
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Celebrating What Is Loved

  This Saturday I celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.  and link with others who share their celebrations, too. I am grateful to Ruth for starting this meme that offers a place to share!

           I've been writing quite a lot about the days past, filtering the news that tries to take power over my celebrations.  I won't let it take over, but I cannot ignore it either, feel sadness for the turmoil, will do what I can to make things better. My days are filled with goodness, and I am grateful for them. 

           In the story, Anthony Doerr tells us peaches are "wedges of wet sunlight". This was a re-read for me for my book group this week, and I loved it again, such beauty in the story and the writing, and a reminder of hard times overcome in the past, too. Being with the group and talking about our book, among other parts of our lives is a joy.

         I finished this new middle-grade book and didn't want to start another, found it hard to end it. For both teachers and kids, it is a book I hope we'll see with a Newbery badge.  

       It isn't easy visiting my husband at the cemetery, but the place holds solace for me, and this time, such beauty.

       There are lots of places to hide in the garden outside my house, and the girls love to push into this "jungle" and pretend. Our visit this week was full of fun and play. You may have to enlarge that second pic to see Ingrid peeking out.

        At the bookstore again, I discovered a lovely older book of poetry, and in-between customers, I read and loved the poem's translations. This week, I also met and talked with a new volunteer, and continue to be thankful for all those who work at the store, without pay, just because they love it, and love books. I adore being part of this community.

       Hoping everyone finds joy in their lives in this coming week!


  1. I'm reading before writing today, and your thoughts reflected mine as, in the back of my mind I think about writing while reading. So much going on in the world, how to focus on celebration? And of course, the answer is in the things we love and in the ordinary moments of every day. Your celebration is lovely today.

    1. Thanks, Diane, I do have much to be thankful for, and these recent tragedies tug on my heart, too.

  2. So much joy in you celebrations. Even the difficult spots give you peace. I'm finishing Ms Bixby today. All the Light ... was my adult summer read last year. Thank you for reminding me of it. I had let it go and your post brought back the loveliness of it. Happy Weekend!

    1. Hope you're enjoying Ms. Bixby, Julieanne. I loved it a lot! And All The Light. . . is simply wondrous, agreed. Thanks!

  3. So happy to hear that you've nominated Ms. Bixby's Last Day for Newbery. I'll be sure it makes it onto our Mock Newbery list for the fall. It's "in transit" from our library which means it will arrive on my holds shelf soon! Love the pics of the grand girls and I spotted Ingrid even before I enlarged the pic. So happy for the fun you have at the bookstore and your weekly discoveries. My heart, like yours, is heavy for the turmoil in our world.

    1. Can't wait to see what you think of Ms. Bixby. I know each of us have our own special preferences, but I loved what the author did to show the depth of each character, even the lesser ones. Thanks Ramona, soon you'll be playing with Teddy!

  4. I love all of these celebrations, Linda...they encompass all the experiences and richness of life.

    1. Thanks, Tara. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing them.

  5. A jungle in the garden is my kind of a garden. Beauty, nature, kids, books and poetry - these are building blocks of peace.

    1. I remember hiding with girlfriends under large shrubs at my grandma's, so this is such fun to see. Thanks, Terje.

  6. Mrs Bixby just went into my Amazon cart after seeing mention of it here and a photo of it also on Julieannne's post. I love how your celebration weaves together so many things that are happy and hard, young and no longer here, but all worthy of celebration.

    1. Thanks, Lis. I hope you love Ms. Bixby, too.

  7. I just bought "Ms. Bixby" when I was at Wild Rumpus in Minneapolis this week. I am looking forward to reading it, especially since it has your stamp of approval, Linda. Have a great week!

  8. Thanks for the book recommendations and the trip through your garden jungle. Thanks,too, for supporting me in my endeavors. Peace!

    1. Enjoy the books-both really fine! And you're welcome. I wish for peace all the time!

  9. Thank you. Linda, for always finding the joy in living. Your week was full of special moments that made you smile.

    1. You're welcome, Carol. Despite all the chaos, it had some happy moments.

  10. Thank you for sharing the joys of the week. That poetry book looks like a good one. I just listened to one of Matthew Winner's podcasts with the author of Mrs. Bixby. It sounds like one I will definitely want to get for our library.

    1. Yes, the poems are lovely. It's such fun to discover new books at the store! And Ms. Bixby is a treasure of a book, Crystal. Thanks!

  11. Thank you for your post. You remind me to look for the positives even during tough times. I'm adding your middle school recommendation to my to be read pile. It's a long stack, but I always love adding new books to my list.

    1. I understand about those large stacks. There are many good books coming out lately. Thanks!


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