Lee.

  12. I love the image of the sky in puddles -- I will always think of that line when I see a moonlit sky. Beautiful.

  13. Linda, this is absolutely gorgeous! I know this image is going to stick with me, just like Karla Kuskin's radish.

    1. Thanks Liz. I do love that radish poem by Karla Kuskin.

  14. I love the moon magic, and I'd be happy to gaze, too, tea cup in hand.

    1. Thanks, Brenda, be happy to have you over, too!

  15. The moon has been beautiful. My husband called me out last night to look and I'm so glad he did. We have a habit of making sure neither of us miss a beautiful moon. Then this morning, I was up early and saw it again!! Double delight!

    Your poem is beautiful, Linda. I love the splashing and sleep-stealing. Did you brew something special—a moon-watching brew, perhaps?

    1. No, I'm a straight Earl Grey tea drinker, but with milk and sugar! So happy to hear that you love sharing that moon with your husband!

  16. What a beautiful description; 'the sky in puddles' - and lovely to see the rest of the poem so worthy of it.

    1. Thank you, now perhaps you can find a "sky with puddles"!


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