
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Poetry Friday - Election Changes

         Irene Latham at Live Your Poem hosts this mid-October Poetry Friday, sharing some fabulous, creative scarecrows and a poem about them, too. Thanks, Irene, for a perfect autumn post!

         Of all the craziness in this election time, my mind continues to return to those who are not answering questions put to them. I listen with focus, and it happens time and time again. I've been writing this poem for a while, mostly done "before" these recent events more alarming than simply not answering a question. It is not meant as a joke, but serious because I want the answers, and not the lies. 
         I have rarely heard or used the word “pivot” since my high school basketball days. However, in this election frenzy, this word has appeared often in the mouths of newscasters. It varies with the breaking news shared, but most of the time it means that a question is asked, a dilemma is faced, and the central person turns away to talk or effect a different, and meaningless, response, in order to change the direction of the topic. Argh, so frustrating!


I will avert my eyes,
avoid all you surmise
about anything.

I will bend the query;
when you lunge, I parry
away your sting.

I aim to deviate,
never set things straight;
I am the king.

The goal is to sidetrack.
camouflage my back.
I love the fling.

Two roads diverge;
I take a wild splurge,
may talk Beijing.

These pivots make
feints with a fake.
I’m on the wing.

This is my tale:
a whopper whale.
It’s what I bring.
Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved

photo credit: Enokson Drilling is boring *yawn* via photopin (license)


  1. Linda, bravo. You captured the pivot-the swing away from the question. What is going on in this election? There is such a negative tone in a world that needs the positive. I am glad that you posted this, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Carol. I've been stewing about the consistent talk about the pivot for a long while, and no one does anything about it! Rather fun to do!

  2. Excellent Linda! The coverage of your election reaches all the way to Australia, and I have to say I don't know whether to laugh, cry or throw my hands up in the air. Your poem captures the pivot perfectly.

    1. Thanks, Sally, throwing up one's hands may be something many are doing!

  3. Please tell me the election is coming soon, and this farce will be over...and out. You Americans have election stamina, that's for sure!

    1. Less than a month! And yes, we keep going and going, like that Energizer bunny! Thanks, Kat!

  4. Wow! You've captured my frustration as well. I love the form, too!

  5. My husband and I were just talking about this last night - public figures seem incapable of answering a question without raising countless more questions, I love the image of them parrying, bobbing and weaving around the truth like a dancer, fencer, athlete of words.

    1. I think we just need to keep listening and finding answers wherever we can. Thanks Jane, glad you enjoyed this "parry"!

  6. Reminds me of a point an acting teacher made once. He was talking about an orange chair in front of him, steadfast in his belief that the chair was blue, and no one could convince him otherwise. Seems to me, that is exactly what we're dealing with here.

    1. Interesting to consider, Michelle. Some think it's blue, no matter what. Thanks for telling me.

  7. Politics may be a mess this year, but I am very glad it brought you back to "pivot," Linda! There is a place for every emotion in poetry, even frustration. Thank you for always being a bright spot in the world. xo

    1. It has been interesting, Irene, and I have a number of memories of practicing "pivots" in basketball. Thank you!

  8. Really enjoyed your thoughts and your poem, Linda.

    However, I think we, the public, have helped to create this beast. A few years ago a Canadian politician who wanted to be Prime Minister told the truth about how her plans would affect taxes (raise them of course). Predictably she lost the election.

    1. Perhaps we really don't want to know the truth. Hm-m, I'll have to think about it, Violet. Thanks for your thoughts.

  9. You certainly captured politics in the US!

    1. Trying to make it all work for me, Matt. Thanks!

  10. This is brilliant. I read it twice. I plan to share it with my husband. I love watching your brain work as it lay each word down.

    1. Thanks, Kimberley, as I wrote to Matt, trying to make things work, thought maybe a poem would help. Glad you enjoyed it!

  11. Wonderful word play and vibrancy. Living out loud the way people seem to do these days, yet how much of themselves do they really hide? Who do we really know?

    1. I agree, there is much to try to figure out, and this election is important because it "sticks" for four years, a long time. Thanks, Brenda.

  12. Well done....and what an interesting word to focus your thoughts on! This election has changed me. One silver lining is that I will not be taking as much for granted in my leaders. What they say, do, not say, not answer matters to me. Thank you for this poem that is timeless in its significance.

    1. I've paid attention for a long time because I was teaching about these elections with middle school students, Linda, but you're right, even more this year. I think it must be very hard for teachers this year. Thanks!

  13. A lot of movement in your poem--just as there is in the answers given by politicians--always trying to make their way back to talking points. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks, Diane, listening closely hasn't often resulted in the answers asked about. What a time it has been!

  14. Brilliant, Linda - yo were able to make something positive (a poem) out of this travesty (our election, this time).

    1. Thanks, Tara. Rather interesting to do it. What a time this has been!

  15. Linda! The craft in this one is quite amazing, even bringing in Beijing! I'm with you on the sentiment, of course--which is why Michelle Obama's straight talk is so refreshing--but your poem neatly echoes the doublespeak of the Teflon People.

    1. Thanks, Heidi. Yes, Michelle Obama's words will last a long time.


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