
Monday, May 22, 2017

Garden Challenges & Wonders

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         It, that bindweed, is back, and I'm out again on the prowl! But in the midst of weeding, I saw such wonders, all busy, moving, eating, growing! I'm glad the weather is warmer, and we've had more rain in the evenings. Plants and trees are happy! And I am, too.
        "The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."   
                                                                                                           ~Henry Miller
Bees have returned!

See those pointy leaves crawling up the leaf?
That's bindweed!

Poppies are ready to break out! And there's a piece
of bindweed! Yikes!

I love watching the roly-polys, or pillbugs
 if you prefer. We used to keep a terrarium
of them in the classroom. Did you know they're
crustaceans, the same class as crabs & lobsters?

A new plant about to bloom. I'm unsure what it is.

Worms are everywhere, and that's good!

Iris about to open.

Roses about to bloom.

A new shrub, related to lilacs, I think. The blooms
smell good, too.


  1. I like all of your pictures of flowers. It's been grey and rainy the past couple of days, so it's nice to see a splash of color. I particularly like the photo with the bee.

    1. We had rain last night, but as you can see, the day was nice. Thanks, Andrea!

  2. Reading your post reminded me that I noticed this morning that the peonies in my backyard are about to bloom. Noticing matters so. I love the quote and agree. When we lean in and look, the ordinary is less so.

    1. My peonies are still in buds, too, surely they will begin to open soon. They bring back wonderful memories from my grandparents. Thanks, Mary Ann!

  3. Love your pictures and all of the wonderful things you've spotted. There are so many beautiful things to see if we just take the time to notice them.

  4. Such lovely photos. As I have known from your writing, you know how to find the beautiful things in life. There is lots of expectation in your post, too. So many colorful flowers ready to open. More good things to come!

  5. Spring is such a wonderful time of the years. So much new growth and new beginnings. Thanks for sharing your findings. I didn't know what that weed was called, but I have some growing in my roses.

  6. That bindweed is beautifully camouflaged in these fabulous garden photos! I've often wondered if that is the purpose of my weeds, to get me to tarry, to slow down, to notice. Love the quote by Henry Miller.

  7. Great photos! Glad you are getting sun. We are under cold and rain. So hoping for a change later in the week. I am out chasing Creeping Charlie - pretty little purple flowers and take over the garden very quickly. Happy Gardening this year!

  8. Hmmm...I call that vineweed. It is SO hard to get rid of. It can grow from 1/2-inch of root. The only good thing that ever came of it, for me, was the presence of a gold tortoise beetle which feeds on it. It was so shiny gold, I thought at first it was an earring!

  9. Loved this walk through your garden! That bee is so clear and vivid. Roses, and irises, and poppies, and roly polys (that's what we always called them) - such fun!

  10. Thanks everyone for sharing your gardening thoughts. I've been gone much of the day, ending at the zoo with my youngest granddaughter. We walked a lot, and saw some ducklings and rode the carousel. And yes, zoo animals were there too, but the peacocks, peahens and geese were a hit, too. Yes, the "bindweed (vine weed?) is terrible and the roots can be short or long, but tenacious! I am keeping ahead of it at least. Happy gardening!

    1. I am glad I visited your post later, now I got two slices in one - the garden and zoo. :) Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    2. Thanks, Terje. We had such fun at the zoo. It's great when one can go for just a few hours. Hope your Wednesday is lovely, too.

  11. Gorgeous. I really need to try to grow poppies in a container. I miss them.

    1. Thanks, Jone. Yes, those poppies are amazing!

  12. Wonderful photos and post!
    Love, love, love the quote!


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