
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Poetry Friday - Noticing April

      The final Poetry Friday of April is here, and hosted by Buffy Silverman at Buffy's Blog.  Thanks, Buffy!
       I haven't written a poem every day this month, but have written some, and shared  books of poetry, novels and anthologies. Remember that Laura's Shovan's beautiful verse novel, The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary, came out just a couple of weeks ago! And I've enjoyed the goals of other Poetry Friday bloggers and their lovely writing. Also, all of us will remember this year's Progressive Poem, Irene Latham's Creation, the collaboration of 30 poets, for a long time! What a mysterious poem it has become, with one line added today by Sheila Renfro here, and the finale by Donna Smith at Mainely Write.
       My April's weather has included eighty degrees, blooms and blizzards. It was warm last week and we had snow today, more coming on the weekend. The light shows springtime is here, however, thus my poem today.

Morning Parade

Shade’s parade marches at sunrise.
Porch rail slats stripe the porch:
notebook paper lines
wait for me to write.
Tree branches ripple with the breeze;
their shadows change places.
Light glitters the trees.

Shade struts with the music
of geometric shapes- round pots,
rectangle chairs, triangle windchime.
At the end, mysterious flower wisps wiggle-
like people parade-watching,
impatient at streetside.

Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved

photo credit: first snow via photopin (license)


  1. Wow. Clever imagery and the rhythm of the poem felt like a parade marching down the screen. Wonderful.

    1. Thanks, Sally. Rain/snow here today, but I wrote this one morning when it was spring warm and I could be outside on my patio.

  2. We haven't had blizzards, but it's been a slow spring here, too. Your poem is beautiful, Linda! I love the "mysterious flower wisps!"

    1. Thanks, Catherine, it really has been an up and down April!

  3. Very original, Linda! So visual, but you also bring music in, and I can feel the breeze rippling and wiggling as well.

  4. I love the way you transformed what you noticed into poetry, Linda - you are a marvel.

    1. Thanks, Tara. It's snowing again, but I might skip a poem this time! "In like a lamb, out like a lion!"

  5. What keen observations and wonderful imagery in your poem, Linda. I need to pay closer attention to those wonderful shadows and plays of light right outside my window. And I can't believe you're getting more snow!! Stay safe and warm.

    1. Yes, still snowing, spring wet & heavy! I'll need to go out to knock snow off the little pines soon. Thanks Jama. I hope you find the shadows lovely out your window, too.

  6. Love all your shadow observations, Linda. I took a photo at the beginning of this month of the stripes of snow that remained on our deck in the slats' shadows. I intended to use it as a poetry prompt...but now I don't need to because you've done it so well!

    1. I imagine your poem would be wonderful, Buffy. Thanks!

  7. Wonderful the way the POV in the poem moves around the area, just as our eyes do, making us think we're there.

    1. Thanks, Brenda, and the sun (at my house) travels just that way.

  8. I love that shade struts... and leaves notepaper lines. This is beautiful and fun, Linda.

    1. Thank you. Fun to imagine as those shadows moved!

  9. I love shadow pictures. Your poem is beautiful - love "notebook paper lines".

    1. Thanks, Donna. I am continually taken by shadows too, loved writing this.

  10. First I was struck by how much was in the photo even though at first glance it was a flat space. Then I was struck by how much was in the poem. I love the notebook paper line connection too, and how the parade comes back.

    1. Thanks, Karin, I didn't take this particular picture, but it fit the way I thought about my poem so well that I couldn't resist using it.

  11. Your fascination with shadow pictures has caused me to pay more attention to shadows. Love this poem! "Porch rail slats stripe the porch." What a line and then followed up by those "notebook paper lines." Such a sense of play here. I do love a parade!

    1. Thanks, Ramona, I guess the fascination comes because we have so much sunshine, except these few days!

  12. Such a clever, imaginative poem. I love your shadow focus and am entranced by the image of those "mysterious flower wisps" wiggling "like people parade-watching." Well done!

    1. Thanks, Molly, it was fun to imagine as the sun moved around my house.

  13. Our spring days have come and gone, I'm sorry to say. With consistent temps back in the 90s, a snow shower sounds rather appealing. I do love the springtime parade of light over your porch, Linda. If there's anything you're NOT as a poet, it's "impatient at streetside." Thanks for sharing your view!

    1. Thanks, I just spoke with my son down south, in the eighties there. I understand your need for "cooler", Michelle.

  14. Wow. April has been crazy-weather for you! Your poem and image work so well together!

  15. Fascinating poem, Linda! I'm mesmerized by the sounds and geometric shapes. Very clever.

  16. What a lovely way to start the day and observe all through it. It reminds me of what our art class instructor told us--become aware of light and dark, negative and positive space. You've tuned me into that awareness again with your poem.

    1. Thanks, Violet. The light is something I do watch, at home, and traveling too. This came from a morning at home, watching out windows as I worked around the house.

  17. What a lovely moment of close observation. I feel like I was sitting with you. Quietly sharing the moment. Thank you!

    1. You're welcome LIz. The sun has been behind clouds since Friday, so I'm happy to note this poem, so dependent on the sun making shadows. Soon, back again!

  18. Notebook paper lines! Perfect. And I adore "Light glitters the trees" - :0) Happy Crazy Springtime!

  19. Blooms and blizzards are marking your days, Linda. This poem is full of ideas.
    Shade marches, struts and the parade goes on. "Tree branches ripple with the breeze; their shadows change places." Let me know which poems you will offer for my upcoming gallery.

    1. Will have to look for them, Carol. Thanks. It's been quite an April!

  20. Your wonderful poem gives the feel of a morning parade. So many great verbs!


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