
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Poetry Friday - goodbye autumn

Our Poetry Friday host today is Brenda Harsham at Friendly Fairy Tales. Thanks Brenda!

       If you'd like to read about a wonderful celebration, visit Michelle H. Barnes at Today's Little Ditty! What a lovely surprise on this day! 

"Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons." Jim Bishop

        We've had a beauty of an autumn this year. Long, long have been the warm days where we can sit outside, have no need of a jacket while raking leaves. It's November 17th and we had the first freeze and a few inches of snow. The record date for latest first snow is November 21st. The average lies in October. We will miss this time, the scuffling through the leaves, last blooms, last butterflies. I don't have a fireplace anymore so I cannot celebrate a first fire, but I can enjoy the soup I made in anticipation of this COLD day. My geraniums, bottom picture, are covered with snow.
         It's supposed to return to the fifties or sixties this weekend! We may have to wait a little longer for a goodbye to these "prosaic days". 

         I searched for a poem that might speak to a goodbye to the season, and chose this one by Emily Dickinson.

Besides the Autumn Poets Sing (131)
Besides the Autumn poets sing, 
A few prosaic days 
A little this side of the snow 
And that side of the Haze - 
A few incisive mornings -         
A few Ascetic eves - 
Gone - Mr Bryant’s “Golden Rod” - 
And Mr Thomson’s “sheaves.” 
Still, is the bustle in the brook - 
Sealed are the spicy valves -         
Mesmeric fingers softly touch 
The eyes of many Elves - 
Perhaps a squirrel may remain - 
My sentiments to share -
Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind -        
Thy windy will to bear!
       Emily Dickinson


  1. What a lovely poem for today, Linda (hadn't seen it before). Love hearing about your beautiful autumn days. I heard there's a chance of a snow shower here on Sunday. Feels too early.

    1. I'm glad you liked this by Emily D., Jama. It was new to me, too. As I wrote, snow and cold is here, then again warming up on the weekend. Strange weather for us! Thanks!

  2. Charming poem, Linda! I am glad I get to hang on to autumn a little while longer here in Texas. Have a great Thanksgiving week!

    1. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you. My son is in Texas, saying still summer there!

  3. I love experiencing the seasons with my PF friends! Linda, your poem choice is perfect. Emily's words: "Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind -" are words to live by no matter the weather. Enjoy this season of transition, my friend. =)

    1. Happy you liked this one, Bridget. And I love seeing what's going on in your far southwest! Beauty everywhere!

  4. I love that last couplet so much, and I am intrigued by "Sealed are the spicy valves." I wish there were footnotes, so I could know what plants she refers to :-)

    1. I know, and she may be using 'valves' for any number of things. Thanks, Tabatha.

  5. I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to autumn - winter is so long and dreary here, so I'm going to cling to autumn until the very last moment...!!

    1. We don't have that kind of winter, Jane, but I grew up in Missouri, so know what you mean. Cling all you want!

  6. Replies
    1. Isn't it a nice ending? Glad you liked it, too, Ruth.

  7. This poem is a perfect fit for your post. I also love the idea of holding onto a "sunny mind." We've had many unexpected still-warm days in Maine this year. I'm sure cold-weather awaits, but for now, I am uneasily enjoying the extended pleasant weather.

    1. Thanks, Molly, the cold came yesterday, is here today, and warming up in the next few days. Amazing fall!

  8. Indeed, that's the prefect poem to share, Linda! We've had some flakes here and there, but no snow...although there are rumors we might get our first significant storm on Thanksgiving! Enjoy your sounds like you'll be having the same weather we'll be enjoying.

  9. Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind -
    Thy windy will to bear!
    Me too! Me too! Me too! A beautiful farewell to this season. Thank goodness for the holidays. Have a great week.

    1. Hope you have a good week, too, Linda. Glad you like hat "sunny mind".

  10. No snow in the South.... Thanks for sharing your lovely words, and Emily's, and the pictures as warmth says farewell for a while this month. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. You're welcome, Robyn. Hope you'll be back home for a Happy Thanksgiving with your family.

  11. This is lovely, Linda. And yes, those last lines are key. Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. You're welcome, Catherine. It is a lovely goodbye, I agree!

  12. A little this side of the snow
    And that side of the Haze

    I love these lines. Thanks for the treat, Linda!

    1. You're welcome, Diane. Those lines are mostly why I chose this poem.

  13. A perfect poem for this week! Thanks.

  14. Long, mild fall here, too! I'm enjoying it while we can.
    Love and will hold close:
    "Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind -
    Thy windy will to bear!"

    1. She can find the most perfect words, can't she? Thanks, Donna.

  15. The colder weather has taken its sweet time getting here, but we're forecasted to be in the 30s Sunday night. Time to take out the winter comforters!

    1. PS. Thanks so much for your link to my celebration. :)

    2. Yes, still cold here, but warming up tomorrow. I guess it's on the way to you! And, you're welcome. I'm proud of you for all your creative ideas, Michelle, and am thrilled to be a little part of it.

  16. Perfect choice of poem for this changeable season.

  17. I could use a sunny mind right now! Thanks for this poem, Linda, and the photographs of your garden.

    1. I'm glad you received some of Emily's sunshine, Laura! Thanks!


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