
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Poetry Friday - Points of View

            Karen at Karen Edmisten hosts our Poetry Friday this week. And it seems that her weather has been a seesaw as ours has been here in Colorado.  We've had short sleeve weather for a few weeks now, except colder at night. And today it snowed. Now Karen is posting a poem about a Snow Day!  Thanks, Karen!

              There are five more days left in February, five more poems to write to help Laura Shovan celebrate her birthday month. You can find all about it, here, if you don't already know about it. It is a wonderful group to write with and be inspired by. The addition of reading articles that further inspire is, well, an inspired idea. You're amazing, Laura. You've made each February the month that helps us glide into spring yearnings beautifully.   

             Today I'm sharing another favorite poem from this February challenge. If you ever try this, it can be surprising what comes from a topic and those ten words.

Today's 10 words:
screen -


sticky -

Bonus words: slap shot and saliva

The changing viscosity of frog saliva is the secret to success during the fraction of a second that a frog hits an insect with its tongue.

Some POVs

Too much speed,
and there’s a smash -
winter weather’s woeful.

Soft snow’s great
from window screens -
the only look that’s needful.

Smooth the trail,
shoot down the hill -
slap shot’s skiing’s joyful.

Stick to the tract,
stay out of scrapes -
winter can be blissful.

~Linda Baie


  1. Love the 3rd line of each stanza with the ful pattern at the end. Your point of view is smashing in stanza 1, comical in 2, enthusiastic in 3, and inspirational in 4. I am glad that we are writing buddies and I get to read the poems you send out.

    1. Thanks, Carol. This month reading your poems and everyone else's has been terrific, all unique and thoughtful.

    2. Inspirational journey for all of us involved in Laura Shovan's #10FoundWords project.

  2. Hmmm...I don't know about blissful! I'm just waiting for spring to hurry on over here! :-)

    1. "Blissful" sometimes when bundled up and off to have a snow adventure. Spring is definitely easier with no coat, etc. Thanks!

  3. Laura's challenge is such fun. It also makes me even happier that most of the time, I get to choose ALL my own words. LOL

    1. Yes, sometimes those words are challenging, Brenda. It's been intriguing to see where people's minds end up with them. Thanks!

  4. Nice job -- the different POVs really keep the poem moving forward, each stanza a fresh delight. :)

  5. Hi Linda! I'm really enjoying reading these poems on Laura's challenge! And I love yours that you've posted here. I tried to do the challenge but I found I really couldn't post anything that I hadn't really perfected and worked over ad infinitum, as is my way and then a project took over my mind So kudos on participating.

  6. Nicely done, Linda! The form works well. I like what you had to say about Laura, too :-)

  7. Hey Linda, love the different POVs! This is a fun poem to read. I especially like your last line, winter has been blissful here this year. I think we've only had about one inch of snow! I hope it stays that way!

  8. 5 more days! And then we write a slice every day? My writing muscles are getting a workout. I loved this haiku series of S's. Happy Snow Day!

  9. ha! I can just tell you had fun writing this one. There's a move&groove feel to it. And, who can resist snow? It's such a canvas to play with, play on. Well done, you. I especially like slapshot skiing. Good memories of me on skiis.

  10. This poem was such fun to read - loved the sprightly energy, Linda.

  11. Such a fun poem that gives many different views of winter. I've had such fun with this challenge and am always inspired by the different creations from the same 10 words.

  12. I think that last stanza is the most important one! Blissful, indeed.

  13. Thanks everyone, I appreciate your comments. I've been gone much of the day so will try to catch up with your posts soon.

  14. I like your last stanza, I think it can be applied to one's life anytime of year! (if substituting winter for another season) I'm glad we've gotten some colder temps too.

  15. You've certainly captured the love-hate (maybe that's too strong a word... ambivalence) for winter that I feel throughout the season. Here are my thoughts about now--a stanza in reply to snow in the forecast for tomorrow morning:

    Another dump
    by next daybreak?
    You've overstayed your welcome!

    1. Gone again today, at least much of it. Thanks, Michelle, and Violet, the poem fits today. It' so cold! Thanks for that, too.

  16. You make taking a list of words and finding your voice with them in a poem easy!

    1. Thanks, Mandy. This time it wasn't too hard because I love winter & skiing, but sometimes it's been a big challenge.

  17. Hi, Linda. Thanks for the shout-out. I value our annual writing community.

    This poem takes me back to my skiing days, and how much attention skiers pay to the consistency of snow.

    1. Yes, the kind of snow is a big deal! Thanks again for your challenges!

  18. Nice job, Linda. I like the different POVs in one poem. So many things to like about winter. Though skiing isn't on the top of my list.

  19. Great work! I don't know how you do it, with all those words you have to fit in, but this is wonderful!

  20. Thanks, again to all. Ruth, I'm not sure how we did it either, but many did, & used the words in such a variety of ways. It was fun.

  21. Oooh, love this. For me, winter is blissful only around Christmas time, when I'm lighting candles and making the house all hygge-y, and then...I'm done. :) But never done with poetry. Love the way you used your word list!


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