
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Making My Way

        Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference hosts this mid-December Poetry Friday, showing gorgeous shadow-box poetry. Thanks, Tabatha!

      It's mid-December, cold is arriving on Saturday from a breezy and warm Friday. Official winter's here in a few days. I continue to be warmed and grateful to Mary Lee Hahn for her challenge HERE  to write a haiku each day in December with the hashtag #haikuforhealing. And when I read Catherine Flynn's post about #commonplacemarvels, it inspired me, too. Except for Dec. 1st,  I've shared every day. I have found pleasure in the search and pleasure in the discovery of beauty in my everyday world. Thanks again, Mary Lee and Catherine. 

       Thanks again to Michelle H. Barnes at Today's Little Ditty also, and those in her committee who created the poetry book, The Best of Today's Little Ditty. While I have ordered others for gifts, shh, don't tell, I waited until I received my copy signed by Michelle before I began to read. I am proud to have some poems in it, but my heart also warmed as I began to read the amazing poems by all of you. It will be a lovely way to spend cold nights this winter, savoring the words, trying a challenge all over again. 
       And thanks to every one of the Poetry Friday poets. I am grateful to be a part of such a caring and creative community. I learn from each of you every Friday.

     Found in a book about the solstice at the bookstore, a poem of comfort at the end of this strangest  of years:

Here at the gateway of the year,
May we strive to make good cheer.
In our revels shall joy abound
And sorrow be cast underground.

—Caitlin Matthews from her book Sun Still; Sun Return

              I'm taking a few weeks off until the new year, when actually I'm hosting on January sixth, Three Kings' Day or Epiphany. Happiest of holidays to you and yours. This Wednesday, the winter solstice arrives, and I am reminded of Percy Bysshe Shelley: "Oh, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" And that brings me to today's discovery.
Click to enlarge!

a barren bush,
then a closer peek 

Linda Baie © All Rights Reserved


  1. Thank you for sharing these words of hope, Linda. I've seen "promises" in the lilac bushes outside my kitchen window this week, too. Enjoy the next few weeks with your family. Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and a happy, poetry-filled New Year!

    1. Thanks, Catherine. I hope your holidays are merry with your family, too.

  2. Spring! It's only in single digits this morning--I hate to think what will happen when winter gets here next week! Happy holidays, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Diane, we are warmer today and those single digits are on their way tonight. Have a wonderful time on the holidays with your family, too!

  3. Every season is the season for promises, isn't it? What a great image and poem to leave us with as we part for a few weeks. Happy holidays, Linda!

    1. Thank you, Kiesha. Wishing you a wonderful holiday, too!

  4. Love this, Linda. We do have to look closely to find the promises, and it can be hard to keep that habit in stressful and busy times. Happy holidays--enjoy your break!

    1. Thanks, Laura. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with all the family home.

  5. Lovely haiga, Linda. Hope and promises are what we need to hold onto in these uncertain times. Wishing you the best of holidays!

    1. Thanks, Jama. Holding on to all I know is true this holiday season. Happiest of holidays to you as well!

  6. YOU are so caring and creative, my friend - and we need that bud of hope right about now! Thank you for sharing, and I know you and your precious family will savor time together during the holiday break. XO

    1. Thanks, Robyn. Hugs and Happy Christmas time to you, too!

  7. Yes, "promises" - so glad you look closely and share your powerful words with us, Linda. We need your words of hope. Sending you much warmth and love this holiday season. =)

    1. Thank you, Bridget. It's been quite a long and troubling year, but so many good things, too. I don't want to lose sight of them. I am hopeful! Happiest of Holidays to you also.

  8. I feel the same about this warm and creative community, Linda, and I'm grateful to have you as one of my points of light! Thanks for offering promises again and again in your poetry and in your blog posts.

    1. You're so welcome, Michelle. Let's keep on next year!

  9. It's so nice to visit you here. Enjoy your time away....and you've left us with a beautiful image and thoughts of promise. I whole heartedly agree about The Best of Today's Little Ditty....better than seeing a poem in it from me is those of all I've come to know through their beautiful words. It is a joy for these cold days.

    1. Indeed, it will be a light for me, too. Thanks, Linda!

  10. Thanks so much for a post accentuating the positives and sending us off into the new year with a lovely and welcome hint of promise. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and much joy in the New Year.

    1. Thanks,Molly, Here's to wonderful holidays to you, too!

  11. Lovely haiku, Linda. Comfort at the close of the year, that is what my family provides me. Brings a smile to my face remembering that the simple and true is what we really need.

    1. I continue to be hopeful that we will all learn to work together in this new year, Brenda. Thanks!

  12. "I am grateful to be a part of such a caring and creative community. I learn from each of you every Friday." Amen, and amen. Also, LOVE the promises to be found on the "barren" bush. Good reminder that positives can be found if we look closely.

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee, for all the good ideas that have kept us going this month.

  13. I have loved your #commonplace marvels! Looking out my window this morning- it appears there will be many. Very cold, but so, so beautiful! And today's haiku- I agree with Mary Lee about the promises of a barren bush.

    1. Thanks, Carol, yes, it is gorgeous out. Now to get into warm clothes and prep for the outside!

  14. This is absolutely beautiful, Linda. I love your spirit of optimism and HOPE. May your holidays be happy, peaceful, and full of joy!

    1. Thanks you, Becky. Happiest of holidays to you!

  15. Happiest of holidays to you, too, Linda, and thank you for sharing some beauty and hope in, yes, this strangest of years.

    1. You're welcome, Karen. Hoping 2017 holds good surprises for us all!

  16. Cold and dark days are ahead. We'll have to foster the green and light needed for growth together. Beautiful poetry and daily haikus help.

    1. Yes, they do! I know we can keep going, but wish we didn't need to! Thanks, Julieanne!

  17. Time for me to go back and appreciate each of your December creations--knowing that you and others have been along for the journey has made it all work. Lovely photo, lovely sparse words.

    1. It has been a grand group of writers sharing their thoughts each day, I agree. Thanks, Heidi!

  18. I am rooting for sorrow to be cast underground, Linda! Hope you have a wonderful holiday. See you in the new year!

    1. Thank you! I'm rooting too! Here's to a really fine new year!

  19. I am so enjoying your haiku, dearest Linda - especially the ones I am privileged to see on FB. Enjoy your blogging hiatus and time spent with loved ones and family.

    1. Thank you, Myra. Have a wonderful holiday with your family, too!


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